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Posts posted by Boycie

  1. Take it you've got one then. It gets on my tits when they are driving about in the snow. No need for it.

    they drive up the road and compact the snow, because they can get about in the snow.

    I'll tell you what, next time it snows, I'll stop in and moan at people who have a plan B.

    Clough is another one who has no plan B.

    But I think he may own a 4x4, ahem.

  2. Im not a music nut tbh.

    but i've down loaded the old Elbow album which had the track that they played at the closing ceremony of the olympics.

    to be fair, its a cracking album, well worth the awards it got.

    they named the album after Daveo.

    "The seldom seen kid" is really good.

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