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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. 7 hours ago, Smyth_18 said:

    Anxiety has struck me again unfortunately. Since Friday I've been struck down with the worst flu I have ever experienced. To top it off our 21 month old was being sick everywhere Saturday night and high temp. Took him to hospital Sunday and he has an ear infection. The wife is also bedridden with an ear infection.

    Luckily Billy seems ok but what hurts is having to sit him in front of the TV or scrolling through YouTube because we're incapable of looking after him properly.

    Also, I've never had more than 2 days off work and I've been off since Friday lunch. I feel like I am letting people down & it's not going down well, although they sound pretty understanding.


    Looks to me like you're coping remarkably well with everything you've got to contend with this week.

    You're a loyal worker and responsible parent, clearly. Stop beating yourself up for a minute and give yourself a pat on the back instead. Billy isn't going to be scarred by Cbeebies/whatever for a few days til you get back on your feet, fella.

  2. 3 hours ago, ronnieronalde said:

    Talking to friends and loved ones? Yes if you're lucky enough that they understand but lets be very honest here. MOST people don't care enough to burden themselves with someone else's problem. Hell, everyone in the world has heir own problems to deal with. MOST people would prefer it if you didn't even bother. MOST people stop calling very quickly indeed the second you tell them you have problems.

    "I spoke to my mate XXXX today, duck me but he did my head in  going on and on and on about himself and his problems, the selfish ducker, I only rang to wish him Merry Christmas and to ask how he was, he's proper spoiled my mood."

    When was the last time you asked someone How are you? and genuinely cared about the answer? (I don't mean you specifically pal)

    Help is there? Yes it is but not on the terms the person needs it. Not when the person needs. Not unless they take such drastic measures that someone HAS to take notice.

    I don't have the knowledge or relevant experience to comment on much of your post but I find this bit harsh - or just very sad, if it's true.

    I'd like to think that most people would be able to spot the difference between somebody just having a good moan and someone who's struggling mentally with day to day life. My point is that the onus is on the sufferer to reach out (hate that phrase) and ask for support from those close to them.

    Your opinion is that most wouldn't care. Fair enough but I would beg to differ on that....and I know you weren't aiming it at me.

    By strange coincidence, while my work mate was fighting with others outside the bar in Grantham that night, I was sat inside catching up with another former colleague who I'd bumped into. He was telling me how he had a breakdown last year and is coming out the other side but had contemplated killing himself also. We were never that close when we worked together but we connected over a couple of pints and a laugh that night and I made him promise that he'd stay in touch and especially if he found himself struggling again. I just hope he does.

  3. I returned to work today to the news that one of my colleagues had tried to kill himself late on Christmas Eve and has been sectioned for his own safety.

    Normally a lovely gentle giant type of bloke, he was behaving strangely at our work do on the 21st - being the life & soul of the party from the start and then very aggressive towards some of the others as the night went on - both of which are out of character. We all thought at the time that he was just getting drunk quickly but apparently he'd been battling his demons for months but only his wife knew.

    Of course all us colleagues who would describe him as a friend are now looking for the signs that we missed along the way but there really weren't any until that night and even then, we just put it down to drinking too much & too quickly.

    It's been said on here before but, for goodness sake, just talk & share your problems with those close to you - or strangers if that doesn't appeal. Help is there but you'll probably have to make the first move.

    I shudder to think what two young kids almost woke up to on Christmas morning. I'm sure it was bad enough as it was.

  4. Hereditary

    Wanted to watch this at the cinema but missed it. Finally got the Mrs to watch it the other night (she doesn’t like scary films). Wished I hadn’t bothered.

    Why people are claiming this is the best horror of the year is anyone’s guess. Started off weird and quite atmospheric, then descended into stupidity and a truly awful ending. At no point was it even scary. The fact I’m a Toni Collette fan just made it worse.

    Big disappointment


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