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Posts posted by Gee SCREAMER !!

  1. 9 minutes ago, Addingham Ram said:

    Would that by any chance happen to coincide with the departures of Jagielka and Shinnie?

    Totally screwed over by the efl.

    Yes.  The Jagielka loss was the one.  Said last week Davies was absolutely on his arse and Stearman should come in for few and they may as well stick Lawrence up top.  They did 50% of that.  I fancy we have 6 or 7 more points from the last 6 games with those two.  Shinnie wasn't technically gifted in anyway but good for a point or 3 against the Millwalls and Blackburns.  Jagielkas organisation is a 10 point swing.

  2. 2 minutes ago, DerbyRam! said:

    Everyone go and read their forum, what a bunch of disgusting Bamfords!

    Bet they would sue us as well for "taking points from them and cheating" if they could.

    "Hope that ducker hitting the post sends them down"

    "I ducking hate Derby. I hope the Bamfords go bust"

    "Dabo has every right to go for that"

    "Nonsense decisions from this referee today. Pathetic and obvious he’s just facing to the crowd. Do they have performance reviews?"

    "Ref gives them everything they shout for"

    "Cheating Bamfords"

    "They deserve to go down"


    I'm just glad they have Waghorn now!

    (? came on at 70 minutes right? Did he touch the ball?) I love Waggy for everything he did for us, and we could do with him now even, but he was never worth what we paid!

    They’d love for a club who skirted regulations and got caught to escape the subsequent repercussions.

    I don't want them to go bust, but I hope they go all the way down to L2 after their shenanigans.

    These twits like the rest seem to have forgotten we had 21 points deducted.

    And you right the bilge is running like a river on this one


    Hope those Bamfords go down now, ducking diving ricks. They had the ref on their side all game we played pretty much 90 minutes with 10 men on the pitch.

    7games left for them and 5 points from safety. Thankfully they’ll get relegated this year

    They are fuckd needed a win today only 7 games left couldn't happen to a nicer bunch

    This one will be hounded out of town now

    Can't believe ppl moaning about pen. It was a pen be it o hare dumb late kickout or sheaf clumsily bundling in.. And they shud have had one for Dabos kick up the balls earlier too.


  3. 6 minutes ago, SBW said:

    I disagree that Stearman is physical, i've seen him be bullied quite a bit, he's about 10stone wet through.  


    The point I am making is, Rooney I think is looking to next season and preparing what he might have then, rather than those who won't be around.  

    We can still stay up in theory, particularly if you can go 2 points behind, you have to play to win not worry about game time.  It was poor game management.

  4. 10 minutes ago, SBW said:

    I think Rooney has moved to playing more of the lads who he is hoping will be around next season, hence Knight, Stearman, Ebosele and Plange on the bench and and giving Thompson, Cashin the opportunities to get more experience.  It's the logical thing to do in my opinion.  

    But he's also saying that he knew what was coming second half at Blackburn and we lacked physicality - we have Stearman and Bielik sat on the bench.  Stearman is probably the most in your face, physical defender on the books .  You can't moan about young players and the physicality holding sway when you do actually have an option to give it back. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Ramarena said:

    I’m thinking it’s Beilik, Bird and Thompson as a midfield three with Morrison and Lawrence playing as a number 10 and false 9


    7 minutes ago, Ramarena said:

    Hope I’m wrong but our midfield and attack look awfully one dimensional.

    No runners from midfield or pace to be seen.

    Why is Knight devoid of games in midfield, a better player than Thompson in every way at this stage.  Ebosele may as well not be there today, if he's signing for another club this week he won't be used or will do nothing if he is.  Waste of a space

  6. 8 minutes ago, sage said:

    I like the Quad but yes we have let a lot of old buildings fall into disrepair. 

    The worst damage was done in the 60s and 70s I think.

    Yep a lot of clearance in the 60's under a planning law that any building retaining war damage of any kind could be removed.  The  assembly rooms building sits on the site of Erasmus Darwins old house - I believe the façade was retained and is at Crich Tram museum- and a pub around the same age as the Dolphin.

  7. 15 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    Its horrible. However, its got some kind of protection order on it I think, as a perfect example of a brutalism design. The Quad on the other side looks equally weird in my opinion as does the massive orange sun glare contraption in the middle of Friar gate and the prison looking thing that they built as cheap as possible dominates the area round Queen Street.  In the meantime, the old John Flamsteed/ Whitehurst house at the top of the hill falls into complete disrepair.  As one of the Cities, probably the Midlands most relevant buildings, I'm sure the disregard for it would impress any panel.  I expect more beauty to replace the art deco Debenhams.


    4 minutes ago, sage said:

    I like the Quad but yes we have let a lot of old buildings fall into disrepair. 

