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Posts posted by Gee SCREAMER !!

  1. 1 hour ago, admira said:


    Place of birth: Gävle

    Signed for Derby: 2016

    First club: Högaborgs BK

    Last club: Halmstads BK

    Position: FB

    Full caps: 2

    Fun fact: Scored an own goal on his full Rams debut

    Is it Olsen.  My mate lived next door to him off Duffield Road.  Apparently his wife/girlfriend was a nightmare for loud music and had a thing for buying a new oven every month rather than cleaning it.  When he left, the house had to have repapering and painting throughout as she lit candles everywhere and left soot residue all over the place.😂

  2. 5 minutes ago, Alph said:

    If I left Derby I'd return to Elvaston Castle for nostalgia. That's really my only tie to Derby.

    Other than that? Shopping? Nightlife? Gigs? Events? Shows?... I leave Derby for all those things now. A lot of the beauty of Derby has been left to the dogs. 

    When the kids are grown I can't see myself staying. Even if it's just to move to any of the beautiful villages in Derbyshire I think I'd only go into Derby when I had to. 

    I accept there's plenty of places worse. But that's not a great advert. "Come to Derby! There's worse!!"

    There's plenty of bad to be said about Notts. But there's so much good that upstages Derby. I go there for all the things listed above. I even end up working there a lot. The only time I've ever felt unsafe is when I'm working in the roughest of rough areas. As you would in any city. But if I'm looking for nice food, a few drinks, nice architecture, watching a play, a gig, a Christmas market.... whatever, why would I pick Derby over Notts. 

    Not being Stoke seems to be the height of ambition for Derby City Council

    Back in the mid 90's you'd have coaches coming into the city from everywhere for a night out in Derby.  Was a great night out. 

  3. 13 minutes ago, Norman said:

    Some are on probation, many not re-called when they should be to prison due to the low-risk threat they are seen to present to the public. That and the overcrowding in prisons. 

    Many have been given every chance at a fresh start. Months of free accommodation in pretty nice houses, bill-free, with a starter pack of duvets, pillows, TV, kettle, baking trays etc upon release. Give it a week and many are on spice and getting banned from food banks they have no need to be in considering they are bill-free and can't be released without UC being ready upon release. Some even sleep rough despite having a nice house to go back to whilst they are supposed to be sorting themselves out a job and sorting out long-term accommodation. 

    It's the areas they congregate that's the problem. Lincoln, Nottingham, Leicester etc all have the same type of resident. It's that the areas in Derby are prominent where they congregate. 

    I  used too see a bloke up at the Spot and quite regularly got him something to eat and drink from  Birds.  Didn't see him for a bit then he wound up on the front of the Telegraph for pretending to be homeless but had a flat in Alvaston.  Also saw a bloke coming up from town wrapped in  blanket, walk into an archway on the flats on Friargate, where a girl was waiting with a back pack of clothes and very nice trainers he slipped on and off they went.    I do still give food, or maybe a quid but only if I'm sure i'm not being scammed which is tricky.  Used to get food from Kingsway for the bloke who kipped in the trees by the A38.  

    Going back about 15 years ago you could give the Padley Centre a donation in return for food vouchers you could hand out which covered the cost of a hot meal.  A good idea but the acceptance rate was only about 1 in 4 if you offered it. 




  4. 3 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Cool - I'm sat here with my dunce cap on writing my lines

    "I must not contradict the made up facts of someone with incredibly thin skin who seemingly loses his sh*t big time at the idea of being challenged by the truth, and made to look a mug" x 1000

    How have I lost my s*** big time.  How about ' I cannot just send a link saying I don't agree but need to start an argument in a paper bag before resorting to calling people some sort of ism as a way of stomping my feet.  then I complain and get their posts deleted. X 1000

  5. 1 hour ago, MarsdenRam said:

    Arter is free.

    3 and a half years since he's played, with a promotion bonus, increase in wage on promotion and a one year extension trigger.  Makes Anya look like a steal. 

