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  1. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Ram-Alf in The Administration Thread   
    What makes me confident, DCFC are too big to go under, DCFC when bought could/will move forward with the ground they have, The training facilities they have, And most of all the crowd potential is one too envy.
    I can only say what I've been told...Steve Morgan will be the owner, The call I received was today he'll be the new owner, If he's not then not only myself but a few others that I'm aware that have been told will be a little pi$$ed off.
    My neck is not on the line...his is. 
  2. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Sparkle in The Administration Thread   
    I couldn’t give a stuff about them right now 
  3. Sad
    derbydaz22 reacted to Ellafella in The Administration Thread   
    We’re up to 1880 pages; ironic if we get to 1884  when we get liquidated. 
  4. Sad
    derbydaz22 reacted to RipleyRich in The Administration Thread   
    I beg to differ.
    Pretty much the same scenario as the end of March deadline.
    The EFL will reach a point where if the Club is unable to prove it can start and complete the season, it can withdraw membership.
    That's my biggest concern now as time is running out.
  5. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    Alan curbishly to replace Rooney?
  6. Clap
    derbydaz22 got a reaction from WystonRam in The Administration Thread   
    That was a good song B4 ?
  7. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to S8TY in The Administration Thread   
    So Morris dictating our future even though he's the clown who got us in this mess....I actually hate the man ....I've never heard of an owner who runs away from a pile of poo and then has some say in who can clear it up!!!! Shambles!!!!?
  8. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to angieram in The Administration Thread   
    I did say that was probably the issue yesterday.
    It's the establishment casting aspersions on something outside their control, as usual.
    I'd like to bet there's even more money-laundering going on with real money and we all know how good the establishment is at preventing that! 
  9. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to jono in The Administration Thread   
    Just as long as B4 is in charge of player sales
  10. Sad
  11. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to IslandExile in The Administration Thread   
    Yeah, but who is telling you? The guy down the chip shop who swears he's Elvis?
  12. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to Boycie in The Administration Thread   
  13. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to Tamworthram in From being hard done by, to being despised?   
    To be fair to @MadAmster as a new poster, he/she has probably seen that this isn’t necessarily a requirement on this forum.?
  14. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to DavesaRam in From being hard done by, to being despised?   
    Much of the negative image we have in the football world is because the EFL and their stooge reporters have done a good PR job on us painting us as the rogues, and the EFL being knights in shining armour. What we need to do is mount a PR exercise of our own painting the real picture, showing not only the EFLs incompetence, but their corruption, and the blatant agenda which they have against Derby County, and the pig-ignorant, selfish, vindictive action by Steve Gibson who probably knew he had no case, and that it wouldn't stand up in court, but knew that the EEFL were scared of him and wouldn't stop him in his claim against our club. And he pursued that claim knowing that it would prevent us coming out of administration at Christmas, and would almost certainly see us relegated. Which it did.
    So not only do we have an excellent case against the EFLuent (restriction of trade is a possibility), we might also be able to go for Steve Gibson as well because his unfounded claim, which would never have even got to  court, effectively relegated us.
    I live in hope. (or dreamland!)
  15. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to angieram in Season Tickets 2022-23   
    Years ago, but I voted for the new Wembley to be somewhere on the M6 M1 junction. What a national stadium needs is a central location and excellent transport links.
    I voted similar for Olympic stadium.
    What we got for both was a really inconvenient setting crammed in to a location with aging infrastructure  and no adequate transport links for anybody but the London-based politicians and officials who like to freeload at these events. No thoughts whatsoever for the paying punters.
  16. Like
    derbydaz22 got a reaction from Comrade 86 in 2021/22 Attendances.   
  17. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to Jimbo Ram in LG 1 appropriate transfer suggestions   
    So not a fan then ?
  18. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to Ambitious in LG 1 appropriate transfer suggestions   
    I’d rather perform my own vasectomy than see that toad play for Derby County. The bloke is a gimp of the highest altitude. 
  19. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Elwood P Dowd in The Administration Thread   
    Of course we are, this agreement clearly demonstrates that all parties want to get this deal over line. The ground was always going to be an issue simply because it’s outside of the clubs control and is not part of the package on offer by the administrators. The more parties involved in a deal the greater the complexity.
    Hopefully we are now close to being able to get back to talking about football and forgetting all about leases, amortisation, transfer bans, points deductions etc. I, for one, am just looking forward to focusing on the “on the pitch” activities ????
  20. Like
    derbydaz22 got a reaction from Premier ram in 2021/22 Attendances.   
  21. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to Van der MoodHoover in The Administration Thread   
    Sounds like Beryl in accounts didn't type the CHAPS instructions in before she left for the weekend cos she only works to 2pm on Fridays... ?
  22. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to TheresOnlyWanChope in 2021/22 Attendances.   
    That away attendance table means nothing but the home attendance numbers are impressive. Haven’t DCFc got the top 3 attended matches this season? Can’t remember when the ticket office opened but remember I couldn’t get tickets to some games as they were off sale before the day weirdly due to the ticket office closure. Think the average would be closer 25k if ticket office had been open as there were the very low figures for a few matches after lockdown or when administration hit. 
  23. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to B4ev6is in Chris Coles leaving Radio Derby in July   
    Can he take steel with him.please get rammage back.
  24. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to CBRammette in The Kirchner-Morris Summit Meeting   
    Do we know he was drinking alcohol? Do we know re time? Do we know how long he was there? Do we know if it was an attempt to get to know Byrne/Laurence and perhaps others so they may sign a contract? Do we know he was getting backslaps or perhaps in need of distraction after a totally rubbish day? Do we know if others there such as local businessmen who may help (they're not all old)?
    He seems to be the only guy willing to save us so lets round on him shall we?
  25. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to sonofmidnight in The Kirchner-Morris Summit Meeting   
    I live about 2 miles from MM's Derbyshire house and today it is taking all my will power not to post a notice on his gate stating just what I think of him. I am so cross and upset. I know we don't know all the facts but how reckless to gamble over the future of our club, affecting the jobs, incomes of thousands of people and the feelings of the many devoted fans.  Didn't he realise that the flip side of gaining entry to the Premiership was what is happening now. Utter recklessness. As not only the owner but custodian he had a duty to ensure the viability of the club.  
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