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  1. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to Stive Pesley in Warne Out - Crowdfund   
    Some football fans are just mental aren't they?
    Here's your daily reminder that the last time we had a manager who was "good enough" for us to actually win something was 16 years ago, and since then we have had 17 more managers who were not "good enough" for us to win something
    So if you genuinely want to throw your own hard-earned money at this situation in order to roll the dice one more time, then you need to give your head a wobble
  2. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to Mostyn6 in Warne Out - Crowdfund   
    fans who treat managers like this bring deserved bad luck onto the club and the fans who don't deserve it.
    Behave with class. 
    It's one thing asking for better from the club, but to behave like entitled and unrealistic whingers is another.
  3. COYR
    Rammy03 got a reaction from Premier ram in Warne Out Out   
    Or he wants to give him time. We're 5 points off the playoffs with 2 games in hand. We are poor but we're in October. The season can be salvaged.
  4. Like
    Rammy03 got a reaction from Carnero in Warne Out Out   
    Or he wants to give him time. We're 5 points off the playoffs with 2 games in hand. We are poor but we're in October. The season can be salvaged.
  5. Like
    Rammy03 got a reaction from Caerphilly Ram in Warne Out Out   
    Or he wants to give him time. We're 5 points off the playoffs with 2 games in hand. We are poor but we're in October. The season can be salvaged.
  6. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to Chris_Martin in Are our players as good as most think ??I   
    how do you explain the countless times throughout football at various levels where a new manager comes in and plays a different style of football and suddenly the team is transformed?
    A perfect example being tottenham this year. Really struggled last season playing defensive football with antonio conte. They bring in an attacking, possesion based manager and with almost the exact same squad they are absolutely flying top of the premier league. This is despite losing harry kane aswell.
  7. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to Rev in How Paul Warne survives!   
    I think we've reached the point now, when a manager starts clutching at straws, desperately trying something new to stave off the seemingly inevitable parting of the ways. 
    I'd imagine tomorrow's training session will see Sonny Badley up front, Josh Vickers banging it long up to him, and James Collins so far offside he's mostly retrieving the ball for goal kicks. 
    Warne will return to the managers office in despair, coffee in one hand, Winter 2023/23 holiday brochure in the other.
    He'll thump his head on the desk in sheer frustration, and begin typing out his resignation letter. 
    "FFS, even this desk is against me" he'll moan, as his fingers struggle to hit the right keys as the table wobbles precariously back and forth.
    Investigating further, he realises the force of the head butt has dislodged a dusty old folder being used to even out the wonky desk legs. 
    He picks up the folder, expecting its probably just some old accounting ledger we didn't want the EFL to see, and wipes the dust from the cover.
    'The Steve McClaren playbook'.
    He opens it gingerly, like Indiana Jones opened the Ark, and gazes in rapt wonder at its contents. 
    He realises, for the first time in his life, that the ball serves its purpose better on the floor, passing can be better than running, and effort is no substitute for ability. 
    He slides the holiday brochure back under the table leg, and sets to work typing up his new vision of football management, ready to impart this knowledge of his staff and players, and before we know it, the Rams are flying up the table. 
    All I needed was time, he'll declare to the local media upon automatic promotion in April 2024.
    It's October 2024, and the Rams are struggling to establish themselves back in the Championship.  
    The fans are unhappy, the owner's coming under pressure to make a change, so Paul dips once again into his managerial bible. 
    It's done him so well, so far, but try as he might he can't find any answers. 
    He knows there's a section called Plan B, but he's never had to delve that deeply, all his prayers had been answered in the first section, so he was saving Plan B for the Prem. 
    Needs must though, so he turns the page eagerly.  
    Plan B.

    It's blank, obviously, apart from a picture of a giant mug, and a Newcastle telephone no.

  8. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to Jourdan in Are our players as good as most think ??I   
    People speak about this squad in such glowing terms.
    The best in the league? Anything but top two is a failure? I can’t understand why.
    If you have a number of players playing at a level below their actual level, this tends to shine through and become very telling very quickly. See Leicester in the Championship currently.
    In our 15 months in League 1, the only player to really genuinely evidence that on a consistent basis has been McGoldrick. The rest of the players have performed like a top half League 1 team and with the exception of 15 games last winter, they have not looked out of place at this level whatsoever and that should be a massive concern.  
    This is not a top two team masquerading as a top ten team, and one that will greatly surge up the table if things change.
  9. Like
    Rammy03 got a reaction from Stuniverse in So who would we have then?   
    I'd be very surprised if he was sacked. We're only 5 points off 6th with 2 games in hand. We've still won more than we've lost.
  10. Clap
    Rammy03 reacted to hintonsboots in So who would we have then?   
    He’s on record as saying he always wanted to manage Derby County.
  11. Clap
    Rammy03 reacted to Barney1991 in So who would we have then?   
    Similar to warne probably. Don’t get the sentiment for warnock. If you hate the football under warne then you will hate it under warnock. I’d rather consolidate in league 1 this season under a manager now with pass and move football with a clear identity and something that gets me up and excited to go watch games and then go for it next season. At least if we lost yesterday and I enjoyed the match and could see development I wouldn’t have grumbled 
  12. Haha
    Rammy03 reacted to RoyMac5 in So who would we have then?   
  13. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to KBB in How do we get investment into the club   
    Approach people who publicly want to invest in Premier league clubs and sell them the "wrexham" dream of going up the divisions under their ownership and them becoming legends.
    Imagine how much that might appeal to the right persons ego to take us from league 1 to premiership in say 5 years.
  14. Haha
    Rammy03 got a reaction from Archied in Derby County vs Stevenage (A) Match Thread   
    I'd take Lampard back 
  15. Haha
    Rammy03 reacted to Bris Vegas in So who would we have then?   
    Trading Warne for Ainsworth would be like trading dog turd for cow dung. 
  16. Haha
    Rammy03 reacted to Shipley Ram in So who would we have then?   
    Gareth Ainsworth is available now.
  17. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to G STAR RAM in Warne Out Out   
    If the goal is to get to The Championship, how is hiring someone with 3 promotions to The Championship a shocking decision, which is what the poster said?
  18. Clap
    Rammy03 reacted to Tyler Durden in Warne Out Out   
    Left by mutual consent. Euphemism for being sacked. With the club bottom of the league.
    Apart from that yer exactly the same as Cocu.
  19. Clap
    Rammy03 reacted to G STAR RAM in Warne Out Out   
    So you was enjoying watching us playing 100 passes between the back 4 whilst drawing 0-0 with Shrewsbury or losing 2-1 (I think) to Lincoln.
    As you say, everyone to their own!
  20. Haha
    Rammy03 reacted to Walkley Ram in Warne Out Out   
    Luckily he'll be history soon
  21. Clap
    Rammy03 got a reaction from Derby4Me in Derby County vs Stevenage (A) Match Thread   
    Warne has clapped the fans from a distance and walked off
  22. Angry
    Rammy03 got a reaction from S8TY in Derby County vs Stevenage (A) Match Thread   
    Cocu won 1 out of 11 games in the 20/21 season. I'd say he got far more leeway
  23. Haha
    Rammy03 got a reaction from Jimbo Ram in So who would we have then?   
    Better off keeping Warne
  24. Clap
    Rammy03 reacted to RoyMac5 in Derby County vs Stevenage (A) Match Thread   
    Nah! That's a typical meme given to lots of teams that beat us.
    Their third goal was lovely football. They played on the deck better than we did too.
  25. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to YouRams in Pro Warne   
    Stevenage, don’t care if it’s Pep at the helm we lost to Stevenage bet they’re laughing their nuts off down the road.
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