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eccles the ram

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Posts posted by eccles the ram

  1. And so we got what we 'deserved' in the eyes of a lot of our so-called 'rival' clubs. To me it is now going to be a time for reflection. Fantastic home games, drab 1 0 losses away from home. This last season has been so memorable in so many ways. But what comes out of all this is a 'unity' which,quite frankly, i am so proud to be a part of. The EFL tried to break us, Gobson and that Wycombe owner tried, but they haven't suceeded. The management,players and fans have been galvanised in such a way i really hope this continues into next season. Goodbye Championship, it was good while it lasted. We will be back stronger than ever in 2023. And to the complete toerags of other clubs who are currently revelling in our demise - you could very well be next! And a last thought to the EFL- if it wasn't for us being formed in 1884 with another 11 clubs you may never have existed!!!! I hope in the very near future you don't exist at all! UTR!

  2. It was inevitable even perhaps to the most ardent supporter. Perhaps last year's karma at the Sheff Wed game has turned against us when Reading scored their forth. Well done to them as they pulled it around at the right time. Our away form eventually lost us a place in the Championship (as well as the points deductions). So proud of the team,the management and us fans. Rooney has it under his skin and it appears he wants to stick with us in Division 1. It is going to be very hard but, different grounds and always 3pm kickoffs, i am genuinely looking forward to next season. To Wayne and the boys thanks for this roller-coaster of a season which will live in so many supporters minds. I have really enjoyed it perversely. Next season, with hopefully the take-over completed, will be i think another one to remember but the outcome will be totally different (ie promoted). Now DCFC when do i get my season-ticket? UTR

  3. Forget about your Man Citys and your Liverpools, forget about the 2.5 billion takeover at Chelsea, last night was an absolute privilege to be a Rams supporter. On Sky the pride, passion and togetherness in players,management and supporters was there for all to see. Brilliant game,unreal support and it comes into the top ten of my all time favourite games I have witnessed. Thank you DCFC and our supporters the smile on my face will remain over the whole of Easter and beyond,whatever our season's outcome is. From a very hoarse fan. UTR

  4. Yep! Standing between two sets of supporters on the pop side with coins being thrown (also the odd bottle), covered in spit and trying to keep order. Not to mention breaking up fights all around the streets yesteryear was so much worse! Not condoning violence but it seemed that it was! I am glad we have moved on. 

    3 hours ago, Mucker1884 said:

    That just goes to show that the old adage about "policemen getting younger" is very true!  

    Many of us have seen much, much worse!


  5. Whoever we are playing I like to visit and read their forums. Fulham's one is mainly about THAT MATCH IN 1983 when they were going for promotion and we needed the points to stay up. The end of the match ended earlier than expected as our crowd had lined all around the pitch. I was there and it was a brilliant atmosphere. Yes we should have got the supporters back on the terraces etc.. but Fulham fans on their forum have said it was really toxic and our fans were acting very menacing. It seems to have scarred quite a few from Fulham who were there at the time. They have not forgotten and seem to want 'revenge' for what had happened nearly 40 years ago! Move on chaps, life is too short! We won on the day and we will win on Good Friday. We don't need to get on the pitch this time. UTR.


  6. Reading are away at Sheff. Utd earlier in the day so we should know what we need to do against Fulham. Reading and Barnsley lose then it could get interesting. Keep Mitrovic quiet then we have a chance, albeit slim. I will be there with my son friday evening. PP under the lights, Fulham going for promotion, a good attendance - come on lads, forget about watching on tv come on down, we've only 3 home games left now. And it is Good Friday. I wonder if it will live up to its name??

  7. EFL have apparently seen and accepted that he has the funds but I am still a bit sceptical. I hope I am wrong and he brings a period of stability to this great club of ours. Something is niggling me. Perhaps all the other failed bids etc.. have browbeaten me down. Please Mr K. DON'T let the fans down. Thank you.UTR.

  8. On 31/03/2022 at 17:08, eccles the ram said:

    On their forum Preston fans were very impressed with our support up there when their chairman died. They are calling for their fans not to 'gloat' over our perilous position on Saturday and indeed be supportive of our actions against MM, EFL etc.. They have highlighted it could be them that could be in our shoes, or any number of teams. Fair play to them for this. There may be the odd scroat but hopefully I believe they will behind us all the way! Hopefully 1 0 at the end of the match!!!?

    Told yer!!! UTR

  9. On their forum Preston fans were very impressed with our support up there when their chairman died. They are calling for their fans not to 'gloat' over our perilous position on Saturday and indeed be supportive of our actions against MM, EFL etc.. They have highlighted it could be them that could be in our shoes, or any number of teams. Fair play to them for this. There may be the odd scroat but hopefully I believe they will behind us all the way! Hopefully 1 0 at the end of the match!!!?

  10. Friday 1st April is pivotal in the history of DCFC from what has been written by Percy et al. If it transpires we don't have a PB that comes up to the valuation (and it seems that may be the case)and Q have gone to the nth degree, then MM and Pearce will be the most despised people not only in Derby and Derbyshire but in homes all across the country, and around the world. Chelsea takeover will be put in the background whilst our demise will be all over Sky. Money, as so many have said in the past, has ruined this beautiful game. Greedy agents and some greedy players have taken our money and run. Very very sad tonight for everyone affected, including my son and myself. It's like sitting at the side of a bed where you are watching someone so precious to you ebbing away in front of eyes and you can't do anything about it. Please Mel DON'T LET THIS MAGNIFICENT CLUB DIE - I BEG YOU!!!

  11. I am in my mid 60s and I want to see and shout my lungs out for a Derby County who will still hopefully be playing in the EFL. That's all! Call me a hypocrite but whoever stumps up the money to save us from liquidation I will doff my cap to them,even if it involves MM. A year from now ( please god let us still have a team by then), if MM was 'part' of the financial package, a lot of supporters will still be angry,hurt and exasparated to what he had done to our beloved club, but thankful he did something right in the end. He will never be seen again as a 'fan' in most of our eyes but his lasting legacy could reduce in time the hate directed at him right now. This week Mel do the right thing for all our sakes and make the correct decision (for a change!).UTR

  12. 1 hour ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    Are people really thinking MM is involved...have I missed something????

    Correct me if I am wrong but that undercover documentary on El Jeezera a few months ago about a takeover showed MM wanting still to be involved but be in the background! Still might happen but what do I know, or indeed the majority on here knows. It will come out eventually and i am not holding my breath that it's going to be clarified today! UTR

  13. I will miss his warp speed passing defenders at will! Good luck to the lad! Really sad to see you go my friend. Another gem gone!

    Sad times indeed! Let's hope the PB is identified this Friday. Good Friday may come a little earlier this year- I hope! UTR.

  14. Going to be a tough one tonight as I consider that if we lose then,barring a miracle we may be in Div.1 next season. Normally very upbeat but,what with what's happening around the world at the moment, it is pretty hard. Football is a release from the everyday problems but it's bloody hard! A Derby win tonight could help a lot. For those who are going sing loud and proud for the boys. UTR

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