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Posts posted by EtoileSportiveDeDerby

  1. 17 hours ago, Dimmu said:

    Abu Dhabi, China, Murdoch, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, oligarks, UEFA, FIFA... Take your pick. Elite football is corrupt to the core and is used as a propaganda, whitewash & money laundry machine.

    For me, the real football still exists in lower leagues and women's football. Rest of it I mostly despise.

    The very reason why i am looking forward to this season. 3pm kick off no dicking around at 12.30 or a bloody friday night because Sky says so with 2 minutes notice, w*****s

  2. 8 hours ago, Stripperg-ram said:

    Hulking journeymen?

    Rapid youngsters?

    A mix of the 2?

    3-4-3? 3-5-2? 4-4-2? 

    Because we have mainly/some championship quality players, is that enough? Or does all form and quality go out the window when Fleetwood Town just decide to kick the cr*p out of you?

    Should we buy players that know the league? 

    Fittest team wins?

    Biggest team wins?

    Play like Brazil?

    or Play like Allardyce?

    Snatch it with a set piece and shut up shop?

    Or play like Shteve Mc era 1 and score 4 if they score 3?


    How the hell do we get promoted in a oner?


    Answers on a postcard…..


    Good players and a manager who knows the league and make them believe. Last season WR reallly make them Believe that despite ,the 21 poinrts deduction we could stay up and the team bought into it. In the end injuries, suspensions, squad size cost us. 

  3. 53 minutes ago, mrdave85 said:

    Honestly I just hope the majority of our fanbase recognise our situation. We’re not gonna walk this league, we’re not gonna make star signings anymore. It’s going to be a long slog of a season and depending on who we bring in we could be looking down instead of up. 
    The club is going to need at least a couple of seasons to steady the ship, think Nigel Clough era mark 2, and they may all be in League 1. 
    I am excited for the change, our club is saved, L1 is new to me as a supporter, the format of the EFL Trophy is confusing, let’s go!!!!!

    We are in the league, out of admin with the stadium part of the club. That to me is better than winning the league compared to where we were at a few days ago. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    Yes, we've agreed to disagree on RBR team culture - like we're grown ups ?

    Drive to survive has overall been a great thing for the sport, however I do wish it didn't have so much "reality TV drama" to the editing and way it presents narrative - there's always been enough of that bubbling away under the surface anyway (for me the skulduggery has always been a part of it)

    I hope you have a fantastic time at the grand Prix.

    To be clear i am with you on RBR, it's just my lad who does not find them annoying, working on it

  5. 19 minutes ago, alram said:

    I hope we hear from him today, we have no idea what his plans for the club are yet

    Not bothered if we dont. He seems to be a private man so we should just be thankful and let him get on with it quietly with his plans whatever they might be. I am just relieved this nightmare is over. Enjoy the w/e

  6. 3 hours ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    It's a real drag for liberty media to try to make F1 inclusive, wide appealing sport with engaging characters and drivers to get behind...but the F1 world containing miserable rich old gits like Bernie "I'd take a bullet for Putin" Ecclestone and Nelson "was a horrible git even when he was racing" piquet sr.

    In some respects F1 is a generation (if not 2) behind modern sports in terms of its attitudes. It's been improving under the post-bernie era, although liberty do seem a bit forced at times (I get the good intentions just feels forced IMO) 

    You are right in terms of generation but there is hope because the Netflix fan generation will help. I have allways loved the sport but my lad never really showed much interest until lockdown and he started to watch DTS. Last year we went to Silverstone to see the real thing  and he loved it, when i suggested French GP he was properly made up. Going back to your point, his generation, a millenial, racism, sexism, homophobia, prejudice in general, is not something they want to be associated with and will let it known as well, and rightly so. This being said our opinion differ on Reb Bull, there is always something isn't? Something to work on?

  7. 47 minutes ago, DraycottRam said:

    Not bothered. Me and football have fell out. Trying to get into cricket 

    I 'll try to help. Cricket where I come from is an insect so we started from a low base. After arriving in blighty, i thought i'll found out what is this sport played in pyjamas with lots of standing around is about. Someone tried to explain it to me, did a reasonable job, but he killed it with his closing statement.

    "they can play for 5 days, it ends up in a draw and it can be a good result". I thought that cant be right, 30 years on still trying to get into it, not very hard though...

    (back then no T20 or IPL of course)

  8. If we werent in such perilous situation, i would go for a very left field suggestion, Emma Hayes, proven manager at the highest level and a winner. when on the tellybox as a pundit, she's very good, clearly knows what she's on about unlike the majority of her male conterparts.

    The reason i say perilous is because if the "experiment" did not work out, it's never been done in this country afaik, the fact that we are in such a bad way before the appointment of a female boss may be somewhat forgotten and would not give the new gaffer a level playing field. 



  9. This appointment needs to be right. Whoever that might be, this is a rebuild on an epic scale, the new manager will need very good knowledge of the league and good contacts to beg and borrow and WR would have had many to call upon. A season to build the team and stabilise will do for me.


  10. For the first time since it all started to unravel and Mel's pack of cards started to tumble, i am feeling hopeful. the bloke goes about his business quietly, is a supporter, it all seems to make sense for once. In an ideal world he buys the stadium so MM has got nothing to do with DCFC. Quantuma can go back to their shiny offices, WR can put together a team without the sh1te he has to put up with and we can all go back to see 22 blokes chasing a bag of air around a patch of grass. 

  11. 35 minutes ago, Miggins said:

    It's an epic read but it goes on a bit, but still well worth a read.

    'War and Peace' is like the Teddy Bears' Picnic compared with this horror story.

    Love, hate, intrigue, plot twists, conspiracy theories, goodies, baddies, hope, despair, tragedy, comedy.

    All of life's rich tapestry lie within these covers.

    If it was a work of fiction it would be a roller-coaster of a read and a best seller.

    However, as a true story that recounts the club's descent into chaos due to unthinkable mismanagement.........

    Actually, don't bother going back to  page 6.

    Just hide in the cupboard under the stairs and repeat after me....'La La La La LA LA LA LA LA !! ?

    It is a long read but I took a course in speed reading and read War and Peace in 1 hour. It's about Russia.

  12. 14 minutes ago, CBX1985 said:

    @RoyMac5It is a collective investment of some variety - my view would be an invitational UCIS.  A bit like monies in your pension, the front man/company would be the regulated person/entity.  The investors would have money laundering checks getting money into the collective, and the front man (and most likely company) would take responsibility for accepting these, though authorities can check.

    Sounds complicated, could they try with a debit card?

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