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Posts posted by Scott129

  1. Remember that phase we went through where, every time he caught the ball successfully, the crowd cheered and clapped sarcastically?

    Yeah, that wasn't pleasant.

    I've always said that he's a solid Championship keeper that would start for a lot of teams in this league. We are where we are and he's more than capable of contributing to the team.

  2. 35 minutes ago, maxjam said:

    Maybe not dehumanization, but there has been a definitely shift from the Govt imo from promoting the vaccine to (back door) mandating the vaccine and criticising those that choose not to take it as stupid or selfish.  You don't win arguments by demeaning people.


    The main reason I posted the tweet from Piers Morgan was not because he is a gobshite, neither was it the obvious double standard of saying that we shouldn't give antivaxxers medical treatment if they catch covid when he himself is a fat smoker - one group of people don't want to inject themselves with something that has no long term data, he on the other hand willingly stuffs his face with excessive amounts of food and drink and inhales carcinogens...

    Mostly, the reason was that he is has millions of followers online.  Saying crap like that causes a 'them and us' divide.  Micheal Gove calling people 'selfish' and the Govt trying to mandate vaccines for an increasing number of venues since initially highlighting nightclubs is not going to end well.  We're running headlong into a two tier society and scuffles over masks will be the least of our worries.

    Two things....

    1) I don't believe Piers is a regular smoker. He's one of those guys that has a couple of pints and pinches a fag or two from one of his mates. While that's still not healthy per se, it's not going to have the same effect on the NHS as someone who has 20 a day.

    Can't believe I'm sticking up for Piers Morgan, of all people. Awful human being.

    2) My post was referring to the Genocide thing, not so much the tweet from Morgan. Even hinting that a genocide could be on the way seems irresponsible and dangerous, in my opinion. But, like I say, people will take that as gospel, unfortunately.

  3. 2 hours ago, maxjam said:

    Yeah I agree. 

    In the grand scheme of things Piers Morgan is a nobody - but a nobody with a lot of followers.  Others such as Micheal Gove calling people that refuse the vaccine 'selfish' really should take a step back.  It's not going to persuade people to have the jab and will slowly turn people against one another.

    Now I don't think for one minute we're on the way to genocide, but I've seen the following list online a lot recently and we're probably up to #6 (Australia #7!!!)  The more angry rhetoric people spout about those that haven't been jabbed, is not only going to make them dig their heels in, but will create an atmosphere in which people are just fighting over mask wearing in public...


    I'm not sure if there's been any Dehumanization yet...

    I appreciate that it wasn't you that created this, but it's not hard to see why there's so much polarisation around the subject. This is, without a doubt, an extreme example, or an absolute worst case scenario, and people on Facebook/Twitter/etc will lap this up.

    When you put yourself in an echo chamber where the only material is of this sort of nature, it's not hard to see why people get 'brainwashed' or 'radicalised' on both sides.

  4. 1 minute ago, Bris Vegas said:

    It would be interesting to know how fellow supporters rank the importance of the current trialists, assuming we sign them.

    I can’t help but feel Jags is the most important. Not only are we desperately short on defenders, but his experience could play a vital role too.

    I know we need another striker and attackers, but I’d place Carroll over Aluko and Baldock. I think we need to place greater importance of adding creativity in midfield over flushing out options in attack. Carroll is a potential vital first-teamer, whereas Aluko and Baldock would surely be squad players only?










    2 CBs are absolutely vital. I personally don't rate Wisdom and Stearman anywhere near Jags and Davies.

    I'm not too keen on Baldock either - a decent striker would be 3rd for me, otherwise.

    And I wouldn't say Morrison and Carroll were absolutely necessary, but I think they can both add something to the team immediately.

  5. 48 minutes ago, Coconut said:

    Nice to win but still can't see any sort of cohesive plan for how we're going to score goals forming, can't see much evidence of coached routine and understanding between the attacking players.

    The Sibley debate amuses me, like it's Watson (or someone else) 100% of the time or Sibley 100% of the time. Squad / tactical management within games doesn't exist, using players at the right times and in the right matches to make the most of their individual qualities an alien concept you can't expect the manager to understand. 

    Watson did well, but an assist in a pre-season friendly and a couple of examples of (just) keeping possession against a team not applying the same sort of pressure a championship team might seemingly justifies jettisoning a player who's been the standout star of our academy and when used properly showed that he could make a big impact on actual, real life, competitive Championship fixtures?

