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Posts posted by Gee SCREAMER !!

  1. 14 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    People choose to have zero hours contracts, Posting what CK has people have no choice.

    I'm not sure many people choose to have no sick pay, annual leave, work pension, guaranteed income or redundancy benefit normally on the lowest pay that someone can get away with.  They may choose a flexible work contract if it suits but that's different.  a really poor argument. 

  2. 20 minutes ago, England Ram said:

    Lots of us were onboard when a possible Saudi relative was going to take over. 
    That issue was related to human rights and most were willing to let it be. 

    Forest fans who have a very boring existence outside of worrying about Derby getting bought are dragging up over a decade old set of tweets without asking for an explanation. Tweets mind you, Ill advised and in some cases very wrong by most of societies view. 
    No context, no recourse, no room for change or maturing over 10 years but let’s post them and make it a massive issue. 

    I hope these same people are on twitter daily calling everyone to repentance who doesn’t say things they agree with or say things that are wrong by the society they live in. 

    As long as he treats everyone at the club with equality and doesn’t discriminate either directly or indirectly he can think what he likes (even if they were not taken out of context).

    Sodding words over 10 years old and we have this rigmarole. Ridiculous.  


  3. 22 minutes ago, The Scarlet Pimpernel said:

    I'm pleased things seem to be making progress regarding buying the club but why oh why, after all the bad press we have had do we have to end up with this guy? 

    I don't like his tweets, old or not, and I don't like his response when he failed with his bid previously. It won't stop me supporting the club as always but blimey, do we ever get a break!! 

    I certainly think that if a lease of the stadium is likely and with less than 25% of the liability outside of football debt being cleared upfront and less than 35% overall, I could probably get someone to do better by ringing round the phonebook.  Especially with future transfer fees owed coming in at points to negate the football creditor outlay greatly.  4 million admin fees ok then.  Why did we bin of the Binnies ?

  4. 2 minutes ago, Kernow said:

    I think he’s incredibly naive. I don’t believe he has those same thoughts now, or I should hope he doesn’t. Lots of people feel the confidence to write things they don’t really feel or believe on social media because it’s a “safe” space rather than saying it in public. The only issue is it stays there and you forgot you’ve said it.

    I’ve had Twitter since 2009 when I was a teenager. I never wrote anything like that but I couldn’t remember some of the stupid things I must have written. There are tools you can use to clear all your tweets, or anything from before a certain date. I did that before going to uni and applying for jobs, because you just don’t want people seeing childish things that aren’t a reflection of yourself today.

    I find it hard to believe, that even if he’s forgot he’s said that, that he didn’t consider doing it before entering into the publicity. He knows people would go snooping, professionals get caught out all the time from it.

    There didn't seem to be much of it when he was on the point of buying Preston.  

    What the feck is this - another Forest twit setting up his own account now the real ones disappeared.




  5. 2 hours ago, Animal is a Ram said:

    I see the latest trend from Forest and Leeds fans is now to dig up some really old tweets from CK. They're a little troubling, sure, but I'd like to hope he doesn't still hold those views.

    Apparently, it's not because it's Derby they've been sending these to Journalists and the EFL, it's all about correct ownership.  I assume they had their emails in draft for the last 8 weeks while he was buying Preston and just forgot.

  6. Hopefully this comes to fruition out of desperation .  Lets be honest though, we wanted Ashley despite his unwillingness to shell out enough initially.  Previous experience and lots of cash going forward would surely be better than a fella who shouts a lot and seems rather amateurish and very unprofessional.  He also seems to want to stamp and storm off at the slightest variation to plan .  

  7. 4 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

    Notice Rooney said tonight only 3 players actually under contract, two with options. We know Buchanan has an option, the other 3 are from Sibley, Bielik, Knight and Bird. I believe Sibley, Bielik and Bird are all under contract until 2024. We thought Knight was under contract until 2023, but I can only therefore assume the final year is an option and so he’s currently set to leave for free…. That’s quite a big revelation.

    Sure it's till June 2023 - This in the DET seems to confirm it. If three clubs are eyeing Knight, as is being reported, that would drive up the fee. He is 19, under contract until the summer of 2023 and he has bags of potential. That would suggest any interested club would have to sign a big-money cheque for Derby to consider selling. 

    Article also highlights over 40 million quid in sales made in the previous 2.5 years . Add another 9 million for two managers and a Weimann. Where the bloody hell did all that go. 


  8. 48 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    There is a very slim chance we would stay up B4, very slim indeed if Reading win tomorrow. If we can have the ownership resolved and start afresh next season on 0 points in League 1 that would be fine by me….

    Will it be one of those scenarios of 'you wouldn't have stayed up anyway with the 15 points so we deduct them next season' like Wigan had and had to get 61 points to avoid it. Not sure.  We've lost that many points I'm losing the plot 

  9. 7 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

    Preston make it clear Kirchner won't be buying them

    + Kirchner tweets "it will all become clear"

    = Kirchner will be named as Derby's PB.

    2 + 2 = 5

    This is the same fella who spent 3 weeks calling everyone in the admin team and Morris shithouses.  Shouldn't they be sending someone round to tell him off like the supporters they keep bothering.  Unless he pulls 50 million out his arse of course, then it's all a misunderstanding and all's forgotten I expect.

  10. 33 minutes ago, Topram said:

    Sounds like Mike Ashley is after Cardiff 

    According to them, he'll have to wait till the normal ones dicked around then spat the dummy two months later.  We know who this is don't we.

     just been told an American has asked how much they want for the club…..wonder who that could be

    Kirchner has now taken to Twitter today and posted: "In time, everything will make sense.




  11. 8 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

    Problem is Q thought they’d sell for enough to clear MSD. So the deal they did early on with Morris was presumably: if you play ball with us, you don’t have to pay off MSD.   He’s now in the position where he’s paid off Gibbo, he’s allowed use of the stadium rent free,  and Q are now saying, oh dear we got it all wrong, we need you to pay another ?15m. 
    Two things will really stick in his craw - first, Q have through gross incompetence, contributed to the shortfall including though their own mounting fees. And second, if he bails the club out one last time and if things go well in the next couple of seasons , he’s just made a parting gift to the new buyers. Or that’s how he’ll see it 

    whatever, Mm needs to get on with it and agree a deal 

    We owe him back rent per the EFL statement

    Surely he negotiates a payment based on any new owner getting in the premier league as someone's effectively picking up his rather pricy Champagne bar tab and getting a bottle of Lambrusco as a thank you, pretty simple.  They won't be making any money for a long time.

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