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Posts posted by Scott129

  1. 6 minutes ago, StrawHillRam said:

    I don’t want to be part of the efl in the future. Whole thing stinks

    prob overreaction 

    if win our case they will forever hold it against us 

    if we lose then we’re dead

    I am also very worried about this.

    If by some miracle we survive, they're going to come down on us like a ton of bricks for literally anything.

  2. 56 minutes ago, roboto said:

    Again. Centre mid is an area we are blessed with depth (compared to the rest of our squad) and have great quality there.

    Knight is a great player with a good engine but I also think he has limits which we have seen more and more of since his initial impact when joining the first team squad.

    If he does go for a decent fee then hopefully that will be the end of the sales and secure our finances to the end of the season. His place can be filled by someone like Sibley or Morrison and we have Watson, Hutchinson and others in the academy that can add depth if needed.


    While I'll be very sad to see him go, I'd much rather lose him than someone like Davies or Lawrence. I imagine the latter is a pretty controversial opinion ?

    And we do have good cover as well, like you mention.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

    Really? You might notice a huge difference in our performances when he’s gone. He sniffs out danger and helps his teammates for ninety minutes. There’s no one at the club who can do what he does.

    Oh absolutely, no doubt. But that single-handedly keeps the club running for the rest of the season, right? Without the need for further player sales?

  4. 1 minute ago, Tyler Durden said:

    What you've just said has horrible overtones of the Eric Cantona incident. So it's perfectly acceptable for a professional to receive dogs abuse about their nationality, parenthood etc for 90 minutes which they have to accept as custom and practice but the moment they do anything to respond in turn then they are the social pariah. 

    I don't personally condone or join in with the chants.

    I'm just giving my two cents on why other people do ?‍♂️

  5. 2 hours ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

    There seems to be a genuine acceptance amongst some of the younguns today to call people a n*nce, sex offender, or to use the "check his hardrive" slur.

    I do love banter and I genuinely don't like Billy Sharp, but for me personally, I will never and can never be comfortable with 'banter' about child abuse.


    This is the crux of the issue.

    These are the new playground insults of today's youth and, as a natural evolution, they now seem to be doing the rounds at a lot of football stadiums.

    I don't for one second believe that it's malicious in that anyone thinks he's actually a sex offender, nor is it aimed at him because of the tragic loss of his child.

    Unfortunately, he reacts and this creates a vicious cycle where we'll probably keep singing it to him for as long as his playing career lasts.

  6. Can't see us winning tomorrow, no matter how up for it the crowd are. Admin was one thing, points deduction was another, but this is potentially liquidation. There's only so much kicking-whilst-down that you can take.

    Players are going to have that on their mind and I've got no doubt a few of them are going to be thinking about new clubs already.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Rev said:

    I don't know how many were in the car, as far as I'm aware there was 3.

    The article says there were two others besides Lawrence and Keogh in the vehicle. And of course Bennett on his own in another car.

    I think one of the other two passengers is pretty much confirmed at this point. Haven't got a clue who the last one is and I really don't want to speculate.

  8. Last night's display really does make you wonder if there is an agenda against us. And I don't usually subscribe to the idea to be honest.

    Very few fouls - certainly nothing dangerous or cynical - and we somehow come away with four bookings.

    A stonewall handball in clear view of both linesman and referee. No penalty.

    And was it Ravel who got cleaned out on the edge of Reading's box? No freekick, let alone a booking for them.

    Regardless, a good win and a cracking atmosphere. Well done, Rams and Rams fans! ?

  9. 8 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    You see that flies in the face of a lot of popularist opinion on here that the atmosphere at the ground can be difficult when things aren't going to plan or individual players get targeted for personal abuse.

    Not saying that your opinion is wrong by the way just what I've picked up from this forum.

    Yeah, when things aren't going to plan on the pitch.

    If things are going well or if, at the very least, the players are giving 100%, I actually think we're pretty good.

    We're generally a large fanbase that turns out well too, which I think helps. Might not be the case this season, if tomorrow's expected attendance is anything to go by.

  10. 10 minutes ago, angieram said:

    Interesting comments about good football and wins. I have seen better football (and two wins) this pre-season, which is more than usual.

    Sometimes better squads just go through the motions in friendlies and maybe our squad was flat out. But I am looking forward to seeing if they can take the attacking intent forward into competitive games.

    But you're right, I will be there through thick and thin so maybe I just see what I want to see!

    Yeah, it's certainly looked a bit better.

    But I think the more casual fans are just going to assume that it will be a tough old season.

  11. 7 minutes ago, Amberram said:

    I think we will be down to the hard core of Rams fans tomorrow.

    Thats not taking anything away from people who choose not to be there for ANY reason.

    Looking forward to a day out with my son who can now buy me a beer and into town after.

    First time he's buying you a pint? 

    Big moment, if so. I swear my dad had a tear in his eye when I bought him one ?

  12. On 05/08/2021 at 15:45, The_Sheriff said:

    Somehow people have missed the joke! 

    On a serious note:

    I do think we have too many fans who are not happy to take the rough with the smooth. Life as a Derby fan will provide lots of ups and downs. I struggle to understand that when a team needs all the support it can get and the club needs help financially, fans disappear.

    Yes in the rough times it's not enjoyable seeing your team get beat often but we can play our part to help them ride the storm until the good times return. Don't stop turning up if you can help it based on performance. We made Pride Park a bit of a fortress before covid times so it can give us a big advantage if we continue to turn up!  

    I think it's just varying levels of passion tbh. It's the same with any hobby: some people go all in, while for others it might just be a passing interest for when there's nothing else going on.

    Neither is correct or incorrect. Just purely personal preference.

    Some people only want to watch good football and see their team win - that's where the enjoyment comes from - and others see the deeper value in being part of a community of football fans that turn up through thick and thin. Only the latter will be at the stadium tomorrow, I feel.

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