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  1. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to Gritstone Ram in Wycombe threaten to sue and send us into admin. if we stay up!   
    Didn’t the EFL and Boro hold the process up in the first place? Should they be sued. Also where were Wycombe during these seasons? They weren’t in the Championship.
  2. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to Ramchope in Wycombe threaten to sue and send us into admin. if we stay up!   
    I live very local to Wycombe and have been to most home games the last few years so I guess I'm sort of a part time fan when not watching Derby, and I'm really disappointed by Couhig with these comments. Everything he has done since coming into the club has been spot on, but these comments are really ill-judged and opportunistic.
    I think the majority of Wycombe fans will be feeling the same today, they were not good enough to stay up and really only went up due to the covid situation and I think most fans would feel very uneasy staying up like this. If anything, Couhig should be mad at the EFL for delaying their own preparations for next season.
    Way to blow all that good will they've created this season as well. 
  3. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to Rammy03 in Wycombe threaten to sue and send us into admin. if we stay up!   
    Oh duck off. You only got into the championship through a technicality yourselves. Wycombe weren't good enough to stay in the division, simple as that.
    When this was all going on, you were probably a non League club. But now you want to jump on the bandwagon because you might have a chance of shithousing your way up again and profiting off our mistakes. Our mistakes that were cleared by the EFL years ago, which actually haven't even given us an advantage.
    How about we go back to the clubs that have actually cheated and gained an advantage? What about them? Oh no let's all gang up on Derby. What a joke. 
  4. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Olton Ram in Wycombe threaten to sue and send us into admin. if we stay up!   
    I'm no lawyer, but I'd have thought the use of the phrase "systematic cheating" is actionable. We've been through a disciplinary procedure that cleared us of any wrongdoing re. the sale of the stadium, and that censured us for using unusual but entirely legal amortisation procedures. Publically accusing the club of cheating is a very serious claim, and if I was the club's lawyer I'd be writing to this bloke pretty sharpish. The EFL have already dragged our name through the mud; we don't need every other gob***te joining in.
  5. Haha
    Kathcairns reacted to hintonsboots in EFL Verdict   
    I’ll pay for the Skip .
  6. Haha
    Kathcairns reacted to Ted McMinn Football Genius in EFL Verdict   
    With it all in 1p coins ????
  7. Haha
    Kathcairns reacted to ram59 in EFL Verdict   
    How about the 20,000 season ticket holders all turn up at the same time, at the EFL hq, with a fiver each, to pay the fine?
  8. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to NottsRam77 in EFL Verdict   
    Here ducking here… great post mate 
  9. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to Raich Carter in EFL Verdict   
    Just a thought but filing accounts is a legal requirement for HMRC. EFL, no matter who they think they are, do not have the same powers as HMRC so I'm not sure that, legally speaking, DCFC are obliged to re-file. They could generate a new set of accounts based on the preferred practises of the EFL for the EFL but legally, they're not allowed to instruct DCFC to re-submit accounts - only the HMRC can do that. Obviously they can do under the guise of membership to the league, etc but they don't have the legal standing to demand that sort of stuff.
    And it is very obviously a set-up. As soon as the new accounts are submitted, based on 'normal' amortisation, then they'll come back at us and gives us a points deduction - they have to to save face. This is gonna rumble on for ages and as has been said, it's a massive cloud over the club for both us and potential signings. This is already damaging enough so there needs to be some mediation here to get it done and dusted. 
    The EFL are utterly feckless. Despite thinking they're hard and tough, they're just playing at it. If they really wanted to nip this whole thing in the bud then kick us out of the league to stop it happening again. At times, I think I'd rather than than this death by a thousand cuts.  
  10. Angry
    Kathcairns reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in McClaren, what !!!   
    Well that is exactly what I'm waiting to happen so was surprised to hear he could  be going.  Hopefully just pub talk but we will see.
  11. Haha
    Kathcairns reacted to i-Ram in McClaren, what !!!   
    McClaren will be talking about Newcastle next, but he will sure as hell deny it.
  12. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to DCFC Kicks in Garry Cook   
    I wasn't trying to suggest you didn't think Mel was passionate, I was just disagreeing with your praise of Leicester and there owners. I agree with you other points.
    I would actually rather have Mel (2014 Mel) as an owner than Leicester's, at least he actually wanted Derby specifically. Leicester could have been any club, they didn't care about there history etc. The main difference between the two is that they've been on the opposite ends of the luck spectrum. I think the long term aim of Leicester's owners are to improve Thai football and use Leicester as a way to funnel Thai players into the PL. I know I'm getting away from your point ? but it just really annoys me the constant fawning over them.
  13. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to Reggie Greenwood in Garry Cook   
    If the owners were that good they would have repaid the local businesses inc St John’s Ambulance that got stiffed. Never even paid for the stadium they couldn’t afford . 
  14. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to DCFC Kicks in Garry Cook   
    I'd say Mel is (or was) very passionate, the only difference is when Leicester cheated the gamble paid off and when we did it (if we actually did) we we're unlucky. Leicester have been incredibly lucky on several occasions in recent years. If they got relegated in 14/15 they would be struggling in the Championship with there FFP problems.