    Are we still paying for Nick Blackman to take his mates on a bus tour round Europe though on 22 k a week, or have we knocked that one on the head. 

  6. 1 hour ago, uttoxram75 said:

    The heads of the water boards have a legal obligation to make money for shareholders. They are simply doing capitalism. Without regulation this is what corporations do.

    The politicians who have weakened the environmental regulations and allowed them to poison our rivers, lakes and seas should be prosecuted for treason. If a foreign power deliberately polluted our country it would be an act of war.

    I did see a news report the other night with a 2 foot by 2 foot pipe.  It stated that the effluent that went into our waterways and sea in 12 months was the equivalent of that pipe emptying non stop for 50 years.  That was incredible to me.  I'm sure I saw that France- Paris I think has been the first-  have started building very large underground containment units which just hold storm water, to stop human waste spilling into rivers caused by overflowing sewer systems in bad weather.  So it can be done.  A lot of other damage is of course caused by effluent run off from farms and business so that's a different problem.

    Here it is


  7. 1 minute ago, Stive Pesley said:

    That's a nice article from 2011, when as you say they closed the Council Greenhouse, and you actual quote was

    I simply pointed out that there was a whole load of plants in tubs last summer, all through the city - link you want is it?

    Oh and you also said 

    seemingly oblivious to the fact that they have been repaving the Spot and Victoria St for the last few months and are currently doing Albert St. This is it today


    But I get it, it's nice to have a moan about stuff you imagined up in your own  noggin


    Blimey, a couple of hundred metres that have replaced and directly opposite a market place and theatre that needed millions extra spending on it after it was bodged together for a fiver.  Probably been costing millions in compo cases 

    You insinuated that there had been no change to the planting in Derby in a sneering b******* manner which I know is normally the way you respond to posts on here.  You didn't simply respond as it's not your way.  I showed this was incorrect.  

  8. On 12/05/2024 at 07:58, Chester40 said:

    Monkey Man

    I was very tired so struggled to connect as much as I should ...but it's a film a lot of people on here are going to like.

    @Comrade 86you suggested Sisu, it felt similar but errrrrr.. different to that!

    Immersed in a very different culture, a slightly unlikely hero, really gritty brutal action scenes.

    Meant to mention this one.  Goes a bit over John Wick but entertaining

  9. On 14/05/2024 at 09:17, Ram-Alf said:

    Netflix...where the Crawdads sing, About an abusive Father who beats his wife and kids while living in the marshes of South Carolina, When one by one Mum and kids leave, Leaving only 1 Daughter left with the Dad...Kya.

    Not my cup o tea...but kept watching, Kya must have been around 10 when Dad decides to leave leaving Kya alone, The story then revolves around her and men and social services and a murder.

    A little strange but I thought it got better as the film moved along...7-10

    Enjoyed this one. watched it last year.

  10. 8 minutes ago, Rich3478 said:

    Looking through West Brom’s retained list, they have a huge amount of players out of contract and been offered or released.

    karlan grant is one that caught my eye though, returning to them from a loan spell. Think could be a good option for a loan, doubt would cost much at the end of it. 

    Pretty sure they took loans against their training facilities recently, which as we know heads one way.  I'd expect a much inferior squad their going forward after missing out this time. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    There were lots of plants in tubs last summer, all down Irongate

    They removed them for the winter, but I guess it's easier to imagine that you haven't seen them and you just want to have a moan

    That's the Derby way! 😂

    That the best you can do rather than have a proper debate.  Short hand s*** housing.  I'll leave it with you . Enjoy your walk round the river gardens but keep your stick handy to fend of the local wildlife Stevie Wonder.

