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Stive Pesley

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Posts posted by Stive Pesley

  1. 3 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    He is sort of implicating himself, but with a few get outs. Like "I should have acted sooner, but if they had listened to me, we would have got other people involved earlier who would have made us act earlier".

    There is a nice irony that the cabinet MPs who could just say Cummings is lying like with his Rose Garden statement, can't say that as they were all forced to back him up then. 

    Looking forward to when them come clean and admit that happened.

    Cummings doesn't seem to be lying this time though, and imagine there are plenty of others who will back up what he is saying/documents exist saying the same.

    I didn't realise that it was live on TV - watching now and it's fascinating stuff


  2. 15 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    Cummings statement is fascinating viewing. Imagine it will be turned into a film/mini-series like Chernobyl.

    Seems like there was no proper plan if something like Covid happened.

    Number 10 sounds like a very dysfunctional office.

    They were going for herd immunity until very late on.

    Finding this all very confusing - given that it seemed like Cummings was the architect of pretty much all government policy from B*xit onwards, and BJs trusted adviser. Now he's been ditched and he's laying the boot in. Hard to see how he can't implicate himself in all of this



  3. 2 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

    I don't know of 1 single person that has died from it so Im left scratching my head a bit

    To even it out - I know 5. Thankfully no one close, but relatives of friends &  work colleagues

    It's like everything - hard to relate to it as real unless you have experienced it, or seen someone you know experience it. The innate human capability of being unable to see further than the end of their nose


  4. 2 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

    Freedom of information responses from 29 councils (that have thus far responded) asked how many burials and cremations performed in their cities over last five years have revealed only 978 extra deaths over the average in 2020. In correlation with increases in population over that period and in those cities, the data doesn’t add up to the narrative. 
    I have had both doses btw and I’m not a foil helmet wearer. 

    Maybe not - but you're citing the work of conspiracy theorists desperately trying to find figures that play into their conviction that there is some sort of hoax going on. In some cases because they're just not very well and have too much time on their hands, and in other cases so that they can perpetuate their grift and make a tidy sum out of the whole thing by exploiting those who just desperately want to believe

    So let's be clear - there is no need for FOI requests to councils for this info

    1) because councils only carry figures for council-owned crematoriums and not private 

    2) the total figure for 2020 is already published by the Crematorium Society.


    You won't be surprised to see that there were ~70k more cremations in 2020

    And that the bloke on Twitter called "John M:Wrong Think Super Spreader" has piped down a bit




  5. On 23/05/2021 at 21:47, Rev said:

    I cancelled my second appointment today, and immediately booked a quicker one far closer to home.

    Same - had mine yesterday instead of in a couple of weeks

    Feeling a bit meh today, but nothing a paracetomol won't sort

    Friend of mine had her 2nd jab last thursday and tested positive for covid on Sunday - talk about bad timing. She works in a secondary school so it's not exactly a surprise, and hopefully her symptoms will remain mild




  6. 3 hours ago, TuffLuff said:

    One thing that’s maybe quite interesting is if it comes down to whether the extra money gave us an advantage

    Surely it's a provable fact (through our lack of promotion, and subsequent near death experience with League 1) that we gained no advantage whatsover

    And therein lies the biggest joke of all - if you ACTUALLY ignore the rules and get such an advantage that you are promoted (eg QPR) then they can't touch you

    What is even the point of punishing teams in our position?

    Isn't the biggest punishment the one we have brought up on ourselves - by being crap




  7. 6 hours ago, Oldben said:

    I would recommend to mel that he pays for a consultancy service like KPMG or deloitte to source a good buyer for the club, they can audit the buyer to make sure they are of good character and have the funds they are experts at handling business issues and would definately be able to find interested people to buy the club.

    I'm confident of this as someone who has worked over the years for a number of consultancy firms.

    I'd agree - if this was a normal business, but let's be honest - it's not

    If the sale offer from Mel was any good, we would have had our hands snapped off by actual real serious business men, and not chancers with shady backgrounds who have already exposed themselves as people who have failed to buy other clubs (because they don't actually have any money)

    I doubt any serious consultancies would go anywhere near being involved in trying to sell the club


  8. 4 minutes ago, angieram said:

    What do we do in the meantime - go into administration? 

    Genuinely don't think MM would want to go into administration. He'd lose it all if we did that

    He's still rich enough to be able to afford to keep bankrolling the club, he just doesn't want to any more - hence him desperately trying to sell us to any yank, sheik or boxer that expresses an interest

    But if it were administration or keep chucking money at it until a genuine buyer is found, I think he'd choose the latter

    Problem is - *genuine* buyers seem far and few between - and with the EFL appeal decision still outstanding who can blame them?


  9. 23 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

    Are they symptomatic cases or just positives with no symptoms. Only asking because that’s all we’re getting at the missus’s school.

    Theyve had no symptoms since Easter break.


    As far as I know, both cases are symptomatic - otherwise they wouldn't have been tested in the first place.

    Whilst it would interesting to know how many of the rest of the class have it but are asymptomatic, we've not been told to do lateral flows on the rest of the kids - which surprises me to be honest, given the fuss about making them so readily available

    All they have said is that if you *choose* to a lateral flow and it comes back negative then the kid still has to isolate for the full 10 days

  10. 1 hour ago, JoetheRam said:

    If people didn't watch these channels/visit their websites/buy their newspapers/follow their social media, then they would all stop being overblown, scare-mongering, frenzy-driven PR machines for the World's biggest corporate/political interests.

    Unfortunately most people do at least one of these things.

    Its worse than that though isn't it, because it doesn't actually matter if you choose not to visit the content - it gets pushed on you from all angles and you get sucked in anyway. It's all consuming if you're not careful

    To me the most important lesson to teach future generations is not critical thinking - because in an era of widespread misinformation you can't trust most of what you read anyway. So critical thinking too often leads people down youtube rabbit holes. The important lesson to teach people is that just because the internet gives you an instant voice it doesn't always mean you have to use it. 

  11. 12 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    A lot's happened since my last updates. Given the buzz about building a Human city on Mars, my alter ego was invited onto Russia Today (or all places) to talk about that. It doesn't seem to be on YouTube so sadly this isn't embedded and it means sliding to 12:25 or so to begin: https://www.rt.com/shows/sputnik/519237-big-apple-red-planet

    Cheers for the link - a good chat, and as a fellow baldie I feel your pain when it comes to Zoom backdrops making your head look like a weird ever-changing shape!

  12. 20 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

    I didn’t really want to engage in this thread again either but some decided to tag me into a quote, call me out and apparently belittle my opinion all out of the blue.

    Sorry Texas - i didn't mean to belittle your opinion, it was meant tongue in cheek if anything, as I saw the news article about Sweden and remembered the argument from a couple of months back.

    As with almost everything about this god forsaken pandemic, hindsight is a wonderful thing. Right now I'm feeling very optimistic that the UK is finally reaping the benefit of the hellish lockdowns we've been through. Huge amounts of people vaccinated and infections/deaths/hospitalisations driven right down. You say you'd still rather be in Sweden's shoes - I disagree. I don't hold it against you, and I do understand your argument ?

  13. So it looks like we're agreeing that there is a time and a place for attempts at humour, and we have to make an effort to understand the audience, and respect the fact that some audience members may find the joke hurtful or upsetting

    I therefore declare reports  of the death of comedy to be greatly exaggerated

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