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Posts posted by Boycie

  1. 24 minutes ago, Crewton said:

    Nothing at all.

    When I was living down Hampshire way, a few old pubs had traditional bowling alleys, which were great for a social do.


    Arh, Skittles, they have a tin plate on the floor before the pins that you have to throw the ball over to hit the pins.  Don’t you have to also hit the king pin first? 

  2. 4 hours ago, Day said:

    Here's my way around it, when I drink I drink enough to give me the squirty rear end, so what will be will be. Squirtier it is, the quicker it exits. Just don't book any morning jobs after a session.

    Here’s the thing. You shouldn’t get the squirts even if you drink excessively, thats the gluten.  

    Actually, if you’re drinking that amount what does taste have to do with it? Sounds like quantity and effect to me?  I bet after 3 if someone put another lager in a Madri glass on a night out you’d never notice.
    Then at the end of the night you have a cheeky take out that has wheat in it as you think “in for a pound”  then you feel like s**** and ache like a bitch, get bloated and in foul mood for about 5 days.  Then you rinse and repeat.

    If you squirt after drinking non wheat lager then I think you’re full gluten intolerant to be honest.

    Fair play to you, but I couldn’t live permanently feeling like I do after I have wheat just because a lager tastes a bit better.

    I think that I can’t appreciate that Madri tastes better as I’ve never tried it because of what’s in it. So I guess I’ll only ever have a favourite non wheat lager.

    Now go to bed and think about what I’ve said! I’m not angry….just disappointed.

  3. 2 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Annoyingly (for you) - an awful lot of craft beer is gluten free but doesn't have the official stamp, because you have to pay for each batch to be tested and signed-off as gluten free before you can advertise it as such. Hence a lot of smaller breweries tend to only have one or two "official" gluten free beers, whereas in reality you'd be fine with most of their beer. 

    Yes, my local brewer Shiny uses the Clearex additive and told me the same as you.  But fortunately for me it’s just the wheat not the Barley that affects me.  Unless you can quickly find a supermarket online that seals bottles or tins of the brew you’re looking to buy at a bar and check the ingredients, not many sellers know if it has wheat in it or not. 

    It’s less Russian, more Rustyhole Roulette I have to play most time.  Every so often I luck out. 💨💩

  4. 1 minute ago, GboroRam said:

    Well, what can I say? 

    The Germans decided that proper beer should only contain hops, malted barley, and water. And they did a pretty decent job of it. 

    So, ingredients aren't a massive issue. Water profiles can be changed by adding minerals. Hops have different flavours and can be used in different quantities. Malt can be 2 row or 6 row breeds, can be roasted for different flavours, and used in different quantities to add depth and mouthfeel. Some heretics throw some extra ingredients in, partly for taste and sometimes for wacky factor. I'm looking at you, mushy pea mild. 

    But the one thing that the Germans forgot is in all their beer, is yeast. And this is the biggest game changer. Yeast makes beer. Brewers make wort (the sugary liquid that yeast turns to alcohol). 

    Unfortunately my pocket won't stretch to it regularly, but the difference in quality from the little Belgian beers in the supermarket shows the Madris, the Morettis, the Stellas and the Budweisers for what they are - mass produced products designed to maximise profit by efficient use of materials to make a product that the masses can't take much offense at. 

    I agree, I can’t have wheat in my beers or lagers.  But some of the Belgium stuff does contain it.

    Or some Tyskie! 

  5. 8 hours ago, Day said:

    I don't get the hype, tastes like festival lager, massively watered down with a weird after taste.

    Says the Madri fan boy, he even dresses like the guy on the bottle. #hipster

    *Watch him deny it.

    You shouldn’t even be drinking it! Wheat init, init!

    They all taste the bloody same anyrode, and when I see a pint of Carling with a 2 inch head protruding above the glass I really do wonder what shites in it

  6. On 29/04/2024 at 22:09, Abu Derby said:

    The caravan king perhaps?

    He lost all respect from me when it was reported that he was to save the narrow gauge railway at Markeaton Park from being torn up.

    Now it’s spread around the country from Scarborough to Cornwall! 

    Get out.

  7. Two mistakes made.

    1 Butlins.

    2 Skegness.




    (I assume it was Skegness, only scan read it, as I doubt you’d be arsed to drive to Minehead or the other one on the south coast that nobody from up norths ever been too.)

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