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Posts posted by Ram-Alf

  1. 3 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    It's not that people don't want us to succeed, it's that a lot of people (correctly in my view) rate our chances of success as absolutely minimal at best. The EFL will make sure of it, even if we succeed they will appeal, drag it out, get another hearing and so on and so on and we will be locked in yet another arduous process that simply extends our spiral in to madness.

    All togther now............Oh No They Wont!!!!

  2. 2 hours ago, metalsheep02 said:

    Well one of the administrators was parked in Mel's parking space for Saturday's game so unless Mel walked in he probably wasn't there.

    Mel is a fan so hopefully he feels that he can attend when it suits him going forward.

    That will be the best way to enter Pride Park.

  3. 5 minutes ago, MuespachRam said:

    the reason Derby County Football Club went into administration is so so simple..... Mel Morris stopped putting in the money to keep them out of administration.....that is it, nothing else....If he was still pumping money into the club we would not be in administration.

    How does that work.

  4. 10 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

    I’ll ask @Boycie to see if he’s owed owt. 

    He did some minor electrical work on the floodlights before the Wimbledon game in 1997 and never did get paid….

     I was going round with a card with 80 teams on it at the time, People guess which team is under the tape at the top of the card put their name in the box and give me £1, Then the floodlights went out...those Blackouts are a nightmare.

  5. For those who can remember, Derby Vs Burnley, Eddie Howe was the manager, This is probly the 1st time I really noticed timewasting gamesmanship as a tactic to slow the game down, I think we lost 0-1, The tactic was to break play up, For us to lose control of the game and to see the players lose a little heart.

    It's another tactic that has infiltrated physical sports, Predominantly in football, Player loses the ball, Ball moves forward, He goes down holding his head, A couple of passes later the opposition kick the ball out of play, 2 Physios come on one holding the players head the other giving instructions on how to combat the opposition.

    It's a no win situation, The Ref is stuck between a rock and a hard place, There's so much within the game with dare I say "compensation culture" that just in case this is a genuine case the game has to stop, Eriksen of Denmark being a genuine case.

    Rugby Union and Rugby league the Ref will signal "stop the clock" for an injured player, While their treatment continues, We have all the techknowledgy in todays world to do as other sports do...it's time we did it.


    Anyone watch the England Vs New Zealand Womens Rugby Union game at the weekend, Blood and snot all over the place, Even going face to face as no backing down...these Women put the mens football game to shame, And if Hannah Botterman told me Saturday was Tuesday...I'd agree with her

  6. 3 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    Have you got a link to an article please where the EFL stated that they were disappointed/shocked with Derby's decision to challenge/appeal the sanctions made against them, don't remember seeing that one but there's been so much dissemination of information regards our case recently then that's hardly surprising.

    The DET reported the EFLs dissapointment...below


  7. 3 minutes ago, RamsfanJim said:

    Hmm, Sleightholme should have known better - he should have done his research before getting involved with those characters as they used him as a respectable front man. I don't know whether he personally profited from involvement, or just took the kudos from being a club chairman. He was not charged, so cannot be seen as personally corrupt.

    Andrew Mackenzie introduced them - and took a cut of the illegal funds, which is why he was jailed along with Keith & Mackay. I was in Northampton court to see it... ?

    I thought Sleightholme was a little wet behind the ears, Niave, Stupid or incorrigible but fell into the role of a Patsy, As for profiting...just expences at most.

    That's it Mackenzie all got too little prison time for my liking.

  8. 19 minutes ago, Archied said:

    It’s a long time ago so memories are muddled but wasn’t ramstrust treatment of Pickering rather shameful and helped lead to the coop bank and 3 amigos debacle? If I remember rightly there appeared to be some grudges against Pickering being played out

    LP had a signed agreement with the Co op that if monies owed by DCFC he would be personly liable, The Co op came calling took the reigns then sold to the 3 chancers for 300pence,  I felt a little sorry for Sleightholme, He got into something that got him deeper into bother.