    It annoys the amount of praise Leicester's owners get. They don't own them just because they're such good people, they're main reason for owning them is just to use them as a form of sportswashing for Thailand. Just like Abu Dhabi use Man City 
  15. Haha
    Kathcairns reacted to roboto in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    Any updates that aren't bickering about history and sizes of other clubs?
  16. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to Comrade 86 in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    Is Leeds finishing 9th in their first season back in the premiership is also another strange stellar alignment, never to be repeated too? Just wanted to check what aspirations are acceptable and which are not ?
    Let's be honest here. Nobody is suggesting that we're going to do a Leicester and top the Premiership, only that there are as many plausible reasons for us securing an owner who is a good fit, as not. We're probably due a change of luck anyway, for those that believe in such things.
    Honestly, I think it's very odd that something so simple is such a massive stretch for you, but if a half empty glass is you tipple of preference, so be it. Perhaps pessimism is how you insulate yourself from the bumps in the road, who knows, but not everyone wants to think that way and no matter how dismissive you choose to be, it wont change the fact that you've been presented with arguments that are every bit as plausible as your own. 
    And FWIW, even if the possibilities being mooted were as outlandish as you portray, others will still dare to dream, irrespective of the outcomes and no matter how much anyone rubbishes the club or sneers at their relentless optimism. Why? Simply because for many, the dream is what being a supporter is all about.
  17. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to RoyMac5 in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    Yours maybe. Can't see a problem if they have the money. They will not make Rooney King, they'll run us as a business.
  18. Haha
    Kathcairns reacted to zaragozaram in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    I´d probably start supporting Forest instead.
    Said no one ever
  19. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to TuffLuff in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    I’m no Mel apologist, I think the writing has been on the wall for a long time. Or atleast from summer through to Cocu’s departure. 
    But...I don’t know whether this article quite passes a good journalism test and I’m highly sceptical where they get their information from. You have to consider that someone wants that information out there. This isn’t ‘Derby is in a mess, and we’ve seen the figures to back this up’ it comes across a second hand info. It’s more speculative than investigative. 
    The club is in a dreadful state, and what’s actually been going on is slowly coming to light, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna lap up every article out there that agrees with that viewpoint without question 
  20. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to MrPlinkett in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    I have two reasons for going to watch Derby, firstly im a Derby fan but secondly its the time i get to spend with my Dad, hes been making noises about not renewing anyway, he doesnt like whats involved with getting away as its so busy, so its crossed my mind that ill take him to some non league games just to spend that time and have a beer after like we used to. I guess id do that if the club folded, i cant imagine just switching to another club, i guess that might build up over time
    I think you are right there would be a Derby County of some description, no doubt would be a wild ride watching them from non league, i am quite envious of clubs like afc wimbledon, when they got in to the league it must have been such a fantastic moment for their fans.
  21. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Reggie Greenwood in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Would never support another club. Would either watch the reincarnation of the Rams or dip in and out of local clubs like Mickleover Sports and Matlock Town that I have an affinity with. 
    Might pop to the odd local game with my mate who follows a couple of clubs. 
    I would cancel Sky Sports during the football season as have no interest in other Prem or FL clubs 
  22. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to May Contain Nuts in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    I guess I would have to start watching Mickleover, but I don't know if I could be arsed, even though it's only a 15 minute walk to the ground.
    I've already pretty much stopped watching any football that doesn't have some impact on / link to Derby so I expect there's every chance I could stop watching it altogether.
  23. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to CornwallRam in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    I always think of Notts County as my 2nd team - both my Dad and Father in Law played for their reserves, so I'd probably follow them a bit more closely and make a couple of trips to Meadow Lane.
    I assume though, that we wouldn't have long to wait before we had a Derby County phoenix club to follow...and then I'd become obsessed with AFC Derby County.
  24. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to duncanjwitham in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    It wouldn't surprise me if we'd done some kind of gardening-leave type thing, so instead of paying him a lump sum in compensation, we're still paying some fraction of his wages until he gets another job.  So maybe if he doesn't get another job for the next 4 years, we might in theory end up paying him £8m, which fits with Morris quote's about it being a worst case scenario.
    Likewise, the £20m HMRC bill is presumably deferred PAYE/NIC etc, so it will have to be paid, but they're not going to be demanding it all tomorrow. Many clubs, and many other businesses in general, will have used this scheme, and if HMRC start demanding massive payments upfront, they're just going to cause mass bankruptcies, so they will probably take a sensible approach.
    The Dell loan also presumably has a payment schedule attached. They won't be demanding £15m tomorrow.
    The entire article seems to be taking the worst case scenarios, and the total payable over many years, and assuming we owe it all tomorrow.
  25. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to ariotofmyown in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    I've seen that phrase used a few times recently on here.
    Tabloid scum like the Mail exist because people trot out that phrase.
    If you were accused of a crime you didn't commit, would you want to be judged by someone who believed there is never smoke without fire?
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