    The worst damage was done in the 60s and 70s I think.

    I almost forgot the delights of the Handyside bridge on Friargate- the only one he ever built.  Has it still got netting all over it to stop pigeons nesting- read stop chunks falling off and hitting cars- An absolute disgrace that.  The council solution to maintaining it seemed to be drilling holes in the metal to drain off water last time I looked.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    The Assembly Rooms was a soulless brick mausoleum 

    Its horrible. However, its got some kind of protection order on it I think, as a perfect example of a brutalism design. The Quad on the other side looks equally weird in my opinion as does the massive orange sun glare contraption in the middle of Friar gate and the prison looking thing that they built as cheap as possible dominates the area round Queen Street.  In the meantime, the old John Flamsteed/ Whitehurst house at the top of the hill falls into complete disrepair.  As one of the Cities, probably the Midlands most relevant buildings, I'm sure the disregard for it would impress any panel.  I expect more beauty to replace the art deco Debenhams.

  9. 40 minutes ago, davenportram said:

    Okay controversial post 


    we are not that important anymore


    we weren’t that important when league was founded 140 years ago


    accrington Stanley ….. who are they? The league would have existed without Derbyshire county cricket club footballing section and will still exist without Derby County


    we are no more than a member of a club of 72 that has new members lining up

    I imagine the money and fan base that was needed to start the league must have deemed us pretty important.  There were plenty of other clubs lining up to start the founding league as well.  Jesus wept.



    27 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Spot on. Looking at this logically, it seems likely this is now the stumbling block; the bidders are looking to have their cake and eat it as they know Morris has no leverage and are therefore assuming they can take the stadium for peanuts. The Binnie offer included a derisory £2M for the stadium which would probably equate to a 12 / 24 month lease.

    I've no sympathy for Morris in this regard but the net result is that while Cashley and Morris enjoy their extended pissing match, we're losing prize assets like Ebosele seemingly every week. Quantuma have not covered themselves in glory but folk need to understand that the latest stumbling block is the greed of the bidders and the ex-owner's inability to honour his promises - 'I'll sell the club for £1.00'. Yeah, course you will Mel ?

    Always struck me on the EFL's last misery bulletin it mentioned rent owed to the owner of Pride Park as an accruing debt .  How much and why if he owns at as a separate entity.  What does he bloody want.  That was a pound till he flew in on his cape 5 months late and came to an accord - which he actually wants a new owner to cover through the backdoor via agreement on the stadium.

  11. On 15/11/2021 at 11:09, Addingham Ram said:

    I really don't understand why Jason Knight gets criticised so much by some Rams fans. He's still a youngster, but he is surely destined for a very decent career both at club level and at international level. His brief appearance surely showcases so much about what he is capable of, an incredible engine and work ethic, tenacious, and no little skill. 

    What a great ball from Hendrick as well, another ex Ram who also had his fair share of critics. If Knight goes on to have the career that Hendrick has, I'm sure he will be well happy.

    Well played Jason.

    He's the best young player we have,  For some reason we keep sticking him out wide.  This is the player Cocu- the fella would captained Barcelona and got over 100 caps for The Netherlands in the same position - rated the best midfielder he'd seen in that position for his age after Norwich away.  We have an obsession with playing midfielders and strikers out wide to replace the actual ones we buy who are terminally cack.  

  12. 6 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    Thanks for that and I agree that HMRC are very much the key creditors but, do we know the offer to them is in the range of 35-40%?

    Also, again - apologies as no offence intended, but you’ve not worked there since the rules were changed and HMRC were promoted to preferred debtors have you? Maybe, they’re playing more hard ball now.

    All I’m trying to say is, it may well be the reason for the delay, we don’t actually know it is Mel that is the cause for the delay - either in full or part.

    You'll appreciate I can't go into this much more.  I don't work there now but others do who  have an idea under the current regs,.  I'd back my experience of over 20 years working in taxation -with some statistical work outside for a period- to know regardless.  Mel needs to pay off that loan and take a rent on the ground, not rely on the new buyer to fund his accord by the back door - always the showman 

  13. St Pat's defender James Abankwah is set to join Serie A side Udinese.

    Gazzetta Dello Sport reported on Tuesday that Udinese will sign the teenager but "will leave him at St. Patrick's Athletic until the end of the season".

    Paying 450 k for this fella prior to his move to Watford on loan to get round FFP if their back down.  Because we're surrounded by twits we couldn't even get that .

  14. 4 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    That’s all very well but how do you know what the bidders are offering non football creditors? How much will HMRC be holding out for as a % of their debt (given your “inside knowledge”)? Maybe it’s finalising this quarterly review/increasing future payments in the event of the business becoming more profitable/a player being sold of a large sum/stadium naming rights etc that is the outstanding element.