  12. 10 minutes ago, Premier ram said:

    Might be a dump but it’s our dump. LOVE DERBY

    We all do.  That's why I get pissed of with unnecessary deline. Some of it's socio-economic but a large part is appalling planning, lack of spending and general disregard.  When did you last see a plant in a tub since they closed the glasshouse at Markeaton or actively repairing a pavement other than putting a large block of tarmac in a hole in place of a slab.  If you compare the look of the city centre from mid 90's to now it's frightening.

  13. 3 hours ago, Crewton said:

    Not hard to spot the Which? members, is it?😉

    Seriously, there's some major pearl-clutching going on with some people. I couldn't argue that the city centre hasn't been badly neglected in recent years (thank you, Austerity George) or that the City Council of whatever hue are responsible for some awful planning decisions since WW2, but to describe the place as "feral" is utter hyperbole. 

    I still go out in the city centre at night both with mates and with the missus and the 'threat' is marginal compared to central London at midnight or somewhere like Canning Town any time of day.

    From London Road to the Market Place is feral.  I cross the Railway bridge onto Midland Road regularly.  A few weeks ago I witnessed someone stooped in the rain, off their tits, taking a s*** on the pavement opposite the Midland Hotel, another pale shadow of what it was. Also had the pleasure of seeing a heavily pregnant woman in just a bra being carried up St Peter's Street at 5pm by two blokes screaming her head off and also off her tits to match the ones on display.  Derby city Centre is feral

  14. 5 hours ago, Eoghan1884 said:

    Rotherham want Sibley, I’d cry if that happened. Cant see any chance of it though.

    He'd cry after a week of being their under lard arse.  He has an offer of a contract here and he'd be better off signing it for an undoubted larger wage for a year and actually showing he can play well at this level, than stepping back down for possibly 3 years and his career going down the crapper.  12 months over and a good season, he'll have offers again here and from other championship clubs.  


  15. 21 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

    Derby City Centre is the biggest sh!t hole and an intimidating place to be...the only place I have visited worse is Rhyl.

    The city centre has changed dramatically over the last 20 years and its such a shame.


    A special place.  per head of population the UK's murder capital. Bangor in Wales was also a treat.  Like St Peter's Street but miles of it.  Stoke and Doncaster are also beauties.  I've been to worse than Derby but it is s**** and even the remaining nice bit Sadlergate and Irongate have basically emptied over two years.  The last bit of art deco are the council house and bit at the top of Irongate. The remainder went with Debenhams to build something out of Escape from New York.  To be honest though, most cities and towns outside the well established tourist magnets are becoming increasingly horrific.  Last time I went from The Spot to the Market Place without the protection of glass windows was about two years ago.  The whole area is feral as all the shopping was dumped into a big grey box which a small city would never accommodate whilst keeping the rest alive .  My mate got off the bus on Babington Lane at 8 in the morning a few years ago on his way too work. Had to step over a bloke being held down by police with what looked like a mouthful of meat. Turned the corner and another bloke was walking around with most of an ear missing.  Society is going down the s****** everywhere unabated. 


  16. 2 minutes ago, 1of4 said:

    As much as I love the city I was born in and would never want to leave. I have to agree with the survey, Derby is a dump. Over the years the city elders have allowed what historic buildings we had to be destroyed. Those that remain are never shown at their best.

    It hasn't helped that there doesn't appear to be a proper vision of what the city should look like. Going right back to the sixties, any plan there may have been as never been implemented. Over the years the council have allowed a mish-mash of buildings across the city. 

    Look at the latest project that is taking place on the former site of the Pennine Hotel. Wouldn't it have been better to build this venue on a main thoroughfare. Instead of tucking it behind the ugly appartment block that as been erected on Victoria Street.

    The Market Place is a waste land, when is the Market Hall going to be completed and what and when is something going to be done with the Assembly Rooms?


    They won't repair it but can't knock it down as it's a near perfect example of Brutalist architecture it seems.  No use to anyone, anytime soon.  Was quite a nice building there before it seems that belonged to Erasmus Darwin and a 15th century pub .  There's a plaque in the piss filled car park where it used to be 

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