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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. 12 hours ago, Angry Ram said:

    Spot on... Don't mind a degree of back covering emails, that's like now.. BUT keep the feckers to yourself until you need to use them. 

    I don't need to be cc'd on inane bollx from people who sit 5 yards apart.

    I don't have this problem but Mrs Wolfie manages a team of 20 Social Workers and she gets copied on everything. I get it that there is back covering required - especially in that line of work - but after a 2 week holiday, she had over 2300 emails to catch up with. About 2-3% actually required action from her. She regularly works evenings just to catch up and she sees it as a success if she's managed to keep her inbox at less than 200 emails.

    I've told her again & again that it's not sustainable - and she has 2 team leaders under her, who could filter a lot of the crap out - but it's the same with other Team Managers. It's a real Public Sector culture thing, I think but how much resource (and money) is wasted by people spending hours on end just reading emails they shouldn't need to.

  2. 2 hours ago, Moist One said:

    Two things:-

    Being an Emotional T***!

    Yesterday, a lad who I've worked with and taken under my wing left work to go and work somewhere else. Part way through the day, I had to leave to go to a meeting on another site, and got up to go and say goodbye and wish him luck. I got about 6 steps from my desk, and realised I was welling up and teary eyed, and had to turn around and sit down to compose myself! I ended up composing myself enough to wade in for a quick handshake and a "I've got to go mate, good luck yeah", before spinning on my heels and stomping out fighting back tears! I'm 41 years old FFS! 

    To be fair, in my 25 working years, he's possibly the best character and funniest lad I've ever worked with and I will miss him. The kind of lad you'd be happy your daughter bought home. Wish him the best, but cannot believe how gutted and emotional I was. There is also a vacancy under my wing now!

    I think someone needs a hug......

    Come here you big softie :D


    I do know what you mean, though. I'm a bit like that.

  3. 19 hours ago, Paul71 said:


    Article in the DET about being late:


    I personally hate being late, usually will be early rather than late. I know sometimes it really cannot be helped, but those that do it all the time really do my head in, i do think its selfish as the article suggests as they think there time is more valuable than others.

    My wife has a friend who is ALWAYS late, and I mean always. When they meet up or are going out you know she will be late. So her excuse is 'well you know im always late'

    Not long ago they had an afternoon tea booked, my wife was there a few minutes early, by the time her friend was 10 minutes late shes texting me complaining and im telling her just come away and i'll come pick you up, but no shes too politie and her friend turns up 20 minutes late. All she said is well you could have started without me...

    My wife gets home and notices at the time she should have been meeting , her friend was posting pictures of her new shoes on facebook.

    Totally rude and selfish in my opinion.

    Right on. I hate this.

    Mrs Wolfie recently took an afternoon off work to go shopping with a friend of hers - who ended up being 1.3/4 hours late, with a really rubbish excuse and no apology. This was a lot worse than average but they are consistently 30 mins late whenever we arrange anything for us & our kids to get together - and then do nothing but argue in public when they do show up!

  4. That screen notch thing bothers me & does spoil it IMO. There's no way Steve Jobs would have let it happen.

    Having said that I've only recently upgraded to a 6S+, so it'll be a while before it becomes a decision I have to make.

  5. 11 hours ago, Norman said:

    I get that you dont have to move the sofa, which solves that problem.

     But what about the f****** tele :lol:


    11 hours ago, Steve How Hard? said:

    Never noticed that. How do you sit on the sofa and watch the tv anyway? 


    11 hours ago, 1of4 said:

    Mirror on the opposite wall



    10 hours ago, Angry Ram said:

    This is @froggg gaff, he likes putting stuff in front of the TV. Been caught red handed before.

    I'm guessing if they want a tree like that then they've probably got an Exorcist type swivel head anyway. Problem solved.

  6. LED light bulbs.

    For example. I've just replaced one on a security light (so only occasional use) which has been in operation for about 3 months, when the packaging claims it'll last for 25 years.

    Over the past few months I've replaced most of the lights inside and outside of my house with LEDs and I seem to have to replace them about as often as I used to have to with the old fashioned ones.

    So much for saving me money on electricity, when the bulbs cost loads more than the old ones.

  7. 23 hours ago, Pearl Ram said:

    It’s my wife’s and brother in law’s birthdays next week. Went to WH Smith’s and bought two cards...£8.03p. These were not fancy Dan all singing all dancing situations with all the whistles and bells, just an improvement on the tat the card factory sells.

    I’m not tight but eight quid for two cards is an out and out rip off and I’m still annoyed about it this morning. 

    This grinds my gears as well. Spend £4 on something that's going to get looked at for a few seconds, gather dust on a shelf for a week and then get binned/recycled. Massive waste of money.

  8. 20 minutes ago, David said:

    I sent an email with a suggestion as to what it could be, they confirmed that it was possible, we compared notes, ran a line of code on one of the files to disable a caching method. Hey presto the forum is fixed. 

    Taking full credit for my diagnosis of the situation to ensure a speedy fix was put in place. Now back in your tree house :p 

    Was the email content along the lines of: "Turn it off and back on again"?

  9. I parked at Newark Northgate station this week, for a business trip to London. When I returned, one of the parking pay machines was out of order and so there was quite a large queue at the only other one. I noticed a woman walk past & said that she wasn't prepared to wait that long to pay.

    10 minutes later and I'm now in a queue at the barrier because someone at the front (in a 16 plate Porsche) was pressing the button to speak to someone because the barrier wouldn't rise. No prizes for guessing who.

    What did she expect was going to happen?. Presumably she thought they'd let her off the charge (£13). I suppose Porsches don't pay for themselves......

    After a few minutes I noticed that there was another exit and so went to that one - followed by the 6 or 7 other cars who were waiting. I really hope they didn't let her get away with it.

  10. 18 minutes ago, eddie said:

    Being at work and having nothing to do. Far, far worse than having too much to do.


    When my brain is in high gear (as I call it), I'm a lot more efficient, concentrate better & decision making improves. Weirdly, I have a mild stammer but it pretty much disappears when I'm busy & stressed, when you might expect it to be the other way.

    I hate it when I have too much time to do stuff (or nothing) because I over-analyse everything & my brain goes to mush.

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