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Posts posted by TomTom92

  1. 43 minutes ago, Blondest Goat said:

    Literally one more goal in any number of games would've got us into the playoffs so bringing in another striker would almost certainly have made a difference.

    Not sure it would’ve got us up. We’ve been flagging for awhile. 
    I agree we needed another striker.  It think the impending overhaul of the squad will be were we strike gold or not.

  2. 2 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Warne likes a small squad, and when you look at who he did bring in in January it's not very comforting. But since then we've gotten new recruitment people in, so it's got to be better? Just can't get over not getting *any* other striker in, lack of goals has cost us.

    I know from our previous exchanges you don’t buy in to the tired squad excuse. I personally do. 
    Can’t help but think that the drop off of goal contributions from anyone other than McGoldrick suggests somethings amiss and for me it was due to fatigue. 

    Agree with you regarding the striker comment but not sure this would’ve got us over the line. We need goals throughout the squad. 

  3. Pretty sure a rival fan upon confirmation of our league 1 status came on here and gave a summary of what we had to look forward to. Poor referring was definitely a point that was covered. 
    If you look at how poor the refs are in the PL then it’s logical to suggest they’ll only get worse the lower the standard.

    Upon the decision against Ipswich most of their fans agreed they’d gotten away with one. But said they’d had that many stinkers that it was their turn to have some luck. 
    Think we’ll see plenty more blunders from refs next season. But ultimately the best two teams will get autos regardless of decisions. The cream always rises to the top and so on.

  4. 10 hours ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    Rasiak, Idiakez, Smith and Bisgaard was a fantastic summer.

    Saying that, our L1 equivalent is McGoldrick, Hourihane, Mendez-Laing and Smith. Not too bad.

    Not sure whether it was Burley or somebody else identifying the signings but our recruitment that season was something else. 
    Also the above example proves that you can build a good squad on limited resources and that a poor window shouldn’t be accepted as “we’re under restrictions so what do you expect.”

  5. 38 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:



    I think @kevinhectoring meant they are only two points behind, (not goals).

    Your scenario is otherwise correct.  👍

    The post above by @TomTom92 is not. 
    We could still drop out with a draw, if Posh win by 3 goals.  This would level up the goal difference, and Posh already have a better Goals Scored column. 

    There's a nervy day to be had, over in S. Yorks!  🐏

    I meant they’re 3 behind us on GD. If we draw and they win by 3 away to Barnsley then fair play. But my original post is suggesting that this scenario is that unlikely that I’m (rightly or wrongly) discounting it. If we get a point we’ll do it. Feel free to quote me if Posh explode and do mission impossible.

  6. Will remember the few days/weeks at the start of the season until i pop my clogs.

    It being confirmed that DC had saved us, coincided with my partner starting maternity leave, so an impromptu celebratory meal was had.

    Going to a friends birthday party on a sunny saturday, going to the loo (the seal was broken), checking twitter to see we'd signed a couple of players. Going back 40 minutes later to see we'd signed more etc. Was class.

    On the pitch I don't think i'll get true satisfaction until we go up. Which if we do this season then the recent weeks will be part of the tapestry to a good season. 

  7. 8 hours ago, Kokosnuss said:

    You've actually hit the nail on the head in a round about way when asking "can you even begin to imagine the repercussions for them if...?" 

    All throughout the ordeal, and throughout previous clubs' ordeals, the EFL's main concern has been their own image, making sure that they had their own backs covered so as for no blame to lie at their door. 

    Dhead as he was, Morris had a point about the EFL's inability to properly govern the leagues in a way which created fair competition, about parachute payments and about their inability to sell their product for the right sort of money. It never sat right with them that he had pointed this out and you'd better believe that it had some impact on the way we were treated when Mel's own b******* hit the fan.

    Of course it wasn't their intention to see us go out of business, that would be madness, but it most certainly was their intention to levy against us as many charges as possible and apply as high a level of punishment for those charges as they could get away with. They went to great lengths to ensure that anything in their rulebooks that was open to interpretation, that could be dealt with  at their discretion on a case by case basis, was interpreted in whichever manner most turned the screws on us.

    Indeed the very real proposition of our demise was not their intention, but an oversight, missed because they were more focused on getting their own back on Mel Morris than treating us in accordance with their treatment of other clubs 

    It was an outcome for which the chances it stood to occur had been exacerbated by the nature in which they had pursued their case against us and their failure to deal with others taking action against us, itself brought about because their own failings had put them in an impossible situation whereby Gibson was threatening to sue them!

    Their archaic incompetence is only highlighted by their very actions risking their priority number 1, self defence of their public image. It was crushed when the politicians started getting involved.

    By the end they were s******* themselves at the prospect that this nearly happened on their watch, but still of course they wouldn't hold their hands up and instead came out with some nonsense that made it sound like they were the ones responsible for vetoing Kirchner's bid.

    Probably the best sum up of the situation i've seen. 

    At some point in the future we'll get to the PL and i really do hope we can sing 'f*** the EFL' for about the last 15 minutes of that fateful match (hopefully it can be a PO final to really show them up on national tv). We will never forget, just like we won't forget Mel's part or Boros and Wycombe's.

