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  1. COYR
  2. Haha
    IslandExile reacted to Tyler Durden in The Spread of Goals (& a League One Goalscoring History)   
    I'd have gone for 29......
  3. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to jono in Summer Rumour Mill   
    I know many will moan about another "old" striker but Waggy isn't a fool, works hard, clearly loves the club and would almost certainly fit well in the dressing room. 
    I have a sense that this team will win games by being a team rather than living on moments of individual brilliance from a star player. 
  4. Like
    IslandExile got a reaction from hintonsboots in Trevor Francis - RIP   
    Never forget Cloughie before he signed him presenting him with some Midlands TV Award and the now famous: "Young man, take your hands out of your pockets".
    Peter Taylor on the BBC clip said they'd been trying to sign him for 8 years:
    1979 - 8 = 1971
    He should've been ours!!!
    RIP Trevor.
  5. Like
    IslandExile got a reaction from SKRam in All time Legendary Left-backs - Craig F Ranking?   
    David Nish.
  6. Sad
    IslandExile reacted to oomarkwright in Chris Bart-Williams RIP   
    Another Forest player has just died.  49. 
  7. Haha
    IslandExile reacted to therealhantsram in Trevor Francis - RIP   
    Wonderful Cloughie clip on the ITV news website. Being typically awkward with journalists and finishing with a brilliant one liner.
  8. Haha
    IslandExile reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Summer Rumour Mill   
    @Big Travbeing escorted out of Moor Farm after finally being discovered by the staff.

  9. Cheers
    IslandExile reacted to Big Trav in Summer Rumour Mill   
    Been told to expect some movement this week, couple of ins and potentially a few outs. My guess would be Rhodes in and maybe a 10 on loan. Outs would be some of the younger lads getting some first team minutes 
  10. Clap
    IslandExile got a reaction from MarsdenRam in Trevor Francis - RIP   
    Never forget Cloughie before he signed him presenting him with some Midlands TV Award and the now famous: "Young man, take your hands out of your pockets".
    Peter Taylor on the BBC clip said they'd been trying to sign him for 8 years:
    1979 - 8 = 1971
    He should've been ours!!!
    RIP Trevor.
  11. Like
    IslandExile reacted to Mucker1884 in Trevor Francis - RIP   
    Holy crap! 😲
    This is far too close to home for comfort, from an age/era perspective.  An absolute shocker, this one.
    It goes without saying that we'll not mention that one particular evening in May '79 against the Swedish hairdressers, where he played a not too insignificant part in what I oft refer to as "One of, if not the most miserable week of my life". (There was more to that week than just the football, I hasten to add, but he certainly didn't help matters!)
    That evening aside, he was undeniably a decent sort.  Excellent at his craft, and apparently kind of the heart, and deserves my utmost respect.
    As an aside... There was once word (From Sir Brian himself?) that the transfer fee was deliberately and consciously something like 1p (or £1?) short of that magic million mark, as Sir Brian didn't want to burden TF with that particular load!  My memory is far too vague to assert whether that was true or not?  🤷‍♂️
    Hey young man... sleep well, yeah!
  12. Haha
    IslandExile got a reaction from jono in Jordan Rhodes - gone to Blackpool   
    Season will be over before this signing happens.
  13. Clap
    IslandExile got a reaction from Magicman in Style over Substance?   
    We demand consistently good results with attractive football.
    After all....
    We are Derby County 🐏
  14. Sad
    IslandExile reacted to Gaspode in Trevor Francis - RIP   
    Trevor Francis has died at the age of 69 after a heart attack at his apartment in Spain.....RIP
  15. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to angieram in Most despised XI   
    Crazy list. Middleton and Moreland were both nice guys who would never replace in the fans' affections  the great players of adjacent seasons. Just weren't in the same class.
    McGovern - classy footballer who played at the very top of the game for us. Did the hard work and was always under-appreciated.
    A small element of Derby fans have always liked to heap derision on a scapegoat of their choice. Cyrus Christie, Kelle Roos, Morgan Whitaker, spring to mind from the recent past.
    It says a lot more about those so called fans than it does about the players. 
  16. Like
    IslandExile got a reaction from 21CSchizoidRam in Style over Substance?   
    We demand consistently good results with attractive football.
    After all....
    We are Derby County 🐏
  17. Like
    IslandExile got a reaction from jono in Style over Substance?   
    We demand consistently good results with attractive football.
    After all....
    We are Derby County 🐏
  18. Like
    IslandExile got a reaction from strawhillram in Style over Substance?   
    We demand consistently good results with attractive football.
    After all....
    We are Derby County 🐏
  19. Like
    IslandExile got a reaction from Tamworthram in Fantastic French Advert   
  20. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to May Contain Nuts in Summer Rumour Mill   
    Literally the only time in Waghorn's 16 year career where his attitude and professionalism has been questioned by any of his managers, quite the opposite in fact, and it's by Wayne "I'm leaving Derby so I can spend more time with my family in Cheshire.... by moving back to Washington DC"  Rooney.
    I think I'll take what Rooney said with a huge pouring of salt.
    I think he later said he regretted his comments anyhow.
  21. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to Retro_RAM in Summer Rumour Mill   
    Davies got a lot of deserved credit for signing a waiver to help the cause on the final game of the season and went on to become a Derby icon for what he did for the badge that day. However did we forget about Waggy for the grit and determination he also showed that game? Real body on the line stuff and motivating from the side line.
    It shows that both love the club (like we do) but Waggy's heroics seemed to have got overshadowed by Davies.
    I'd say give him a shot, strength in depth and all that.
  22. Haha
    IslandExile got a reaction from Ellafella in Fozzys Big Day Derby vs Stoke   
    Should've made the game against Forest. That would've filled the ground, not least with the Forest squad.
  23. Like
    IslandExile reacted to Ram1988 in Summer Rumour Mill   
    I would like and go for Waggy too. He would actively press, get about and have a sense of pride wearing a ram on his shirt and not just a pay cheque.
  24. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to i-Ram in Summer Rumour Mill   
    Really nice guy, and even though he would struggle to trap a bag of cement, I would be happy to have him giving his all in a League One campaign.
  25. Like
    IslandExile reacted to maxjam in Summer Rumour Mill   
    How can you not like him...
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