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Posts posted by Mihangel

  1. 12 minutes ago, Ambitious said:

    I would imagine that the club would still have both players on the payroll, but with heavy fines for effectively going on strike. 

    it would be interesting to see if what the punishment to Werder Bremen would be for playing an ineligible player, if that's proven to be the case. I can't imagine they will risk playing him until that's proven to be the case. 

    I'd imagine Byrne is having a much more difficult time of it as he's likely to have only interest from English clubs. The EFL have already stated their stance on this situation so Byrne won't be able to play for another club without us releasing his registration. I'm really not sure why he's gone about it in the way he has, because he isn't getting a move to a top flight team like Buchanan (despite being the substantially better player) because he's an undersized 30 year full back who has played his entire career in the lower divisions. He might not even earn more money than he's currently getting paid by Derby. 

    He would've been a very important player for us this season, a chance to build on his already respected reputation and he's chosen to throw that out of the window, s******* on the new owner and the fans in the process, so let's see what for? He could've just requested a transfer and been wished all the best. Shame.  

    Yes - And now he's on Slack Alley, weak negotiating position because any potential suitor will know he's not going to be terribly welcome back here. Rat.

  2. 27 minutes ago, LazloW said:

    Anybody trying to read anything into anything in this game needs to give their head a serious wobble.  We're still some way short of having a full squad and so it is inevitable that some players are going to be out of position in pre-season.  Its the same every season; we know pre-season is about fitness and, for us this year, giving trialists games - and yet - every year we get 'analysis' of the games. Mental.

    Just watch and enjoy seeing a bit of footy on a lovely summer's day (although we're all inside watching it on RamsTV!)

    Zip it Shrimpy, we're gonna win the league! ?

  3. 20 minutes ago, Foreveram said:

    No my head is not in the sand,I hesitated to post because some on here try to twist things to suit their own narrative. If you actually read what I said it was that its a worry that so many-people have not got savings.

    My point is that you sounded surprised - That baffled me - working class people are struggling, they're not awash with cash and in very difficult times savings will be depleted. You are correct, it is a worry, but it's also a reality. It breaks my heart that people can't afford to eat but it also hurts me if they can't afford a season ticket when it's a big part of their life.

  4. 39 minutes ago, Foreveram said:

    Not in any way wishing to sound condescending but it does make you worry about peoples future if they haven’t got a few hundred pounds savings that they could access . My sons has already said he might have to borrow the money from me.

    Has your head been in the sand for the last couple of years? People are struggling, (especially) young people don't have these savings - More than ever, people are living pay packet to pay packet so they might be able to find £40 a month for a ST but it's no surprise that many don't have a spare few hundred quid.

  5. 7 hours ago, Rammy03 said:

    How many season ticket holders do we usually have does anyone know? 

    No idea, but I doubt we would normally have that many. I mean, most people won't have sat there waiting to hit the button! Many will 'get round to it', many will be figuring out how to pay for it, many will be waiting for DD. I think it's a staggering number for a L1 team.

  6. 16 minutes ago, TheresOnlyWanChope said:

    Don’t think anyone is obsessed here- it’s an interesting point of note that on Bristol forum (and others) there are obsessive people about DCFC. It’s funny although at least one of them may have mental issues as it’s not normal to join many boards to bang on about Derby. Really bizarre. 
    Crazy how people think Derby have ‘got away’ with anything as well. It really is a distorted reality when people know only half truths and Chinese whispers. 

    He is a very odd character, he kind of thinks he's 'winning' as well, it's very very strange. A few months ago he even temporarily created a twitter account and tweeted myself among others on this board implying he'd 'found us out'. The odd thing about the OTIB board is that nobody ever thinks to say, hang on, stop, this is rowlocks!

  7. 8 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    Agree with your first point, credit cards can be a slippery slope. This is the wording on the official site which to me reads as there could still be an option in time or at the very least some clarity as to why not;

    Direct Debit

    The option for supporters to purchase via Direct Debit is unfortunately not currently available. The club will provide an update on this situation when it is able to do so.

    I did a bit of Googling this morning and can’t see a reason for a new company not to have a direct debit option, as in no rules that say a business cannot. So maybe it’s just taking time to finalise the details and it will be an option in the near future? Or maybe not. As with so much relating to Derby it’s wait and see time 

    No reason why they can't do it but it definitely takes a few steps to enable it - Looks like 'up to 10 days' which wouldn't be a disaster. I guess we can forgive a newco that has been running for 2 working days!

  8. 3 minutes ago, Indy said:

    No option to pay in instalments. Unless I’ve misunderstood?

    Correct, I assume it's because of the clubs recent change in status, access to credit, that sort of thing. Hopefully resolved soon but probably will have a small impact on sales.

  9. 26 minutes ago, Animal is a Ram said:

    Perhaps you haven't been here long enough to know that you're arguing with someone very knowledgeable about the u23s and u18s...

    A hat trick from centre mid, by the way.

    There's absolutely no evidence that he's playing as a number 10 there. Well, other than he's wearing number 10. Oh, and playing where a number 10 plays. But apart from that, nothing!

  10. 3 hours ago, SamUltraRam said:

    Mr Pop is still trying to drum up anger from other fans though.

    On the Wycombe forum there's a 'Bristol City fan in peace' appeared encouraging them to keep after us for compensation.

    I wonder who the the 'Bristol City fan in peace' might be ??

    There's also a Derby fan on there (not me) who seems far too friendly to them for my liking

    The deal is done - I don't believe for a second that they can get anything from us now, it's over, let it go.

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