    Who put Keith et al forward?

  9. 4 minutes ago, Red Ram said:

    You should read Pride by Ryan Hills. Ramstrust put a comprehensive 100,000 word dossier together which exposed Mackay and Keith to be the dodgy individuals they were. @RamsfanJim was personally involved in putting it together. Credit where it's due...

    JW will get all the credit he deserves, There's no axe to grind with this fella.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Mick Harford said:


    I know, I've seen the invoices submitted by all of them to the club. Best one was MM having an invoice in for expenses for scouting at the African Cup of Nations, whilst also having 2 stays at Breadsall priory during the same time period invoiced, when questioned the DCFC staff member was told to pay it and not ask questions. That was symptomatic of how it was run.

    The ex-coppers company also repossessed the DCFC cars from Keith et al, which was nice for a team of all Derby fans!

    I had the good fortune to see Jeremy Keith on the subway in London not long after his release, I was on the same carriage, I shouted to him you "theiving Bas***d" I'm DCFC, The Ex Wife told me to be quiet, A good job for him that she was there.

  11. 7 minutes ago, Mick Harford said:


    I know how that started, with Lionel employing an ex-DCI from Derbyshire Police who had previously worked for the FA on the Chesterfield fraud, his company did all the pre-investigation and compiling evidence that enabled the Police to actually take it as a job.

    Jeremy Keith was interviewed on Radio Derby at the time, He admitted to paying himself circa £60k a year with a very lucrative expense account, A family member was paid very well for the sound system, Keith complained about the method of interview as he had his Children in the car outside...bless him.

  12. 20 minutes ago, RamsfanJim said:

    Exposing the 3 amigos and helping to bring in the 'League of Gentlemen' to take over the club rather than SISU - in my opinion.

    Some would say it was the RPG who exposed the "3 amigos" and RT clung onto thier coat tails looking to claim the spoils.


  13. 10 minutes ago, Coconut's Beard said:


    Football clubs don't tend to have a collective conscience (albeit they often pretend to, they never do when it matters), they're in it for themselves, they're in competition with each other not in collusion; anyone who challenges the status quo is going to find themselves very much isolated with at best a handful of clubs willing to back them up.

    Do we need look any further than our own doorstep for proof of what happens to clubs who challenge the rules?

    You've got head honcho of the EFL telling us wall the ways in which the system is broken while at the same time  slapping us down for pointing it out years ago, and for trying to work a way around it!


    Thou shall not upset the apple cart

    ie, We(EFL)negotiated the TV rights with Sky and got what we THOUGHT was a good deal for all.

    A few clubs including us(DCFC)knew we had a good product but the EFL under sold that product according to those who wanted a better deal for all.

    The EFL have never forgotten or will they forgive, The EFL don't like to be told they're wrong, And some other Chairman are piling in for their own vanity.



  14. 10 minutes ago, ossieram said:

    How many are active members?

    I posted earlier about John Richardson who joined years ago. He wasn't happy with what the trust and asked for his membership to be cancelled, he was still registered as a member over 12 months later even though he hadn't paid since he originally joined.

    I also see people saying people should join if they are not happy and change things from within.

    Is it possible to change the trusts policies or are they written in stone for all official clubs trust groups?

    I agree with you comments on Big John.

    All supporters groups are very similar to a Union, They are there to speak on behalf of their members, Not "all supporters", Every 2 years you'd need to be Proposed and seconded to have your name put forward, If there wasn't another member who would challenge you then if you wished you carried on for another 2 years, If challenged then a ballot was organised where your members worked and a vote would take place.

    Not knowing how RT works or how those on the top table get to be Chair and Vice Chair, But a good guess would be...no one else wants to be put forward, Or those who are in place of influence have a magic tongue to convince members they are the person to carry on with their work...in essence it's down to the members to challenge and put themselves forward.

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