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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. 41 minutes ago, AmericanRam said:

    People's obsession of reading and watching celebrity news, especially shows such as TMZ, similar blogs, etc.

    'OMG did you hear who such and such is dating' Or 'Can't believe they did that'. On and on.

    I just watch their movies,shows, etc and really don't care to know about their personal lives tbh.


    I know what you mean. There are music bands that I've listened to and bought most of their output for 30 years - but I can't remember the guys' names let alone any personsal details about them. I like the music but I'm not bothered about getting to know the individuals.

  2. Doctor Strange

    I like the Marvel Avengers films but Thor is probably the only character that I've seen all of their stand alone films. I've never got Captain America at all and have only seen one of the Iron Man films (can't remember which). Dr Strange is probably a character I could easily watch again, though.

    Cumberbatch is good but Tilda Swinton steals the film, for me. I love her weirdness & haunting portrayal of The Ancient One.

    8/10 and the next one is with Thor, by the look of it, so will look forward to that.

  3. 20 minutes ago, StivePesley said:

    You know how to use one of these right?


    20 minutes ago, StivePesley said:

    You tip it upside down with the lid on and fill the bulb, then turn it the right way up.

    Take the bulb out and capillary action keeps the vinegar in the bulb - you then tap the bulb and drops of vinegar com out


    Well that's just silly & overcomplicated. What's wrong with a "normal" bottle that you shake?

  4. 10 Cloverfield Lane.

    Missed this at the cinema, so finally got round to catching up with it this weekend.

    If it's possible for a film to be enjoyable but a bit disappointing at the same time, then this was. John Goodman was excellent and the whole is it real or made up story was quite well done. I found the end a bit disappointing - but can't go into detail without spoilers - so I won't.



  5. When food/recipes get messed with for no good reason. I blame competing TV chefs.

    A bloke at work makes sausage rolls and claims they're the best ever because he puts branston in them. OK, what if you don't like Branston (I don't). Well I won't be able to taste it, apparently. OK, so why is it in there at all then?. Because it makes them amazing - try one. But I don't like Branston etc etc.

    Is it so bad to have a sausage roll and eat it with some Branston on the side if you so desire?.

    Also restaurants adding stuff to other stuff for the hell of it. I like mashed spuds. Bit of cream/milk/butter in there?. Great stuff

    Mustard? Horseradish?.NO!!!!!!!!!!

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