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Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues


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This thread is a constant source of encouragement. To know there are fellow rams, fellow people who understand how I feel is comforting:

Not that I wish any of you ill. It just provides me people to relate 

After reading all posts I realise my problems pale in significance.

i am alone. By choice. I enjoy my own company and relish time to myself to get into my own thoughts:

However; the reality is i darent check this thread, or even this forum for fear that I will be judged unless I've had a few to drink

I only wish I were as brave as everyone else on this thread.

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26 minutes ago, Rambo11 said:

This thread is a constant source of encouragement. To know there are fellow rams, fellow people who understand how I feel is comforting:

Not that I wish any of you ill. It just provides me people to relate 

After reading all posts I realise my problems pale in significance.

i am alone. By choice. I enjoy my own company and relish time to myself to get into my own thoughts:

However; the reality is i darent check this thread, or even this forum for fear that I will be judged unless I've had a few to drink

I only wish I were as brave as everyone else on this thread.

you ONLY get judged here by your football opinion, and even then, someone will agree with you.

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Just now, Rambo11 said:

This thread is a constant source of encouragement. To know there are fellow rams, fellow people who understand how I feel is comforting:

Not that I wish any of you ill. It just provides me people to relate 

After reading all posts I realise my problems pale in significance.

i am alone. By choice. I enjoy my own company and relish time to myself to get into my own thoughts:

However; the reality is i darent check this thread, or even this forum for fear that I will be judged unless I've had a few to drink

I only wish I were as brave as everyone else on this thread.

Hey Rambo. I came on a Derby forum and told everyone I won't be going to many games anymore and have had nothing but support.

I expected a few 'turncoat' or ' deserter' type responses but the forum has been amazing considering.

You are brave for just coming on and speaking out.

I'm a person who takes criticism and negative comments to heart but I'm learning to be able to be honest with what I say / post and if people judge then that's their lookout not mine.

I just do what I think is right and hopefully others will respect this even if they disagree or form an unpleasant opinion of me.

Your comments are as valuable as any one else's.

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21 hours ago, Rambo11 said:

This thread is a constant source of encouragement. To know there are fellow rams, fellow people who understand how I feel is comforting:

Not that I wish any of you ill. It just provides me people to relate 

After reading all posts I realise my problems pale in significance.

i am alone. By choice. I enjoy my own company and relish time to myself to get into my own thoughts:

However; the reality is i darent check this thread, or even this forum for fear that I will be judged unless I've had a few to drink

I only wish I were as brave as everyone else on this thread.

Well done posting mate.

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Just checking in...been a lot better lately but for some reason tonight something flipped a switch and it all came flooding back. All the negativity and misery consumed me for a good half hour/hour and I did something I'm not proud of. I immediately regretted it - hence why I now find myself here.

Aside from that I actually found something that massively helped me lately and that was painting (art not decorating lol). I'm a keen artist and haven't picked up a brush in a couple of years but its fair to say that doing so saved me in many respects. It offered me an escape - somewhere I could totally forget about my troubles and focus on one thing only. Ironically the picture I decided to paint bears a lot of meaning to the causes of my depression but I really feel that it has provided a massive release for me. I have found the whole process of doing this hugely cathartic but honestly feel it has helped and that's where I realise it could help others too. 

I'm not saying that painting is the cure to everyone's problems - but I feel like doing something you truly love and can set your mind to (especially something you love, but haven't had the time to do) can really help lift you up a little. Maybe its writing a song or making music - whatever you find best or you really enjoy. My only advice would be to do that. For me it has helped me express my sadness, the painting feels like a physical embodiment/representation of my issues and that now I've flushed them out onto the canvas, I can maybe get rid of them in some way. Like I say - this may not be for everyone but doing something like this can really help. 

I hope you're all doing as well as possible, LboroRAM x

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  • 3 months later...
Sith Happens

I have been trying to decide if and what to post here, but here goes.

I have recently been referred for assesment by my GP for counselling as she feels I am showing signs of Stress and Anxiety, no idea what the assessment will be like, I have a form to complete which is quite lengthy.

I have my appointment in June.

