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Posts posted by Gee SCREAMER !!

  1. My suggestion is that we sign 7 players who are well used to playing at midtable level in this division notably attack and midfield.  We can start with a few players on free transfers from Derby - Sibley and Collins, perhaps that Hourihane fella who'd take less wages if we let him do a bit of coaching. 

  2. 17 minutes ago, Comrade 86 said:

    Still as wondrous as anything I've ever heard over 30 years after I first heard it. I rate Bjork right up there with bands like Radiohead, Portishead and Massive Attack. All iconic, all utterly unique. 



    Really like some of her stuff this one included, other stuff is a bit too far out.  I think any artist like Bjork takes a lot of influence from Kate Bush who's quietly gone about life releasing music for over 30 years out the spotlight till she got Stranger Thinged.  Kates the daddy.

    Always loved this one.


  3. 46 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

    Not heard that about Kellymann. Did we get a decent price for him them? Though presumably nothing would compensate for losing out on him.

    Another name I thought is a Ram is Jamaal Lascelles.

    He was pushed out the door for 600k, or half a Quantuma hotel bill as it's better known.

  4. 1 hour ago, Carl Sagan said:

    Was that how it happened with Giles Barnes? I didn't recall. But I do remember it was a Stoke player targeting Charlie George and dislocating his shoulder that cost us a league and cup double and, ultimately Dave Mackay his job. I've generally been ambivalent about Stoke, but I must remember not to be. 

    Agree Barnes is the best out of the academy I remember. Ultimately goals are what matter, what change games and what command huge sums. So Sibley coming through was second to Barnes. Both looked England material. Borderline with Hughes because, for all his talent he didn't impact games enough. And then he got injured too... 

    Missed about 5 months start of premier league season.  Came back for a few games, then got injured again.  I seem to recall him not playing again till Man Utd in the league cup semi where he got 2 goals.  Then he got his knee blitzed and didn't play the following season season and wound up on loan at Fulham for the next season.  Think he wound up at West Brom for a few months, then America.

    Could have something wrong there, it was a while ago.  In a nutshell, we had 6 good months from him then very little for two and half years years.  When he did get fit, he preferred to sit on Fulham's bench for 6 months. 


  5. 27 minutes ago, MadAmster said:

    Butchered by a Stoke defender in and off the ball and off the pitch "tackle" (using the term extremely loosely)

    Why anyone would choose a pre season 'friendly' with Stoke during the Pulis years I don't know.  

  6. 4 hours ago, Leeds Ram said:

    I'm a millennial and work with kids/adults who are part of Gen Z. Gen Z'ers by and large seem to be more worried about more things than my generation were. Some of this is enforced upon them and necessary but other aspects are not. On the work side again it's a generalisation but I wouldn't say they are significantly worse than my generation. The lazy ones are generally lazier than the lazy ones from my generation but those who work hard probably also work harder. The big slab in the middle fits both quite neatly. I would say from my experience they seem more sure of themselves than they were of people my age at that time in our lives. But then again it could be me overcompensating and misremembering. 

    It's hard to judge the effects of social media combined with the isolation of covid. There are economic factors at play but they'll begin to level themselves out in 10 years i.e., when most Gen Z'ers are hitting their stride if I had to guess. The real economic catastrophe has hit my generation of millennials who are now hitting 30. Chances of promotions oftentimes frozen, entire industries collapsing around us and wages stalled in relation to inflation for a decade. Not to mention house prices just as we're supposed to be getting on the ladder. If I had to guess Gen Z will hit the sweet spot of economic recovery just in time for things to begin shifting in relation to new realities. 

    You missed the worst on that one.  Sold my house for 38 k in 2001, by 2002 the same house sold for 72k.  House prices went truly bonkers. 

  7. Pickering was diagnosed with a form of dementia prior to leaving the club and had been making some odd decisions prior to diagnosis turning down about 8 million in transfers which made no sense at the time. Morris didn't have this excuse.   Pickering also had the sense to reduce spending and cash in on players after 94, rather than throwing money at it he didn't have prior to promotion when he was still mentally capable. . 


  8. 3 minutes ago, Crewton said:

    Ah yes, of course, he undermined Cocu by deliberately scoring a late free-kick at Norwich that 99% of English footballers would have been incapable of doing to save Cocu's job by giving him our first (and only) win of the season.

    His form and fitness were fading even before that season but to suggest he deliberately undermined Cocu is pure conspiracy nonsense that ignores Rooney's reputation as a dedicated footballer with an incredible will to win.

    Without living in the blokes brain, I have no idea if he fancied Cocu's job.  That 30 minutes he had against Blackburn was however, the most singularly revolting performance i've seen, so at that point, in particular how he should have been playing at that level, he clearly didn't fancy keeping himself in the relevant shape or mindset to carry on playing. Any dedication or will to win was gone. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Srg said:

    A rumour I've been told, which apparently originates from Cashin's mum is that Ipswich are sniffing around him.

    That's a definite.  They were taking him on loan last September as part of the Brighton move but Derby insisted on Edmundson to facilitate the loan, they wanted to have the whole cake and refused, so we refused. That's why the deal fell apart last minute.  They are still very keen.  Without knowing his contract details, I'd assume his agent would have got a buyout clause for premier league interest inserted if they've done their job.  Meet said figure will probably be off, we'll probably get Edmundson though.  

