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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. 36 minutes ago, McRamFan said:

    Had the same decision a few years ago, whilst investigating the memory foam mattresses that where good where in the 1000's, so one option suggested was get a good spring mattress and buy a good memory foam cover for it, so opted for that and sleep like a corpse.

    I must sleep like a copse, based on the ever-present wood when I wake up.

  2. The girl on the train (currently free on Amazon Prime Video)

    Enjoyed this twisty thriller a lot & look forward to a second viewing.

    Reminded me a lot of Gone Girl - though that one is probably superior. Emily Blunt was fantastic in this, playing the sad alcoholic who becomes obsessed with the "perfect couple" she sees every day on her train ride past their house - 2 doors down from where she used to live with her ex-husband.


  3. 47 minutes ago, Lambchop said:

    What didn’t you like about it? I need a new mattress, and people keep telling me to get one. 

    Mrs Wolfie used to have one when we got together & I hated it because you sink into them a bit and, while that gives some support, it just made me overheat constantly & wake up sweating. Much prefer a decent sprung mattress. 

  4. Murder on the Orient Express

    I love the old 70's & 80's Agatha Christie films - especially Peter Ustinov ones, so have been looking forward to this one for a while. Obviously because of this, I knew whodunnit but the story was darker than the original (from memory).

    Good stuff:

    Direction & Camera work

    Depiction of Poirot's OCD

    Great cast with loads of stars

    Bad stuff:

    Some dodgy CGI with the exterior scenes

    Distracting Moustache!


  5. Thor - Ragnarok

    I did enjoy it but, to be honest I'm not sure I'm on board with the new wisecracking Thor and the feel & tone of this film being similar to Gardians of the Galaxy. I think I preferred it when Thor wasn't purely playing it for laughs.

    Still a 7/10 for me though. I could watch Cate Blanchet and Tom Hiddlestone all day long.

  6. 2 minutes ago, David said:

    The side effects of online shopping, emails.

    Could you please leave a review

    Now can you fill this survey out

    We have special offers this week

    Each email has it’s own path of unsubscribing, was never asked if I wanted to receive these emails. 

    Next time you purchase from the shop your preferences are reset and start the cycle of unsubscribing to all these emails.

    I agree but it's not just online.

    Loads of shops now wont give paper receipts and want your email address for an e-receipt instead. Bloody annoying then when the emails start arriving, I agree.

  7. 19 hours ago, Angry Ram said:

    Got some new favs on the business bollx speak. 

    Machine learning !!

    IT Estate - I know what a housing estate is.

    Hyper Cloud Scale - Something to do with Apple?

    Identity Soc - Single pane of glass - WTF is that.

    My personal fav - Hetro genius systems !!! 

    60 mins of life that I won't get back. 

    Was like a **** fest of bollx.

    No idea about the rest but Machine Learning is a real thing, rather than just managament bullpoo. Our company is into it.

    It's related to Artificial Intelligence in that the Machine looks at large amounts of data and searches for patterns - often they are ones that humans would miss. The pattern then helps the Machine to Learn what the correct actions should be, without the need for human intervention.


  8. 2 hours ago, JoetheRam said:

    People who start their cars up and then disappear back into the house for 15 minutes for it to warm up, leaving it to tick over on their drive at 5.30 every morning waking me up. Nesh buggers. Hope someday an opportunist jumps in it and drives off.

    I do that but not at 5.30. It's normally about 7.15 and the car is keyless, so I can lock it & take the fob back in the house.

    I only do it because I drop the little one off at Breakfast club on the way to work and she simultaneously flatly refuses to wear a coat and kicks off about being cold in the car.

  9. 11 minutes ago, richinspain said:

    I’ve got 3 of those small ones, that even though they’re a few years old and don’t give a 100% recharge but at least enough to be able to keep in touch in an emergency, plus a new one that’s admittedly a bit bulky but should recharge up to 4 mobiles, plus a charger in her car. I think that the problem is my wife more than the mobile in her case.

    Haha I know what you mean. Somehow my wife seems to always have her phone plugged into the one mains charger we've got at home when I occasionally want to use it - and yet simulaneously never has her phone charged up. There's nowt wrong with her battery & she doesn't even have to switch the socket on, so I've no idea how she manages it! Bless her.

  10. 3 hours ago, richinspain said:

    In the end I changed the battery on my wife’s iPhone 5s (for a compatible one, not original). Seems to have done the trick. Yesterday she got home with 2% battery and it was still working. Now I need to find a way for her to leave the house with the battery fully charged instead of 15%. I think that will be harder to resolve :(

    Powerbanks are great for emergency top-ups.

    I've got a big capacity one, that'll charge an iPhone 6S about 6 times, for camping trips etc but Mrs Wolfie picked up a little one from Lidl that's about the size of a lipstick and cost about a fiver. She's terrible at keeping her phone charged & gives me some piece of mind...

  11. Colossal

    Anne Hathaway plays a heavy drinking New York party girl, dumped by her boyfriend & forced to go back to her small home town. Then a massive monster appears in Seoul and it quickly becomes apparent that there's a connection between them......

    Seriously weird film. Part comedy, part comment on nihilism, alcoholism and abusive relationships.

    Very odd. I'll definitely have to see it again. 7/10

  12. 7 hours ago, Ramslad1992 said:

    Went to see Coco today... the Mrs is a massive Disney fan so kept her happy, apart from being about the only adults in the cinema without a child it was quite an enjoyable movie. Plot twist was pretty obvious but enjoyable nonetheless and had the good old adult Disney jokes. Well worth a watch.

    Would you say it's OK for a 5 year old?

    My little one is pretty clued up about life & death etc but I'm wondering if this would be too much. Mrs Wolfie suggested taking her to see it but I'm not sure.....

  13. Paddington & Paddington 2

    Having missed it at the cinema, we watched Paddington after Chrimbo & followed up by a trip to the cinema on NYE for Paddington 2.

    They're both just lovely films. My little one (5 years old) loved them both & enough comedy nods to the adults. Utterly heart warming & feelgood in nature.

    Paddington: 8/10

    Paddington 2: 9/10 (an extra mark for Hugh Grant as the pantomime villain in this one)

  14. On 29/12/2017 at 09:22, McRamFan said:

    Taking $50 out of the cost of a replacement just shows how one of the tech companies are ripping the customer off, yes Samsung and all the other tech companies are doing it, the problem is when they slash the price people think they are being alturistic, not the actual fact they have been rippimg customers off since day one.

    I don't buy this whole slowing the phone down to save the battery thing anyway. They're slowing the phones down to make them obsolete.

    IMO they've slashed the price of batteries because they know it won't cost them much. Notice the bit about it's for phones which NEED a new battery. What's the odds of turning up at an Apple shop and being told that your need isn't great enough for a cheap replacement - but here's a shiny new 8/X which is really fast....

    I have an iPhone and iPad but am not naiive enough to think that short term profit isn't the main driver here.

  15. 37 minutes ago, King Kevin said:

    On our away day to Fulham we get on the train slap our mobiles on the table and the laughs and abuse starts about my Blackberry ,by lunch time they are asking to borrow my mobi.

    They last for years ,are virtually indestructible compared with most mobiles what's not to like. 

    I had a couple of Blackberries and really liked them. I used to love the joint slide out physical keyboard and touchscreen functionality. Like you said, they'd take a fair but of abuse too.

    Unfortunately Blackberry, like Nokia were innovators who got complacent and failed to keep up once the competition got going. Nokia made the disastrous decision to go down the Windows route and Blackberry failed to invest in getting decent Apps for theirs. If they'd both have gone with Android, they might have held on to a decent market share.

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