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  1. Sad
    CROSSWORD reacted to IslandExile in The Administration Thread   
    Or that nobody has and that they've all moved on and away.
  2. Haha
    CROSSWORD reacted to ThePrisoner in Wayne Rooney   
    It’s being built as we speak.

  3. Like
    CROSSWORD reacted to 61GT in The Administration Thread   
    Once again Wayne Rooney standing head and shoulders above the Admins, EFL, Mel, local MPs, etc.
    A clear and concise update, in fact best one I’ve heard from anyone for a few days.
    Just going to focus on Sundays game now, looking forward to attending along with my youngest son.
  4. Clap
    CROSSWORD reacted to IslandExile in The Administration Thread   
    "I've just come off the phone with them (administrators) five mins ago. Where we are at, there is no big update I can give you.
    There will be no players leaving.
    They have reassured me Tom Lawrence will not be going and that is pleasing because he is a player I want to keep.
    Everton approached my agent and asked me to interview for the vacant job which I turned down. I have a job here I am doing, which is an important job to me and that means me getting the team ready for Sunday."
  5. Like
    CROSSWORD reacted to Ram a lamb a ding dong in CALLING MEL MORRIS   
    I've bit my lip long enough.....
    I'm not Interested in MM one bit. He is 100% to blame for all this and clearly doesn't care much for the people of Derby, especially with us being dragged through the mire.
    If it were me I would hold up my hands admit I've screwed up and do what I can to put things right before sailing off in to the sunset. If he had no links with Derbyshire you could make excuse for him. The fact he's from Derby makes it downright shameful.
    If I had the money I would bail the club out as I know what the club means to the people of Derby. It absolutely breaks me that I could have taken my Grandson to PP for the last time and it is all down to MM
  6. Like
    CROSSWORD reacted to RoyMac5 in The Administration Thread   
    Not sure, it's difficult to put yourself in the mindset of a petulant 10 year old...
  7. Sad
    CROSSWORD reacted to Eddie in The Administration Thread   
    The EFL want it settled by arbitration, probably by their own arbitration panel. They won't allow a preferred bidder until that takes place - and no bidder in his right mind would put his money on the line while such a condition is in place. Meanwhile, the clock continues to run down, putting more and more pressure on the administrators to cave in and go for a fire sale just to keep the club running until the end of the season - at which point, there will still be no preferred bidder because the same conditions will apply then as now.
    I live in hope that somebody somewhere bangs a few heads together, but that hope is fading day by day, hour by hour.
  8. Like
    CROSSWORD reacted to Tyler Durden in Is Mel still 'pulling the strings'?   
    I don't think he's the anti-christ, he's simply beneath contempt for the totally cowardly way he's ran away from the mess he's created and shafted club employees and small businesses and potentially jeopardised the total existence of the football club.
    We all make mistakes in life but non of us exist in a vacuum and would have a million times more respect for Morris if he admitted he did makes mistakes but then strive with every nerve and sinew to make them good before passing control of our club to someone else instead of abdicating any form of responsibility for the mess he's left the club in.
  9. Clap
    CROSSWORD reacted to i-Ram in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Well l am a Rams Fan, and there were 4 recorded breaches of EFL rules on their website before Quantuma took over. Then there was the Administration process. Oh and P&S overspends in 3 of the 4 last trading years. Morris was wading in his own poo for the last 2 years of his tenure.
  10. Sad
    CROSSWORD reacted to Crewton in Best Derby goal   
    Cheated out of the European Cup final in 1973, cheated out of the 1975/6 EC as above, and cheated out of the EUFA Cup in 1974/75 by a dodgy handball decision in Mostar. 
    We've always suffered from bent/crap refs! 
  11. Clap
    CROSSWORD reacted to Tyler Durden in Be prepared... Covid Pass required for matchdays...   
    Just be careful about the Covid Pass, there's an extremely convincing scam text that's being circulated providing a link to the alleged NHS website asking for your personal and GP details then requesting you pay £4.99:-
    I received the text message myself and the website I was directed to was an extremely convincing mock up of the real NHS one. 