They feel I have a bit of a perfect storm of events causing this which goes as follows:

4 years ago i was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer, its a strange condition that if well managed i could live a fairly normal life span (with challenges of course).

Last year I was made redundant from my job, they were really good with my condition, i could work at home etc.

I also got a new job which at first went very well although it is more travelling than i used to have.

Late last year i took really ill, and have suffered with severe fatigue since. One of the things with my condition is fatigue and when you are ill it can take longer to recover. I tried to get back to work quickly which impacted my recovery and i have struggled ever since.

Work have been quite good, or at least line managment, i have been mostly working from home, but others within the business, probably not really understanding my illness have not been so supportive, without going into details its been pretty much bullying.

The fact I have this fatigue, worry about not doing the job properly has been a huge strain although i am under occupational health who assure me im protected under DDA because of my condition but still.

The doctors think its a perfect storm of events, and to throw in the mix my line managers have now given me am ultimatium of go off sick for a sustained period to try and recover or return to work fully from the office. They are aware of me referral so im not sure the timing of this is that great, going off sick is ok but i wont get paid so this is a concern to me too.

Part of me does think though just forget it and take the time off and try and destress and get myself well.

I am sure this is nothing compared with what some of you have been through but just felt I need to put it down in words how im feeling.

Anyone got any advice on what to expect with my referral? I guess just be honest with the answers is the best way.

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18 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

Part of me does think though just forget it and take the time off and try and destress and get myself well.

This is all I could say. Plus get well soon. Edit: also making a decision to 'get well' will probably also make you feel better and thus more able to make decisions that are in your best interest. I don't mean to be trite, but you only have one life.

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7 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

This is all I could say. Plus get well soon. Edit: also making a decision to 'get well' will probably also make you feel better and thus more able to make decisions that are in your best interest. I don't mean to be trite, but you only have one life.

Agree with this. 

@Paul71  I don't know about your circumstances, regarding not being  paid and managing somehow, but the only really important thing in all of this, is for you to get better! 

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4 hours ago, Paul71 said:

I have been trying to decide if and what to post here, but here goes.

I have recently been referred for assesment by my GP for counselling as she feels I am showing signs of Stress and Anxiety, no idea what the assessment will be like, I have a form to complete which is quite lengthy.

I have my appointment in June.

They feel I have a bit of a perfect storm of events causing this which goes as follows:

4 years ago i was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer, its a strange condition that if well managed i could live a fairly normal life span (with challenges of course).

Last year I was made redundant from my job, they were really good with my condition, i could work at home etc.

I also got a new job which at first went very well although it is more travelling than i used to have.

Late last year i took really ill, and have suffered with severe fatigue since. One of the things with my condition is fatigue and when you are ill it can take longer to recover. I tried to get back to work quickly which impacted my recovery and i have struggled ever since.

Work have been quite good, or at least line managment, i have been mostly working from home, but others within the business, probably not really understanding my illness have not been so supportive, without going into details its been pretty much bullying.

The fact I have this fatigue, worry about not doing the job properly has been a huge strain although i am under occupational health who assure me im protected under DDA because of my condition but still.

The doctors think its a perfect storm of events, and to throw in the mix my line managers have now given me am ultimatium of go off sick for a sustained period to try and recover or return to work fully from the office. They are aware of me referral so im not sure the timing of this is that great, going off sick is ok but i wont get paid so this is a concern to me too.

Part of me does think though just forget it and take the time off and try and destress and get myself well.

I am sure this is nothing compared with what some of you have been through but just felt I need to put it down in words how im feeling.

Anyone got any advice on what to expect with my referral? I guess just be honest with the answers is the best way.

Really sad to hear this mate,but I'm glad you posted.

If you can afford it mate take the time off and get yourself better.

Take the time and get yourself better mate.

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On 2017-5-22 at 09:26, Paul71 said:

I have been trying to decide if and what to post here, but here goes.

I have recently been referred for assesment by my GP for counselling as she feels I am showing signs of Stress and Anxiety, no idea what the assessment will be like, I have a form to complete which is quite lengthy.

I have my appointment in June.

They feel I have a bit of a perfect storm of events causing this which goes as follows:

4 years ago i was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer, its a strange condition that if well managed i could live a fairly normal life span (with challenges of course).