  8. 2 hours ago, Sparkle said:

    Yes some are way too harsh - if the others around him had similar stats we would likely be in the top two positions I suspect 

    Think in isolation he's had a good season. The issue comes with his name and reputation, when he signed it was part of the HMS pish the league vibe and maybe understandably he's not as dominant now in comparison to his performances for Barnsley and Villa.

    Whilst I can't see anything bad about him, when the chips are down i wouldn't back him to single headedly drag us across the line like McGoldrick. But as i say overall we can't complain. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Rich3478 said:

    Doesn’t the exact same scenario apply to us and Wednesday?

    hopefully we can win at home Saturday against a side with nothing to play for.  That leaves posh needing two wins which looks doubtful

    barnsley away is just as tough as Wednesday away for us. Matching their result should be enough. Think we’d have all taken that a month ago.

    Agreed. I’m just naturally more pessimistic about Derby’s ability to do the job. 
    Definitely would’ve taken this position a month ago though as I was adamant that we’d fluffed our lines.

  10. On 23/04/2023 at 10:49, Loughborough Ram said:

    They will be challenging for top spot in league 2 next season.

    It is way over the top but I like the story, I think they bought the club for the right reasons and seem determined to go as far as they can rather than a short term publicity stunt.

    In my opinion the EFL need to wake up to the benefits of social media and putting their product out there instead of sitting in the corner and doing what they are told by the premiersh*t.

    They consistently undersell the product they have and maybe having a glimpse into how Wrexham generate interest and money may bring them kicking and screaming into the modern age.

    I also hope, by the way, that Notts County get promoted.

    Spot on. It was the PL after all that instigated the breakaway.

    Streaming services are the future and with big teams dropping in to League 1 there's more interest in the lower leagues than just the championship. Alas Sky have renewed their contract with the EFL so coverage will continue to be championship based and a odd Salford/Wrexham match.

  11. Arguably if Barnsley have a chance of the top 2 come the posh match this could work against us. They'll throw the kitchen sick to try and win which could give posh chances on the breakaway plus come 70 mins if news breaks through that their goose is cooked they may throw in the towel and allow posh on to them for a late goal.

    Unless we win both matches there's no certainty regarding our situation. I believe 4 points should be enough but that does mean us showing some kahunas which is always an issue.

  12. No point getting too hung up on teams of the season etc. every team will have players they believe should be in it. Hourihane has had a good season but IMO he shouldn’t be in the team and McGoldrick should be. But like I say it’s not that important.

  13. Very frustrating that it’s gonna go down to the last match of the season. I thought Bristol might have given posh a game but they lost to port vale today and have Plymouth midweek. 

    If only we’d not screwed up Shrewsbury, MK Dons or Bristol City we’d have two feet in the play offs. 
    Really don’t like Barnsley potentially not having much to play for as well. Think we may need a point against weds to squeeze in.

  14. Fair play to Burton for their achievements, but personally it does irk me that so many small clubs are achieving these days. I know that's an arrogant statement to make but it is a sickener that the likes of Bournemouth, Brentford and Brighton are clogging up the PL with Luton, Hull and co in the championship and then there's us and Wednesday in the dirt. 

    It may be just me personally but would i'd rather watch Wednesday v Ipswich over Brentford v Bournemouth or Luton v Rotherham any time. 

    Anyway i think Burton will annoyingly put a performance in (as they always do) but we'll have just enough this time to scrape a win. 

    2-1 Derby.


  15. Worth adding that 'if' we did get promoted, restrictions would probably be lifted a bit more than if we stay down.

    If the recruitment team nail the summer then there's no reason why we wouldn't have a competitive team for the championship. 

    The hard part is going up and that's on Warne to try and magically get us winning against good sides. But for now i don't think we should be too hard on ourselves. 

  16. I'd also add that whilst McGoldrick has been class and at the moment we should be renamed 'McGoldrick FC', I'd rather he had scored 21 times rather than amassing 21 goals but with blanks in-between. 

    Obviously this is a fantasy notion and as others have said, clean sheets and midfield contributions are just as important see the Billy Davies season with Stevie Howard as the main man and other chipping in accordingly with clean sheets being collected for fun (until the wheels came off). 

    Plus the traditionalist in me, likes the idea of a striker firing us to glory, as opposed to a miserly defence being the main contributor. So if we could carry on recruiting a 20 goal a season striker that would be appreciated. 

  17. 1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Sorry but you don't speak for me here, I certainly didn't enjoy it.

    As a football fan I pay to be entertained at matches, not watching time wasting and grown men rolling around pretending to be hurt.

    Its really beginning to spoil my enjoyment of matches.

    I know there's the argument of 'everyone else is doing it so why shouldn't we', that's how it started when foreigners introduced diving into our game too and look how bad that has got.

    We've regularly called out players for cheating this season so it would be hypocritical not to do the same when its our players doing it.

    The Exeter fan is spot on and I see why his opinion is what it is. But do I care? Not one bit. As long as we win come full time I don’t care if it’s by hook or by crook.

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