  12. Like
    CROSSWORD reacted to RAM1966 in Be prepared... Covid Pass required for matchdays...   
    So where would we be with nobody vaxxed?  In another lockdown.  As other have said its about mitigating risk, Im on the train to Birmingham this morning (essential journey for work), young d*ckheads sitting together with masks around thier chins.  That's what the main cause of infection is.  Unless you are exempt, there is ZERO excuse for not wearing a mask.
    Passports do have an effect, it encourgaes some people to get a vaccine that may not have been bothered to do so....  I know people that can't be arsed, all of a sudden they can....
    Pleased you are not too badly infected by it, I too suffer from asthma, so its reassuring to know I will hopefully be not too bad ?
    Regarding those that have been jabbed not being too ill, I think this is as a result of a lower viral load.  This has a knock on effect, the lower the viral load, the lower the effects.
    Have a great Xmas....
  13. Like
    CROSSWORD reacted to RAM1966 in Be prepared... Covid Pass required for matchdays...   
    I welcome this, its not about you, its the people you potentially infect, the elderly and vulnerable including your relatives.  People are still laughing at masks and not trusting vaccines, that fine, you have a choice, but so does DCFC and they have a duty of care to their fans!!!  Just as you have a right not to be vaccinated or want to wear a mask, DCFCs has a right to refuse you entry! 
    At least we are not at the point of compulsory vaccination like some countries in the EU.  You 'still' have a choice, life is full of choices, but, you need to accept your choices sometimes have consequences.  I've personally had 3 jabs and the flu jab, why to keep myself and my relative safe.
    Its simple if you want entry get jabbed, if your not exempt and don't want to get jabbed, you have to accept the consequences of not being allowed in, its a choice....
    An anti-vaxer and campaigner who attended lots of C19 anti-vaccination rallies who lived in Willington, is no longer with us, sadly, he endured a terrible fate on a ventilator which lasted for about 10 weeks and ultimately died. 
    Lets all stay as safe ae we can, be it by taking the vaccination or by respecting the rules by not attending the game, we all have a choice!   
  14. Clap
    CROSSWORD reacted to oomarkwright in Good luck from the Seaside   
    To be fair he was wrongly sacked and the two who were driving effectively got away with it, so yes he was unwise but treated badly. 
  15. Clap
    CROSSWORD reacted to angieram in Fundraiser for St John's Ambulance   
  16. Clap
    CROSSWORD reacted to cool_as_custard in Fundraiser for St John's Ambulance   
    Rams fan Andy Mitchell is fundraising for St John's Ambulance to see if he/we can raise the £8,000 that Mel left them hanging for. Going well so far but if anyone can help here is the link:-
  17. Clap
    CROSSWORD reacted to MuespachRam in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    He had every choice… he chose to stop putting money into the club, do you think he has no money left..? Do you think he is going to the cash point machine today and checking his balance and It says 0:00…? He is STILL a MULTI MILLIONAIRE who, off his own back decided to stop putting money Into the club which in turn meant the club was in administration which in turn means we get 12 points docked.
    he knew It, we knew It, the EFL new It, my dog knows It. 
  18. Clap
    CROSSWORD reacted to MuespachRam in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    We have been docked points because Mel put us in administration….which is a 12 point deduction…he knew this, everyone knew this and yet he did It. 
  19. Clap
    CROSSWORD reacted to The Scarlet Pimpernel in RamsTrust   
    Personally I don't think it works for any group to represent any fans. What does it achieve? I don't really get it. I am a Derby fan amongst thousands of other Derby fans. The owners run the club and we support or criticise as is our choice. What exactly do official supporters groups achieve? 
  20. Like
    CROSSWORD reacted to Ghost of Clough in RamsTrust   
    For me, I've been frustrated by the ill thought out questions posed to other parties since admin was announced.
    For example, 

    The answers are obvious to anyone who has paid attention to the detail in the relevant cases.
    SWFC were issued with a 12 point penalty because their spending exceeded the P&S limits by £18m. Overspending by £15m or more results in a 12 point deduction (pending aggravating or mitigating circumstances). This was reduced on appeal based on the circumstances of the stadium sale.
    Derby's rumoured 9 points is not purely based on the 3 year period to 2018, which Mel said was roughly a £4m overspend (4 points) according to the EFL's interpretation of FRS102. Subsequent periods would cumulatively take the total to 12 points, but reduced by 3 as a token of goodwill. Of course, this argument from the club's side as that if Derby were charged when they should have been for that period, actions could have been taken to avoid failing future periods as well. There will also be arguments over how failed periods will be adjusted for the future P&S periods too.
    The EFL are in the right in being able to come to an agreement with the club, before charging the club. As you may recall, the EFL was scrutinised (particularly by the club) for charging the club in relation to the amortisation policy. The club were aware of inbincoming charge for the stadium sale, but were taken unawares by the amortisation charge.
    There gave been a few other questions I have been critical of. There is also one question which I am amazed hasn't even been asked yet... how has the club smashed through the £81m which we supposedly should have received for the stadium, whilst failing to pay £20m to HMRC and taken out a few loans since the end of the 17/18 season... the numbers just don't seem to add up.
  21. Clap
    CROSSWORD reacted to Leeds Ram in Mel Morris fan club   
    If mel was looking to sell because his cash was running out then you can't claim from 2015-2016 we were on the path to sustainability and profitability....  You can't have your cake and eat it.

    Mel hasn't just gambled his money he's gambled this club's future existence which is utterly inexcusable. He's not only completely mismanaged the club to a degree rarely seen in english football but he's walked away after claiming he can no longer fit the bill and publically declared none of it is his fault, instead it's entirely to do with covid... It's so mind-bogglingly arrogant and stupid of him to make such claims I can't believe anyone has fallen for it. 
  22. Like
    CROSSWORD reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Mel Morris fan club   
    If Morris knew what Rush was up to and let him do it, then Morris is incompetent and this mess his fault. If Morris did not know what Rush was doing, then he should have done, therefore is incompetent and this mess is still his fault.
  23. Like
    CROSSWORD reacted to Turnstile in Mel Morris fan club   
    Completely Morris’s fault 100% ,the buck stops with him.Ignorance to what was going on is no excuse.If he didn’t know what was going on with Rush he should have done.
  24. Like
    CROSSWORD reacted to archram in Rams vs Luton Matchday Thread   
    Yay, I’m going to this!! After a brain haemorrhage and then lockdown I thought I’d never get to PP again. However, I’ve recovered really well over the summer, especially worked hard to improve physically and my partner is letting my son take me to the match - he’s much more worried than I am!
    So, Rams, I’d appreciate a good performance and a win - though whatever happens I’ll feel like a winner just getting there.
  25. Like
    CROSSWORD reacted to ImARam2 in 1971-72 season scrapbook   
    I was 18 years old in 1970, football mad and went to every home game, and many away matches, which were great days out, usually on the train.
    Six of us from Allestree FC went to Newquay in 1970, which was just brilliant - sun, sand, surfing and girls - what a time to be alive, but we all came back on the Friday evening to ensure we got to the Rams vs Man. Utd Watney Cup Final, at the BBG, which we won 4-0.
    Memories which cannot be taken back - wonderful days
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