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Posts posted by Footymum2017

  1. 5 hours ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

    I'm no fan of Mel anymore, he deserves a lot of the stick he receives, same with Pearce, but, protests shouldn't be aimed at them, they should be aimed squarely at the EFL.

    It surprises me that some fans haven't clicked onto who the real enemy are. Protesting against Mel Morris will have Rick Parry licking his lips, and Steve Gibsons no doubt. Any protest against Mel, regardless of our feelings, is another dent against the club.

    Protests need to be pre-arranged, before and after the game, banners with words to the effect that the EFL are destroying football. The media need to know so the protests get air time and we need a spokesperson who can appear in the media and give facts as to why we feel we are being harshly treated. Such as; if the EFL hadn't signed off all our accounts we wouldn't have paid 10 million for Bielik, or 4 million for Jozwiak, or x amount for Wayne Rooney.

    In all of this, we don't have anyone visibly representing Derby and trying to set our story straight.

    I am absolutely sick to the back teeth of the EFL and Rick Parry, I would rather see us play non-league football and fight them to the hilt than bend over and accept guilt!

    If Mel Morris reads this (he won't), you have made lots of mistakes, but you have my full backing on this, fight the barstewards right to the very end, don't accept any points deduction, at least until the EFL accept liability also.

    Protest against the EFL not Mel!

    It surprises me that some fans believe all the BS that comes out of the club!

  2. 38 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

    Saturday's U18 game against Liverpool now postponed because of Covid in the Academy:



    I think they have closed the whole academy for 2 weeks, 4-6 in the 18s are positive and also quite a few 23s, they've all been mixing in different training groups so I'm not sure if some of the players that played last night will also be affected

  3. 15 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Because even if we were looking to sell Sibley we'd have to be mad, Mel to sell to Wendies? So yeah to do what, loan him out? Was only the Hudds game that Rooney was saying how well he'd done and then in the Salford game.

    Why do we think he's not in Rooney's plans? Because someone's mother thinks so. No problem but is it still the same? Is he being played to increase his price, although the Wendies will obviously be able to afford a few hundred thousand...

    As I’ve said before, I only put on here what I’ve been told by a reliable source. If you don’t like it the fair enough. We’ll see if anything comes of it but as we all know things change quickly in football.  It was to sell by the way not loan.

  4. On 10/08/2021 at 15:13, Carl Sagan said:

    Told he's not in the manager's plans. Of course he won't go to Reading, but he will need to think hard over the rest of the transfer window whether to bide his time at Derby and wait it out until Rooney goes, or to take a move now to play regularly and show the world what he's capable of. 

    Is he finally going to get a start tonight against League Two Salford? I hope so, but am not at all sure he will. It must be soul-destroying for the lad.

    Sheffield Wednesday interested aswell I think.

  5. 8 hours ago, San Fran Van Rams said:

    Yes, the buck stops with Mel, but I actually think a lot of the blame also needs to go on Pearce's doorstep.

    As CEO, Pearce should be responsible for the day to day management of the club. He is responsible for managing the clubs finances responsibly and making sure we remain a viable business. The whole accounts fiasco is his to clean up, so is the communication with fans, so is the relationship with the EFL. Its his responsibility to ensure that players get paid on time, for making sure that contracts can and are provided to players. For making sure the strategy set by the board/ownership is implemented effectively. None of that he has done. I see nothing from his tenure as CEO to suggest he has been successful and meet whatever objectives he's been set.

    I can't actually believe he's kept his job through the whole fiasco. It seems to me that Mel has had to perform the CEO position. 

    I think he is just Mels 'yes' man!

  6. 31 minutes ago, Philmycock said:

    Someone at the club has

    I'm not sure why you think that just because I have a different opinion to you.  I know a lot of people at the club, parents of academy players, first team players and their families, previous directors, which probably gives me a different perspective on the club because I hear the ins and outs of what is really going on.

  7. 9 minutes ago, RandomAccessMemory said:

    I don’t like to criticise, but I don’t think the Punjabi Rams have helped here, I understand why they wanted to get ‘something’ out there quickly, people were almost begging for information, but tweets with limited information wasn’t the best way to do it. There’s no context, no explanation as to when, or why, something was said. Was it in answer to something? Was it a tiny comment amongst a longer statement?

    Look at the storm it has apparently caused, that comment on no transfers, people read into it what they want, and now we hear that it’s causing problems with the staff and players, when it’s one interpretation of one comment amongst a 4 hour meeting, by one person.

    I completely understand why @David wants to get everything out in one post, when he’s had the chance to get it all down. This is what happens if you get out of context snippets.

    If staff and players believe what a fan group is saying on twitter then there are more problems in the club than we all thought!

  8. 40 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    He was attempting to keep us up - you missed the point. You'd rather have been relegated with no strikers then? You are so sure that Cocu and Mac played youth through choice, but at least they had choice. 

    I don't think Cocu did have a choice, he was told by Morris that he had to play them, he just managed them better when he played them.

  9. 5 minutes ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

    Why is it impossible?

    Its not impossible for Mel to sit down with RamsTV, Radio Derby and be asked questions that supporters what answers for.

    Or for the meeting with supporters tonight to be filmed and put on RamsTV for us all to watch. 

    We've done it many times. I remember the one at the cinema, there's been one at Pride Park. 

    There's literally no excuse for us not to be able, to at the very least, watch the forum on RamsTV.

    To pick and choose who goes and not at least give access to all the fans to watch either live or after the meeting is over is disgusting.

    Plus it does seem that groups like the Punjabi Rams have been asked to sign NDAs.


    I’m struggling to see what the point of the meeting is if any information from the meeting can’t be shared! The groups invited should refuse to go if they have to sign an NDA

  10. 3 minutes ago, Wolfie20 said:

    This poster seems to have issues with the Club because of what she sees as being an injustice towards her son In one of the junior Rams teams.

    Drops out a comment on Sibley and low and behold, some posters are more than happy to take it as gospel. Hilarious!

    My son isn’t at Derby. I know a lot of people who’s sons are and also some friends and family of older rams players. I’ve got nothing to gain from making things up. I’m not saying that he’s going to leave just what has been said to him. I rarely post anything but felt that this would be of interest to people. 

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