    Shinnie & Roos the stars, game suited the former perfectly tbf, they won't face many like Graeme in la Liga will they?

    ...but that just makes me think of Sibley again. Everyone loves it when Shinnie flies into a challenge, or gives the opponent a 'gentle push' even though he's treading exactly the same line Sibley does, but one gets applauded and the other admonished for the same sort of thing.

    With Shinnie though, instead of someone trying to drill it out of his game they've embraced it, let him gain experience in using his 'bite' correctly. With Sibley it's like people are trying to eradicate it from his game entirely rather than learning to use it more effectively. Surprised he dares make any challenges at all.

    Sibley's a young lad who can be coached.

    Shinnie, on the other hand... you can't teach an old(er) dog new tricks, as they say ?

  6. 14 minutes ago, ThePrisoner said:


    The replies on there seem a bit OTT - do people think that the 'can't guarantee your seat' thing is for the whole season?

    Its just for these two games, one of which is a cup game and isn't included in the price of a season ticket. Just suck it up for one game, Christ almighty.

  7. 1 hour ago, MuespachRam said:

    I think you would be surprised with the actual number of goals scored by the players you mentioned during the 2014 season

    russell-8, ward-6, Hughes-3,


    so none of them got double figures, it’s weird because I also have the feeling that they all got 15 goals each..

    but like you say, we desperately need someone in midfield to contribute, captain Tom needs to step up and get as close to 15 goals as he can and Joz and shinnie need to be hitting 8-10 each…… it’s on.!

    Thought this was the case when I saw the original post.

    Dawkins was FAR from prolific and, every season, we were wanting Hughes to find his shooting boots. He was always so reluctant to shoot.

  8. 12 hours ago, B4ev6is said:

    Every single shop has cash and card so why is a football stadium any different it is not.

    Have you seen the queues at half-time?

    People faffing about with change, bar staff getting change together, person checking the change they've been given and putting it back into their pockets. All gone.

    Got no issues with the security aspect of using my card so anything to speed up those queues is a win in my book.

  9. 26 minutes ago, DCFC1388 said:

    So, say for instance we sign the players who are currently training with us plus Davies & Wisdom on new deals. As well as Mengi which is pretty much a done deal.

    Youth players in brackets & italics, players 2nd position in bold as cover.

    GK: Marshall, Roos, Allsop
    RB: Byrne, Wisdom (Ebosele/McDonald)
    CB: Mengi, Davies, Jagielka, Stearman, Wisdom (Solomon/Cashin/J. Brown)
    LB: Buchanan, Forsyth, Shinnie
    CM: Shinnie, Bird, Knight, Bielik (Watson/J. Brown)
    AM: Morrison, Sibley, Lawrence (Watson/Hutchinson)
    W: Lawrence, Jozwiak, Aluko, Knight, Sibley (Wilson/Ebosele)
    ST: Kazim, Baldock, Aluko(Stretton/Duncan)

    Would the above squad keep us up next season? I personally think it would, if we got lucky with injuries.

    I mean, it doesn't look terrible.

    Could do with another striker or, failing that, a big year from Stretton, but I've definitely seen worse squads stay up.

  10. 2 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Typical though, leave it to the 'customer service staff' to have to deal with enforcing any company policy. 

    I always think about this when it gets mentioned on the news or whatever.

    I'm so glad I got out of retail a couple of years back. I was threatened/abused enough as it was, and I can only imagine some of the possible situations where a staff member tells someone to put a mask on.

  11. 14 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    That'd be my assumption. Just was a deal to be done that looked good to the club.

    But why would they choose to do a deal with us?

    This is meant to be the biggest merchandise deal outside of the Prem and, judging by the state of our club at the minute, I can't help but feel that there would be better choices elsewhere.

    Unless, of course, this is just the Rooney factor, having spent some time over there in the US?

    For the record, I'm inclined to agree with you. I just find the commercial side of this quite interesting.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Barney1991 said:

    I think jagielka would be useful in a 3 at the back with a cashin and Mengi. Davies won’t play for half the season and these young guys need a wiser head with them for advice. A 1 year contract I think could be an okay deal. Stearman I would stay away from but maybe useful for last 10 minutes if we are holding a 1 goal lead 

    That's a bit optimistic

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