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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. Watched Interstellar yesterday for the second time.

    Maybe it's because I was in a slightly weakened state, getting over flu, but I was proper blubbing like a little girl at the end. Don't remember it having quite that effect the first time.

    Anyway. Love the film. The Sci-fi elements are really well done (and apparently realistic) and effects are great but it's so much more than that. A story about a father-daughter relationships and especially dealing with loss. I certainly gave my little girl an extra big cuddle this morning.

    A high 9/10 for me.

  2. Not being able to follow my own advice.

    I'm a really good judge of people & can instantly see through bulls hit. I'm a good listener & am good at giving good, constructive advice to people.

    Talking to a colleague and close friend yesterday who was feeling a bit twitchy because his boss has just resigned & I came out with all this great stuff about if you want more then ask for it & what's the worst that can happen if you ask to take over all or some of his boss's role. Be confident in your own abilities etc.

    So ironic that that's exactly what I need to do more of and don't. Doh!.

  3. 4 hours ago, Mafiabob said:

    People blaming everybody else but themselves..... had some right ding dongs on twitter with regards gambling addiction.....

    Been called he following by certain gambling lobbyist groups and a guy whose done Panorama and all the news channels regarding whose to blame for his addiction except him:

    An apologist for the bookmakers

    A shrill

    A smug pri ck. For saying it's me to blame for what I did.

    My recovery is bull sh it.

    Dangerous because I won't blame a machine/online site or bookmaker for what I have done.

    Not a gambling addict.

    A liar

    Been told to keep quiet about my story as it's not "helping" their campaigns against banning certain elements of gambling.

    Been blocked by rethinkgambling on twitter for nothing. Just because I won't sign a petition to ban FOBTs.

    Its sad that they want to **** down anyone who can get clean and abstain without the need of bans and more importantly..... who accept responsibility for what we've done.

    The only question I ask of all these lobbyists and Tony Franklin (Panorama guy) is who made you place a bet? And whose responsible for you doing so?

    A question that is still dodged by them all. 

    Im at a gambling addiction conference March 10th in Leeds, I'll be bumping into them all.... as always and I've said that I'm not stopping them campaigning etc.... but I won't be silenced as to why I think whose responsible for what we've done. I can get the anger no doubt..... I can't get the blame game. But sometimes I have to be selfish and look after my own senses and recovery. 

    Maybe I'm oversimplifying it but isn't the crux of it that they believe that prevention (banning some forms of gambling) is better than cure (as you have done)?.

    Their agenda looks like it's better not to put temptation in the way of anyone, so that those who could be susceptible to addiction don't get hooked. You, by saying that you were/are an addict but have sorted yourself out is undermining their message that people need protection from temptation.

    I don't agree with them or their methods but it's a valid opinion. Presumably they would ban pubs because some people are alcoholic?



  4. 2 hours ago, Ewe Ram said:

    True. There was a time when you never thought much about your body apart from 'is it clean' and 'is it dressed impressively'. Now it demands constant attention, popping pills, X-rays, cameras up and down, health screening, tooth ache, random stupid hairs to pluck out, eye tests, moisturiser. It's grim 

    Amen to that. Hair on head rapidly migrating to nose, ears and back......

  5. 17 hours ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

    Motorists that sit at junctions waiting to join the road and you are approaching the junction on the main road so you slow down a bit and flash a few times to let them out.

    Nothing happens.

    You are getting closer to the junction now and you flash a few more times.


    You get to the junction and flash one last time.


    You begin to get level with the junction and decide to carry on as they are away with the fairies. THEN they pull out causing you to break suddenly.

    Hand waving and gesticulating follows and what started out as a kind deed ends up with me being on the end of some minor road rage.

    Like it's my fault!!

    The frequency in which this exact sane scenario happens is frightening to the point that I can't really be arsed thinking about other motorists anymore.

    Despite being a contradiction in terms, I am a courteous BMW driver and often try to let people out in traffic.

    My rule is, though, that if I flash once and they don't pull out, I then keep driving. Once it gets into the stoppping & repeated flashing, you're into the realms of hesitation, confusion and uncertainty and that's when accidents tend to happen.


  6. 14 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

    It really does make me wonder where your informaiton ends up too and how it gets there.

    The number of calls and emails i get is crazy, PPI aaaargh,i always tick or untix boxes which ever way round it is to say i dont want contact, but no doubt somewhere in the small print it says something about passing information on to relevant third parties or something. The problem is you cannot possibly know who has passed the information on either. I also wonder how they determine what a relevant third party is, I have never signed upto dating sites or anything like that but still get emails offering me ukranian brides etc etc.

    I now dont answer a call unless i know who it is, working on the basis if its important they will leave me a message.


    Same here. To be honest I don't know why more people don't do that. People complain to me that they get junk calls and "it's always from unavailable numbers". Don't answer it then!

  7. 31 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

    Its a combination of mock outrage, wanting 5 minutes of fame and not taking responsibility for your own actions.


    .........and media organisations generally being so desperate for a news story, any news story to fill their clickbait twitter feeds/online pages. Got to be refreshed as much as possible to get that advertising revenue, cos nobody buys newspapers any more.

    Hopefully a day will come soon when all this pulsating mass of pointless stuff reaches critical mass and disappears up Rupert Murdoch's backside.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Phoenix said:

    I thought there was a 'Park' facility on an automatic.

    There is, but you've got to push the brake to pull up & it's easier just to keep your foot there and wait for the lights to change. It also activates the start-stop. There's no benefit to putting it in park.

    Sorry if you object to being dazzled but, as a BMW driver, I'm required not to give a toss about other road users.;)

  9. I now avoid doing DIY stuff except for painting & decorating if I can help it.....

    A few months ago, I spent a whole morning battling with an electric socket I was trying to replace - due to it being cracked. After going to B&Q to buy a new socket and then going back to exchange it after I found out that the existing double socket had a single back box, I worked out that there were too many wires in the wall and the power had been extended into the next room via this socket and a spur. Mrs Wolfie had to take the little one out, as I was "swearing too much" and I eventually admitted defeat and called a local electrician we'd used once before. He came an hour or so later and had it sorted within 20 minutes.

    Until that point I hadn't even asked him how much it would cost and when he'd finished and told me it would be £20, I just stood there and looked at him. He eventually asked me if I was OK and I said I was just trying to work out why I had spent a quarter of my weekend....which should be quality family time...getting increasingly stressed, elevating my blood pressure to unprecendent levels (even for me), not to mention alienating my wife and daughter - in an effort to save twenty quid.

  10. Worse than lorries overtaking each other in dual carriageways: Lorries having to overtake cars whose stupid ****** drivers aren't capable of driving at more than 55mph. GET OFF THE ROAD IF YOU CANT KEEP UP WITH LORRIES??

    Also stupid drivers (female in my recent experience) who fail to look for a gap and match speed with the traffic flow when joining a motorway / dual carriageway and end up stopping at the end of the slip road and have to then wait ages for a massive gap. Got behind these idiots twice this week joining the A1. I'm only on it for 5 miles on my commute from Newark but the number of fools I see is incredible. 

  11. 1 hour ago, r4derby said:

    My wife and I went to see Fantastic Beasts last night. As a Potter fan, I loved it. Worth the 3D too, as it just enhances the magic. My wife, not a Potter nut like me, also really enjoyed it. Accessible to all.

    Verdict: 9/10

    Yeah my Mrs is definitely a bigger Potter fan than me but I found Eddie Redmayne's character's mannerisms really annoying & they grated on me. I think that's why I couldn't engage with it to begin with.

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