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Stive Pesley

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Posts posted by Stive Pesley

  1. 13 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    What's the latest on transmission of virus once vaccinated? It wouldn't really help Cyprus if vaccinated people could still carry it over there.

    and likewise - wouldn't help us if our vaccinated Brits bring it back with them

    I don't know the official answer but it feels like they might be deeming it as irrelevant. They are working on the idea that if we vaccinate the adult population, then the transmission rate doesn't matter - as long as the numbers of deaths and hospitalisations drops right down to small numbers

    Personally that sounds a pretty cavalier approach to me, as we're in big trouble if the virus mutates to become vaccine resistant, and of course any death from Covid is what we want to avoid. The deaths don't matter less if there are fewer of them

    But then again, the science seems to be against "zero covid" ever being reached, so who knows how this will play out...


  2. 13 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

    @Carl Sagan how you doing with Dark. I've finished it now and when reading about it, found out about this great website. You can put in the episode your are up too and it gives you a family tree with no spoilers. Pretty useful as I'm pretty bad at remembering characters names.


    Ah - wish I'd seen this, we bailed after episode 2 of Season 2 as we were both really struggling to keep track of who was who.

    I still maintain they should have made all the characters wear name badges throughout!

  3. Has anyone watched Inhuman Resources on Netflix?

    It still blows my mind that Eric Cantona is a surprisingly good actor. There can't be too many people who have had 2 such diverse careers in life. Or maybe he's just the French Vinnie Jones ?

    Anyway - it's a good watch, the story seems a bit far-fetched but apparently the central premise is based on a true story. There is a decent twist in the middle, and a satisfying ending. Only 6 episodes and you need to be OK with subtitles, but otherwise definitely interested to hear others thoughts on it


  4. Philosophically it's a very difficult one - you could argue that it's very difficult to function in today's society without identifying ID already. Passports, driving licenses, National Insurance number, bank accounts - to do without all of them, you'd literally have to live in a squat and operate 100% on the black market

    But somehow the idea of a new National ID card or a Vaccination Status card feels like an erosion of liberty too far - and I'd be against it

    But I dont fully know why - compared to 30-40 years ago we are already tracked and monitotred through our lives in incredible detail. Maybe we prefer our erosions of liberty to be slow and silent and this just feels too obvious!


  5. 14 minutes ago, BIllyD said:

    There’s thought a lot of these mutations are occurring in immune compromised people who harbour the virus for months, and one particular danger is giving them convalescent plasma, which is basically plasma from recovered covid infected, which seems to place even more evolutionary pressure on the virus to mutate.

    I'm no virologist but I thought the process of mutation wasn't really a deliberate act on the part of the virus - just that mutations happen randomly all the time, and if a random mutation happens to be one that makes it easier to infect (like the kent variant) or in future evade the vector of the vaccine, then that strain will automatically become the most prevalent?


  6. 3 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    That really is the big issue.

    The biggest danger period is when you roll out vaccines in a large scale (the current phase is probably the largest mass-innoculation this country has ever seen), you can end up with people being infected before the vaccine has taken full effect - and that is a prime candidate for how you end up with vaccine-resistant viruses.

    It seems like a positive that so far the vaccine companies don't think the mutations are evading the vaccine. Could be that the new RNA vaccines are a bit more resilient? Or we just don't know. Another positive is that this is surely the most studied virus in the history of humankind, so we have to be hopeful that the vaccines can be tweaked and boosters offered when needed


  7. I like the idea of a roadmap - lets everyone know where they stand. I said in the old thread that friends who have work which is impacted by the lockdowns find the lack of visibility the worst thing to deal with. Particularly when we were in the tier system

    Is it too fast or too slow? Hard to know, but I wish they'd publish some of the data points behind it, rather than this x weeks after y and no earlier than z

    Didn't BJ say he would be driven by data rather than dates? This plan seems to show the opposite

    I'd have preferred an approach that was more "when the infection rate/hospitalisation rate/R number (or whatever measure) hits this point then these particular restrictions can be lifted" - rather than abitrary dates that may seem too early/too late when we get there

    I'm sure they have based these dates on data projections somewhere, so why not share the workings?


  8. Got this for xmas and it's just made it's way to the top of the reading pile. Currently half way through the Nigel Clough years and to be honest it's making me fall out of love with football even more than I was doing already

    I should stress that I can't fault the writing, all really well told and the contributions of the interviewees are brilliant - just that it's made me realise how much terrible stuff we've been through and how much I'd blotted out. I'm genuinely thinking that the last 20 years of being a Rams fan has given me some kind of mild PTSD!

    It's a compelling read for sure, but the best analogy I can come up with is it's like eating a big McDonalds. I really enjoy it at the time, but afterwards I feel a bit dirty and fat and wonder why I did it. If someone was to then take me behind the scenes and explain what really went on, from the way they treat the animals all the way through to their final journey into my mouth I know I would be sickened

    But all this is my problem, not the author's. If it was fiction, you'd say it was too far-fetched!

    Genuinely interested to know Ryan if you feel closer to the club as a result of your incredible journey writing the book or whether you shared some of the same feelings I have about it all once you'd seen what went on behind the curtain?





  9. I have to say that it's a lovely place to walk the dog now there are no annoying golfers shouting at you to "get off the fairway" and "stop that dog digging a hole in the bunker" and "BRING BACK MY BLOODY BALL YOU STUPID DOG!"

    But in all seriousness - it's a hell of a lot of grass, so it will quickly need maintaining once the spring comes. If there is no greenkeeper then it's going to become a wasteland

  10. 14 hours ago, maxjam said:

    Probably just quicker to post this tweet instead - 10 new Star Wars TV shows coming in 2021.

    Has there ever been a better time to be alive as a nerd...

    Call me ungrateful, but if all that stuff comes out in 2021, then I fear it may be all a bit overwhelming. I'd be happy with just Mandalorian Season 3, Obi Wan and Lando (assuming it's Donald Glover?)

  11. I posted a question early on in this thread about the effects of (the lack of gravity) on people planning to live on Mars

    An interesting article here explains a little more


    Astronauts on the ISS have serious side effects from microgravity after 6 months - and that's just the one way travel time to Mars. If Mars travellers then try to live in microgravity on Mars for a further prolonged period, it  will wreck their bodies




  12. 18 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

    I’ve actually binge watched Mandalorian over the weekend. Relegating the football to muted iPad viewing at same time. 

    Absolutely captivated by it, in a similar way i am to Interstellar! Weird cos i find all the Star Wars films boring and instantly forgettable. I’m actually pissed off that there aren’t more episodes. 

    Enjoying the cameos. 

    In some ways I wish they'd done the additional trilogies as serialised TV shows - if only to stop the SW purists constantly comparing the films. Mandalorian shows us now that it would have worked a treat as enjoyable entertainment

    My lad was traumatised last night as he lost the baby and the ship!


  13. 12 hours ago, r4derby said:

    This episode felt a lot shorter than the other episodes

    Not watched it yet, but it's the second shortest episode yet I think - at 31 mins. Ep2 of season 1 didn't even make 30 minutes!

    Mad that some episodes have been 50 minutes - seems weird to have  TV shows these days that  don't have to stick to a set length to tell each part of the story

    I think I like it

  14. I certainly hope I live long enough to witness the experiment. With a window of 26 months between journeys, you have to wonder how many people on trip 2 will have changed their minds depending on what happens to the people on trip 1. For example if 50% of them are already dead after 2 years, or 75% of them want to come back!

    And on the 1/3 gravity thing - is the intention that they just live at that gravity, or is there some technology that can normalise gravity to earth standard inside whatever building they live in?

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