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Posts posted by Gaspode

  1. 1 hour ago, Big Trav said:

    The only reason I can think that fornah hasn’t been announced yet is there’s another one close enough that we want to do 2. Potentially 2 in begore saturday would be a big boost 

    Or possibly they're holding back the news on signings to offset the disappointment fans will feel when we sell Cashin (2 new players makes it's a good day to bury bad news)....

  2. 19 minutes ago, jameso said:

    Yes, as @jono said, it’s not a “right” as such… but particularly those who commit to a season ticket (effectively reducing match entry prices, I know) are making some sort of a commitment based on what they understand is going on with the club on and off the pitch. It doesn’t produce a “right” but a pragmatic approach suggests that if you want people to buy your season tickets then offering certain assurances would be prudent.

    You're highlighting a distinction between two groups within the fanbase - those that go regardless (because that's what supporting your team involves) and those that pick and choose based on whether they think they'll get sufficient return on their 'investment' (the group that think they 'deserve' something in return)

    I've had a season ticket for the past 40 years regardless of which league we're in; who we've signed; or what is happening off the pitch - perhaps I 'deserve' a gold pillow on my seat....

  3. 5 hours ago, Lokidoki said:

    The biggest issue is the we all lack clarity and transparency on whatever is going on/ not going on. Most of us have stumped up hard earned money for a long time, for our labour of love. All we need is a little assurance. It’s called management. We deserve a little more, that’s all. From whoever, I dare say….  DC maybe?

    Rubbish - you stump up your money to be admitted to the games - that’s all. Believing that ‘we deserve’ anything else is all so much entitled ballcocks….

  4. 26 minutes ago, Srg said:

    Also in the Team of the Week for the entire EFL.

    Shows you the floor in the ratings I guess. Wouldn't have been in my top 3 players for us on Saturday.

    Could just be you have a warped view of football 😁......

    Wink Reaction GIF by Charlie Mars

  5. 14 minutes ago, Dava75 said:

    I’m pretty sure he agrees with you……🤔


    "But Warne was quick to reject claims that he is weighing up a move for the 24-year-old before the transfer window deadline on September 1.

    "Wow, that is amazing," he told Derbyshire Live. "I take full credit for signing Cameron Humphreys and he is an amazing centre-back.

    "But I don't know if you noticed, I have quite a lot of centre-backs and I haven't got £1.5m.

    Promoted Stories

    "He's also playing in the Championship and is quite happy. If I had £1.5m to buy a player and I bought a centre-back when I need attacking players, I would sack myself!

    "It would be the worst waste of money, but Cameron is an amazing player. Where the story has come from I don't know. There is zero truth in it, you'd be surprised to know."


  6. 2 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Is that going to change then (obvs if Bird's injury is serious or Warne sells him it will)?

    It might is Warne stops his stubborn obsession with a back 3 and plays 2 central midfileders that provide the defence with an ounce of protection (which they don't get from Smith)

  7. Once upon a time, playing a back five would involve 3 centre halves and wing backs who would take it in turns to go forward so that the defence always had cover (or else the holding midfielder would drop back to fill a wide position when the wing back was charging forward) - Warne's version seems to have both wing-backs permanently stationed in the opposition half and the DM running aropund like a headless chicken - at one point last night, Fozzy was our most advanced player (by a long way) - I don't get what he's trying to achieve...

  8. 1 hour ago, FlyBritishMidland said:

    Exactly this.  In my view we need a Eustace-type in midfield.  A clam head who gets the ball and then gives it to the others.  Can slow the pace of the game when it seems like others are losing their heads.  Who can bring a bit of composure.  We seem in too much of a hurry to get the ball forward without someone taking the time to look around them.

    If I only had money for one more signing it would be a player in that sort of role.  If you add that, it will help get the best out of this in front of them.

    We should sign this guy:

    Clam National Oyster Day GIF

    Oxford's number 8 did exactly what we were missing - annoying little twit that he was, he sat in front of their defence and picked up lose balls, was available for the defence to pass to him and started most of their moves - conversely, Korey was completely AWOL in our midfield....

  9. Tonight was worrying - we flipped between looking like a pub team and looking like an under 10s side as the whole team ran in the same direction chasing the ball - the only signs of a formation was sticking with a clearly failing three at the back until it was too late - but whether it was lack of discipline to stick with the plan, lack of ability to carry out the instructions or something missing in the coaching, the players out there simply didn’t seem to know what they supposed to be doing - and for Warne to try and say it was because Oxford were the better team and had the better players was frankly embarrassing…they were simply organised and played to their strengths which was the direct opposite of us.

  10. 10 minutes ago, BaaLocks said:

    Vaping is one of the biggest single health improvers seen this century, the incidence of emphysema, lung cancer and heart disease related to smoking has absolutely fallen through the floor. So any discussion with regard to them has to happen with that in mind.

    As for more people vaping than smoked back in the day, well fifty years ago around 70% of men smoked, now 13% of the total population does. Vaping is estimated at around 20% (admittedly, 20% of people who admit it). I couldn't easily find stats for teenagers.

    Vaping has two main issues, one is regulation. That would control access but also control who is able to sell them - most of the junk found on shelves could have been made in a chemical lab in a sweatshop in Peru and few would know. Second is the environmental impact of all those (particularly) disposable units.

    As a tobacco replacement they are truly excellent, as the new cool thing much has to be done or all we will do is move the problem.

    I'd argue that there are than far more than two issues, for example:

    • no one knows (yet) what damage is potentially being done by the chemicals that are being inhaled - and as they are un-regulated and un-controlled, there's every possibility that there are some real nasties included in a product that folk have convinced themselves is good for their health (because it's less bad than tobacco). I await the flood of compensation claims when people start developing haorrible diseases in 10-20 years time....
    • the anti-social behaviour of a lot (not all) of vapists is arguably worse than smokers as they blow large clouds of fruity badness over all and sundry
    • the large scale use of rechargable lithium-ion batteries by people who don't understand the potential dangers (again linked to lack of regulation and control) - cheap batteries are dangerous

    Stopping people smoking is obviously a good thing - stopping them by offering an alternative that no-one understands the implications of is arguably not....

  11. 13 minutes ago, Grumpy Git said:

    I brought a new W10 ThinkPad in December 2017 and its still working perfectly (business use). Although I do sometimes have to delete some of the crap that gets installed during an update.

    It replaced a Fujitsu Windows XP laptop that was new in 2006. The one before that I can't remember, but it ran Windows 98 and before that a second-hand Compaq 386 laptop running both DOS and Windows 3.1

    I always buy the most expensive laptop I can when I replace them. I'm hoping the current one will see me out!

    I've got a Toshiba T1200 from the late 80s that only ran DOS....


    We used to use it for remote support back in the day. I rescued it from a skip at work when they finally moved into the 90s and provided us with a laptop - I found it in the loft a couple of years ago and it still boots up - should probably be in a museum....

  12. 5 minutes ago, Foreveram said:

    Arsenal v florist delayed kick off by at least half an hour due to new e ticketing system not working. 40,000 locked out. Technology eh😂

    Embarrassing for Arsenal - £100m spent on Rice yet can’t afford a proper ticketing system…

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