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Posts posted by TomTom92

  1. Just now, Sparkle said:

    Never want to see injuries to other players - remember poor old Forsyth having 3 ACL here and Belick with two is it? 
    I want to beat the opponent who are at full strength 

    I wouldn’t wish injury on anyone but as I’m not god and injuries are part of the game I’m not going to complain at a potentially season defining moment going in our favour. 
    Think with the injuries you’ve highlighted and Thorne’s we’ve paid our dues on the bad luck front.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Brailsford Ram said:

    Can you please enlighten us less informed observers with some of the names of the available players who we have missed out on as a suitable replacement for Osula?

    Can’t be bothered to back up my statement with facts but it’s a sad state of affairs if there isn’t an Osula replacement out there, he was hardly Harry Kane.

  3. Can’t help but think a lot of people I’ve brought the media line about us not being able to pay for agents, fees etc so that rules us out. 
    So there’s no other striker in England or Scotland that’s of the same standard as Osula, on roughly the same money and with no need for a fee? Don’t believe that for a second.

    Who we could’ve brought in might not of been a world beater but as others have alluded to if it’s that or having to stick Barkhuizen up there I know which one I’m picking.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    Looks like there was nothing for them to report on after all. So, to describe them as being as much use as a chocolate fire guard looks like being a bit harsh.

    Well there was White. Plus it would’ve added to the drama to have an update at midday that we’re in negotiations re a right back and striker. 
    But no we get deathly silence before a tweet saying we’re in dead lumber.

  5. Just now, Barney1991 said:

    Maybe not for the first team maybe as dom from radio derby said no more first team news expected 

    I assume that’s the case but it’s pretty weird for him to comment on a derby u21 signing.

  6. 25 minutes ago, Big Trav said:

    Don’t shoot the messenger but I’ve heard Lyle Taylor being mentioned again, on a permanent deal 

    I’ll be astounded if he’s still a Forest player come the end of the day. Although I thought I heard last window that he’s on a decent wage so unless he’s signing for the joy of the game I’m a little sceptical of this.

  7. To be fair the timing of Bird’s injury is fortunate for us, allows us to bring another body in. 
    To be fair though we have options to cover him, just means Rooney playing right back or Knight playing in the two.

  8. Not sure if it would be against the business plan or whether DC doesn’t want to make risky moves without the access to a crystal ball. But is there not scope for us to make a bid for a player, sign him, us pay nothing for the next 18 months and then come the end of the restrictions we can magically pay a full transfer fee as an “instalment”?

  9. 1 hour ago, Carl Sagan said:

    I don't mind that at all, and your and @Brailsford Ram's replies. I just see many parallel universes in which Mel was successul, Derby are a reasonably high-achieving Premier League club and he is lauded by the fanbase. It could easily have happened. But I think there was also desperation towards the end, which made the decisions far worse. Bringing Rooney in to undermine what I thought was the excellent appointment of Cocu was the end for me. Brailsford talks about the Clement transfers. If Hughes and Bryson hadn't got injured in that opening match, the spending would have been unnecessary and we'd have gone up. Had Thorne not been injured against Shaktar, we'd have gone up. Had we been a little luckier and picked a better team againt Villa, we'd have gone up. So many nearly moments... 

    Whilst I think Mel is a cretin, I do agree that if the ball spun the other way he’d be held in quite high regard by everyone including myself. 
    Also whilst his decisions in hindsight look disastrous, we’re about the only team in the last 10 years to splash the cash and not go up, so very unlucky in that regard. 
    However the fact he was ready to let Derby burn means that any leniency I would’ve given him as long gone. 
    Anyway back to Paul Warne…

  10. I should’ve stayed in tonight and got the popcorn out reading this thread. 
    I’m not sure I’m a fan of prolonged ‘I was right and you was wrong’ posts. 
    We all want Derby to do well and we all have opinions on what makes going to the matches worthwhile and what makes a manager/team good. 
    I feel pretty smug at the moment because my instincts on Warne appear correct but I’m sure there will be 100 times in the future when I’m wrong. It’s part and parcel of posting on forums. 
    Hopefully this thread can go back to discussing the manager and not what posters stated 2 months ago.

  11. To be fair this is how the summer window went. LR saying we had a couple of irons in the fire and then come deadline day it was sorta confirmed by local outlets on twitter that we was up against signing anyone. 
    In the end we got Osula in. I think history might repeat itself and we’ll get one more in probably on deadline day.

  12. Thought the comparisons were crass when Warne was appointed and they’re even worse now it’s january. 
    I think LR must be thanked for his efforts and for assembling a decent team with the restrictions in place. He also managed to sign “good characters” which PW also rates highly. 
    We’ll never know what LR would or could’ve achieved if he’d been given a full season. For me the football was slow and I think we’d have finished 6th at best. But as I say I’m not psychic so my opinion is irrelevant.

    One thing everyone can agree on is that the team are on red hot form at the moment and at the moment the PW appointment is looking a masterstroke by Clowes.

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