  10. 2 hours ago, Gerry Daly said:

    Was he ever a more special talent than Tom Huddlestone, Will Hughes or Giles Barnes? I don't think so personally. 

    Barnes was the best youngster we've had in my opinion whilst I've been watching .  Bar injuries and a big balls attitude too early he'd have played at the highest level and we'd have got a fair few more points in 2007/08.  

  11. 5 hours ago, S8TY said:

    yes Craig Short seemed a strange one even at the time at 2.5m it seemed a lot of money and was nowhere near Mark Wright's class and he was being touted as an England International, although he was good he never really hit the heights that was expected but I think I'm right in saying we spent 13m on some good signings Kitson,Pembridge,Gabbiadini, Johnson etc etc and was very exciting at the time 

    We only lost money on Pembridge.  Johnson never really fitted in the formation and we signed Gabbiadini without watching him play.  Season before we had Ormondroyd and Davison who looked a very good pairing.  I believe based on interviews that Davison was promised a move as he got about 8 in 10, then we signed Gabbiadini instead.  A shame as I think it seriously sullied his opinion of the club and you can see that in interviews.  

  12. 3 hours ago, Jourdan said:

    The atmosphere at PP in August will be electric it seems.

    ‘We all hate the Yellow Submarine!’

    ‘Stand up if you hate Villarreal!’

    ’If you don’t do the bounce, you’re yellow!’

    ‘Are you watching, are you watching, are you watching Mexico?’

    I'm getting a more Ed Sheeran vibe looking at that horrific thing they play in



    Villarreal are s**** 

    You play in a Lego house

    When things go wrong and you go down  no-one will feckin notice

  13. Just now, SamUltraRam said:

    My memories of the Lionel Pickering years were the astonishing amount of money he gave Arthur Cox to spend in 1991/92/93. Think us & Blackburn were spending more than most top league clubs

    After a fair few of the same players.  The bigger dick scenario saw us break the record for a defender spending 300 k more on Short from Nott County than we got from Liverpool when we sold Mark Wright which was then a transfer record for a defender at the time.  Mind boggling for such an average player.  We somehow made a penny profit on him from Everton. 

    Other one they won that comes to mind was a month long battle for Tim Sherwood where they swung it by making him an insane wage offer to change his mind.  They already had a very good player in Scott Sellars playing is position so a bit of strange signing and he couldn't get a game for a bit.

    In the end it came down to a gnarled old s******** in the twilight of his career to stick his head in where it hurt to get them the deciding goal in the home leg of the playoffs after Forsyth hit the bar with his header.  Small margins  

  14. I'd understand Collins to Birmingham.  Probably a longer deal on the same money in his 30's, more game time,  a chance to score more goals and possibly a chance for another year at a decent League 1 club if he shows he can do the business afterwards.

    Sibley at 23 ?, turning down a contract to play in the championship at Derby to go to Rotherham in League 1 for a bit better wage, means he must have a dreadful advisor.  Career suicide.  A two year, or even one year deal allows him to get a foot back in the door at this level.

  15. 9 hours ago, Rich3478 said:

    Jeff hendrick released today! Probably just sentimental but would love to see him in a derby shirt again

    Derby took a chance on him when he was a youngster as he failed a medical due to bone density issue  and other clubs immediately withdrew interest. They then supported him through his altercation in Dublin scenario. He rewarded Derby by saying he couldn't wait for Burnley to increase their offer to get a a move,  slagged us off when the Keogh situation was ongoing and sent out a thumbs up social media post when he was on loan at QPR and we got relegated when they beat us.  His 10 man goal doesn't cover that lot.  Hope he winds up on the bench at Forest Green .

  16. 56 minutes ago, Alty_Ram said:

    Yeah, the noise seems to be in the kitchen floor but is very infrequent, so maybe it is a visitor ?  I can't for the life of me work out how it gets from there to the garden and back though (or even if it is the same one). There is no obvious hole and the rat I saw was a big unit so it's not going to be a tiny crack. I can't see anything damaged in the kitchen cupboards and bins so it could be behind the board at the bottom of the kitchen units. I'll try and pull them out. It's so difficult to know what's going on 😡

    Many years ago as a student, I used to work with my Uncle changing blocked sewer pipes for Broxtowe Council and often the pipe had been damaged by tree roots leaving a nice big access hole for them to travel into a house.  I saw a lot of them.  You'll also find that the water inlet pipe- normally behind bottom boards of kitchens- comes into the property through a hole in the concrete that's often far too large for what's required, particularly 80's built house.  They can come in around that pipe quite commonly.  Another one could be a low lying entry point such round a tumble dryer extraction vent.  If you do find an entry point there will be no point using foam or such to keep em out.  They'll just eat and come back for more. 

  17. 5 minutes ago, Eoghan1884 said:

    Seen Charlton, Blackburn and Bristol City are now preparing bids for him. He’s expected to go for roughly 1 million. Really hope we are in for him.

    I think Charlton must have to sell before spending that,  they've been signing a lot the last couple of years.

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