Last year I was made redundant from my job, they were really good with my condition, i could work at home etc.

I also got a new job which at first went very well although it is more travelling than i used to have.

Late last year i took really ill, and have suffered with severe fatigue since. One of the things with my condition is fatigue and when you are ill it can take longer to recover. I tried to get back to work quickly which impacted my recovery and i have struggled ever since.

Work have been quite good, or at least line managment, i have been mostly working from home, but others within the business, probably not really understanding my illness have not been so supportive, without going into details its been pretty much bullying.

The fact I have this fatigue, worry about not doing the job properly has been a huge strain although i am under occupational health who assure me im protected under DDA because of my condition but still.

The doctors think its a perfect storm of events, and to throw in the mix my line managers have now given me am ultimatium of go off sick for a sustained period to try and recover or return to work fully from the office. They are aware of me referral so im not sure the timing of this is that great, going off sick is ok but i wont get paid so this is a concern to me too.

Part of me does think though just forget it and take the time off and try and destress and get myself well.

I am sure this is nothing compared with what some of you have been through but just felt I need to put it down in words how im feeling.

Anyone got any advice on what to expect with my referral? I guess just be honest with the answers is the best way.

Are you doing ok mate?

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On 22/05/2017 at 09:26, Paul71 said:

I have been trying to decide if and what to post here, but here goes.

I have recently been referred for assesment by my GP for counselling as she feels I am showing signs of Stress and Anxiety, no idea what the assessment will be like, I have a form to complete which is quite lengthy.

I have my appointment in June.

They feel I have a bit of a perfect storm of events causing this which goes as follows:

4 years ago i was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer, its a strange condition that if well managed i could live a fairly normal life span (with challenges of course).

Last year I was made redundant from my job, they were really good with my condition, i could work at home etc.

I also got a new job which at first went very well although it is more travelling than i used to have.

Late last year i took really ill, and have suffered with severe fatigue since. One of the things with my condition is fatigue and when you are ill it can take longer to recover. I tried to get back to work quickly which impacted my recovery and i have struggled ever since.

Work have been quite good, or at least line managment, i have been mostly working from home, but others within the business, probably not really understanding my illness have not been so supportive, without going into details its been pretty much bullying.

The fact I have this fatigue, worry about not doing the job properly has been a huge strain although i am under occupational health who assure me im protected under DDA because of my condition but still.

The doctors think its a perfect storm of events, and to throw in the mix my line managers have now given me am ultimatium of go off sick for a sustained period to try and recover or return to work fully from the office. They are aware of me referral so im not sure the timing of this is that great, going off sick is ok but i wont get paid so this is a concern to me too.

Part of me does think though just forget it and take the time off and try and destress and get myself well.

I am sure this is nothing compared with what some of you have been through but just felt I need to put it down in words how im feeling.

Anyone got any advice on what to expect with my referral? I guess just be honest with the answers is the best way.

Wishing you all the best, if it helps, and a boost is always nice, you're one of my favourite posters on here :thumbsup:

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Sith Happens
On 22/05/2017 at 09:44, RoyMac5 said:

This is all I could say. Plus get well soon. Edit: also making a decision to 'get well' will probably also make you feel better and thus more able to make decisions that are in your best interest. I don't mean to be trite, but you only have one life.


On 22/05/2017 at 09:51, ketteringram said:

Agree with this. 

@Paul71  I don't know about your circumstances, regarding not being  paid and managing somehow, but the only really important thing in all of this, is for you to get better! 


On 22/05/2017 at 13:55, coneheadjohn said:

Really sad to hear this mate,but I'm glad you posted.

If you can afford it mate take the time off and get yourself better.

Take the time and get yourself better mate.


13 hours ago, coneheadjohn said:

Are you doing ok mate?


10 hours ago, philmycock said:

Wishing you all the best, if it helps, and a boost is always nice, you're one of my favourite posters on here :thumbsup:

Thanks all.

To be honest after last weeks attack in manchester It makes me feel guilty for complaining, cant imagine what those poor peoples families and friends are going through.

I have decided to take some time off, with the support of work and my hospital consultant, going to be off until early july.