    Finally, and please don’t be offended, but have you worked in admin for HMRC since the new regs were introduced? Maybe the offer on the table doesn’t quite meet what HMRC consider reasonable.

    HMRC will be in the driving seat on this one as the main creditor and a preferred one.  If agreements not reached with them it feeds down the chain and those with less debt and less chance of getting should the club liquidate will agree relatively easily.  4  years since I worked there  as I say with this level of liability - although its a rarity.  Based on this 35-40% would be enough with review  plan over 3 years to collect hopefully as much as possible 

  15. 6 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    This deal hasn't been wrapped for Watford at all has it. Yes Watford. Really .... Watford. Yes the giants of football poaching our young players .  Bad enough when they started going to Brighton.



  16. 3 minutes ago, Coconut's Beard said:

    As if he's ever even going to step foot in Italy as an Udinese player.

    This deal hasn't been wrapped for Watford at all has it. Yes Watford. Really .... Watford. Yes the giants of football poaching our young players .  Bad enough when they started going to Brighton.


  17. 12 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    You might well be right but how do you know the current bids meet the “demands” of the creditors (most notably HMRC)?

    I used to work in administration for HMRC at this level of debt for a long time.  I'll have a very good idea of what they want under the new regs.  At this level of debt their reasonable as long as the business has quarterly review and payments can be increased if the business becomes more profitable -  a players sold for a large sum, a new name for the stadium at a million a year etc. I've put my best estimate previously which will be pretty accurate.

  18. 12 minutes ago, Animal is a Ram said:

    Get ducked.  I'm not frustrated I'm incredulous. They share nothing. What timelines December just another 48 hrs, January past the point of keeping the squad together, February past the point of loans being available, March past the point of agreeing contracts for young players ? April past the point of being viable in anyway.  May when Morris finally finishes his 8 month poo and gets of the pot to survey tumbleweed park. Another million in debt? no sellable assets? No team or manager? no cash to trade or compete?  Load of poo .

  19. 4 hours ago, Ram a lamb a ding dong said:

    A lot of chatter but no action.

    On the box tomorrow is a perfect time to highlight the plight. 

    Option A.

    Run on the pitch naked and tie wrap ourselves to the corner flags

    Option B.

    Throw plastic balls on the pitch after 14 minutes (years since we were last in Prem league)

    Option C

    Delay going in the ground by 5 mins until kick off has started

    Think after todays latest transfer news any goodwill left has slipped down the toilet.  Won't take much to push buttons for a helpless fanbase past the point of tolerance and this message has gone down like a fart in a spacesuit.

  20. 1 minute ago, PistoldPete said:

    So does festy leave straightaway? Like Jozwiak? Or do we keep him til end of season? 

    He'll be here but I'll be surprised if he plays any part tomorrow if he's signing for someone else next week.  Could also be an injury disclaimer in any contract so he may not play at all and forego his wages or hamstring preservation as it's known.  Think he's been doing a bit of that the last few games to be honest as he seems to be running at half speed and packing his hamstrings in ice all the time.  Thats the way it goes in the last 10 games of a contract without any discussion of another.  Normally a player would have a cast iron ' agreement' with a club and be accepting it by now or would have moved for decent money in January.  We don't have the option of decent money or the ability to offer contracts. Seems a rather murky deal though as he hadn't talked to them in January apparently.

  21. 15 minutes ago, NottmRAM said:

    What a bunch of misserable moaning Myrtles. If you are ever in a good mood and want a come-down, here's the place to be.

    Add to that, all the bickering about MM and it's not a very good place to spend any time.

    Pull yourselves together people, it'll all come good in the end.


    This week

    Next week.  I'm already at next week



  22. 1 hour ago, Woodley Ram said:

    No NO No, we need to be united for the players, any negativity will be multiplied by the media and pushed back down the pipeline and affect the team.

    What team ?. They've given it a go but by next week they'll already be signed elsewhere or have firm plans down the pipeline on agreements in June as long as their not injured.  Heads aren't here anymore and results over the last 6 games are showing it.  Morris, EFL regs, egos and 50p millionaires who don't want to cough up the money required till the Binnies gave a take it or leave it last week have finished us.  Theirs was the bid we were relying on .  I firmly believe we went into admin to facilitate their bid as they first made an offer last June. Best way for Morris to get his stadium cash and allow them to reduce creditors to accommodate it.  Then they offered him bugger all as him/EF/admin let the Middlesbrough issue drag on for months and the viability of staying up and squad value went down the crapper.  

    If poo happens tomorrow it makes absolutely no difference either way and at least it shows everyone's pissed off at a situation that was never ever necessary. 


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