I am having my meds reduced to see if this helps. Also being tested for another rare blood condition which I am trying not to think about too much, should get my results in a couple of weeks.

As soon as i made the decision to take time off i felt like a weight had been lifted, just need to try and rest up mentally and get loads of excercise, no Jeremy Kyle marathons for me.

Going to get out on my bike and get plenty of fresh air hopefully.

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3 hours ago, Paul71 said:





Thanks all.

To be honest after last weeks attack in manchester It makes me feel guilty for complaining, cant imagine what those poor peoples families and friends are going through.

I have decided to take some time off, with the support of work and my hospital consultant, going to be off until early july.

I am having my meds reduced to see if this helps. Also being tested for another rare blood condition which I am trying not to think about too much, should get my results in a couple of weeks.

As soon as i made the decision to take time off i felt like a weight had been lifted, just need to try and rest up mentally and get loads of excercise, no Jeremy Kyle marathons for me.

Going to get out on my bike and get plenty of fresh air hopefully.

Good stuff,keep us posted.

You have to look after yourself?

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4 hours ago, Paul71 said:





Thanks all.

To be honest after last weeks attack in manchester It makes me feel guilty for complaining, cant imagine what those poor peoples families and friends are going through.

I have decided to take some time off, with the support of work and my hospital consultant, going to be off until early july.

I am having my meds reduced to see if this helps. Also being tested for another rare blood condition which I am trying not to think about too much, should get my results in a couple of weeks.

As soon as i made the decision to take time off i felt like a weight had been lifted, just need to try and rest up mentally and get loads of excercise, no Jeremy Kyle marathons for me.

Going to get out on my bike and get plenty of fresh air hopefully.

You've 100% made the correct decision. Struggling on and compromising your health further wouldn't have been a good option. All the best buddy.

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4 hours ago, Paul71 said:





Thanks all.

To be honest after last weeks attack in manchester It makes me feel guilty for complaining, cant imagine what those poor peoples families and friends are going through.

I have decided to take some time off, with the support of work and my hospital consultant, going to be off until early july.

I am having my meds reduced to see if this helps. Also being tested for another rare blood condition which I am trying not to think about too much, should get my results in a couple of weeks.

As soon as i made the decision to take time off i felt like a weight had been lifted, just need to try and rest up mentally and get loads of excercise, no Jeremy Kyle marathons for me.

Going to get out on my bike and get plenty of fresh air hopefully.

Hope the sun shines for all of June so you can get in plenty of enjoyable riding.

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Been a while since I contributed to this thread and things have changed just a tiny bit since I did back in January.

Diagnosed with depression by the doctor back at the start of April and put on Fluoxetine. I've been going through counselling talking therapy sessions as well, stupidly thinking things would turn around quickly.

Unsurprisingly they're not and since starting medication, I've felt even worse. I've had horrible feelings of guilt which have been racking my brain and body on a daily basis. Countless times a day I'll break down in tears no matter where I am, just struggling to comprehend the mess I've got myself into. Broke my own record today with seven separate trips to the bathroom stalls.

I've got a girlfriend who I love to bits and she knows everything I'm going through and is being incredibly supportive. But over the last few days, I've noticed that I don't really feel anything when it comes to love or passion. I've read about the side effects of Anti-depressants and how they can take away emotions and feelings and I'm terrified they're going to ruin the best thing I have ever had with her - all because I'm not thinking properly.

My mind is constantly telling me I'm a bad person and regularly makes things up to further put the point across. These I could just about deal with, but it's as if it's trying to now turn me against the person I love the most. I've vowed to come off the medication because they've made me feel worse than I ever imagined I could - suicidal thoughts and feelings of worthlessness. I've been on them for six weeks and can't face them for a day more before I do or say something stupid. For me personally, I'd rather take the feelings I had before than have my own mind lie to me and feel nothing.

It's a really strange situation to be in is depression. I always thought it was something that was easily treatable - "oh it's only the mind, it's easy to control" sort of thing. I now realise mental illnesses are the most horrendous things you can get. Has anybody else had these sort of side effects from the pills?

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5 minutes ago, HuddersRam said:

I now realise mental illnesses are the most horrendous things you can get. Has anybody else had these sort of side effects from the pills?

Gosh, sounds really horrible. I know very little about what you're going through but from what you've said maybe you need to find yourself some people to talk to who are going through similar things? Are there any groups that your doctor can recommend? As you've been doing I'd also look into the prescribed medication I was on and also how you're feeling - the internet is chock full of info, be discerning. Best wishes for you and your girlfriend.

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19 minutes ago, HuddersRam said:

Been a while since I contributed to this thread and things have changed just a tiny bit since I did back in January.

Diagnosed with depression by the doctor back at the start of April and put on Fluoxetine. I've been going through counselling talking therapy sessions as well, stupidly thinking things would turn around quickly.

Unsurprisingly they're not and since starting medication, I've felt even worse. I've had horrible feelings of guilt which have been racking my brain and body on a daily basis. Countless times a day I'll break down in tears no matter where I am, just struggling to comprehend the mess I've got myself into. Broke my own record today with seven separate trips to the bathroom stalls.

I've got a girlfriend who I love to bits and she knows everything I'm going through and is being incredibly supportive. But over the last few days, I've noticed that I don't really feel anything when it comes to love or passion. I've read about the side effects of Anti-depressants and how they can take away emotions and feelings and I'm terrified they're going to ruin the best thing I have ever had with her - all because I'm not thinking properly.

My mind is constantly telling me I'm a bad person and regularly makes things up to further put the point across. These I could just about deal with, but it's as if it's trying to now turn me against the person I love the most. I've vowed to come off the medication because they've made me feel worse than I ever imagined I could - suicidal thoughts and feelings of worthlessness. I've been on them for six weeks and can't face them for a day more before I do or say something stupid. For me personally, I'd rather take the feelings I had before than have my own mind lie to me and feel nothing.

It's a really strange situation to be in is depression. I always thought it was something that was easily treatable - "oh it's only the mind, it's easy to control" sort of thing. I now realise mental illnesses are the most horrendous things you can get. Has anybody else had these sort of side effects from the pills?

You need to see your doctor asap, and tell them honestly how you're feeling. 

Show them this post, if you can't face telling him, the fact is there are many different types of drug that can help in your situation, what's right for one is wrong for another, hopefully they can help you find an even keel, but if they don't know they can't help.

Good luck.

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7 hours ago, HuddersRam said:

Been a while since I contributed to this thread and things have changed just a tiny bit since I did back in January.

Diagnosed with depression by the doctor back at the start of April and put on Fluoxetine. I've been going through counselling talking therapy sessions as well, stupidly thinking things would turn around quickly.

Unsurprisingly they're not and since starting medication, I've felt even worse. I've had horrible feelings of guilt which have been racking my brain and body on a daily basis. Countless times a day I'll break down in tears no matter where I am, just struggling to comprehend the mess I've got myself into. Broke my own record today with seven separate trips to the bathroom stalls.

I've got a girlfriend who I love to bits and she knows everything I'm going through and is being incredibly supportive. But over the last few days, I've noticed that I don't really feel anything when it comes to love or passion. I've read about the side effects of Anti-depressants and how they can take away emotions and feelings and I'm terrified they're going to ruin the best thing I have ever had with her - all because I'm not thinking properly.

My mind is constantly telling me I'm a bad person and regularly makes things up to further put the point across. These I could just about deal with, but it's as if it's trying to now turn me against the person I love the most. I've vowed to come off the medication because they've made me feel worse than I ever imagined I could - suicidal thoughts and feelings of worthlessness. I've been on them for six weeks and can't face them for a day more before I do or say something stupid. For me personally, I'd rather take the feelings I had before than have my own mind lie to me and feel nothing.

It's a really strange situation to be in is depression. I always thought it was something that was easily treatable - "oh it's only the mind, it's easy to control" sort of thing. I now realise mental illnesses are the most horrendous things you can get. Has anybody else had these sort of side effects from the pills?

Sounds a horrible time for you right now.

I hope that in time you will appreciate what your girlfriend and others see in you.

In the meantime please be honest with your counsellor about how you truly feel as well as telling your GP because it sounds like your medication needs to be reviewed.

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