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Inverurie Ram

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Posts posted by Inverurie Ram

  1. 1 minute ago, Leeds Ram said:

    Yes Rooney is working hard I am sure but I'm not going to really be praising him for it that's his job that he's extremely well compensated for. I don't think the comment helps and it feels like either he's justifying his position outwardly or he's outlining to us that he's doing us a favour because we're such a basket case. Neither of those propositions makes me particularly happy with his state of mind if I'm totally honest or the message it sends. 

    I've not seen that interview will give it a watch in a bit ? I did see his one on Radio Derby and felt the fact he highlighted his affinity and loyalty to the club was good. Stating that we're going to dig in, do our best and see what happens is realistic and engages a good siege mentality. In my opinion, it's not the same as saying a seasoned manager wouldn't touch this job and they'd be out the door. 

    They all love the clubs and fans, because it's easy to say, both will have loved every club they have played for and their fans.

    At the end of the day the questions I would be asking is, is it all about the money? or the real satisfaction you feel of being successful at the job you are being paid to do? or doing the best you possibly can in the game of football that you truly love?

    .........we only have to look at Messi and the money being talked about for his new contract to realise why so many clubs are struggling. Unfortunately some of our fans moaned about the ticket office being closed, when tickets were available online for days as being a shambles and the like?.......

    .......I think we all need to back our club and it's current staff on and off the pitch and support it on and off the pitch and believe that things will get better as soon as they possibly can, and we can only help by supporting it.


  2. 14 hours ago, Leeds Ram said:

    I honestly don't love this comment from him. He got total backing from the fans today no-one had a pop or a go and we all got right behind the lads for 90 minutes. It would have been nice for him to focus on that and not the absolute mess that we're all aware of going on behind the scenes. The comment kind of undermines him as well, is he saying as soon as we could get an experienced manager we'd fire him and the only reason he's in the job because no-one else will have him? 

    Yes, I don't think he's the right man for the job and I don't think he should have been given it. But he's here and we've spent an entire match singing his praises and the players despite the problems. The club have earned a point, lets focus on that, build on it and see where the issues lay. Pointlessly focusing on outside media is part of the problem that can infest a club like ours and comments like that suggest he's distracted and thinking elsewhere. 

    I love the comment from him, as I think he's stating not many experienced managers would stick around because they can pick up other jobs without the hassle, and the hard work that Wayne Rooney is doing and prepared to do now and beyond to be successful at this club.

    I'd be more concerned about CDs comment regarding signing his contract with a grimace on his face! and CD was the first to indicate what he could say and couldn't say just before PC left the club. Maybe the players should respect the club in a more positive way, when the chips are down also, after they have been massively financially rewarded in the past. 

    Are we not all in this together?

    Up Wayne Rooney's Super Rams.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Rev said:

    Must have been 6 music?

    Unless Scotland has the best local radio in the UK.

    @Revyou must have been correct once again. It was on 6 music, at 10:14am and that radio station keeps me alive.

    The local radio was probably playing the same sort of dross that your local radio plays, along with it's entertaining adverts about taxis, TV's, Cars and Gardening Centres.

  4. 4 hours ago, TuffLuff said:

    A decade or so ago someone I knew find themselves on the front of the sun because she was having a relationship with a future ballon d’or winner who had a stint playing for the team of Red Devil’s. She didn’t sell the story herself, but one of her friends did and pocketed the cash. It was a slow news day and for 24-48 hours it was deemed a ‘big story’, but by the end of the week it was chip shop paper. I'm gonna presume something similar is happening here.

    People were daft, lessons are being learnt by everyone involved. Probs best to move on and discuss the football

    In other news, I heard this on the radio today, I've not heard it for years, and I sang along and it made my day.

    If anyone would like a break from getting upset about some things that we can't change or do anything about.


    Learning lines in the rain
    Special effects by Loonatik and Drinks
    The graveyard scene
    The golden years

    She's in parties
    It's in the can
    She's in parties
    It's in the can

    Freeze frame screen kiss
    Hot heads under silent wigs
    Fall guys tumble on the cutting room floor
    Look-alikes fall on the cutting room door

    She's in parties
    It's in the can
    She's in parties
    It's in the can

    Learning lines in the rain
    Special effects by Loonatik and Drinks
    Freeze frame, screen kiss, hot-head lights and power
    It's patently obvious

    She's in parties
    It's in the can
    She's in parties
    It's in the can

    Hotlines under a rain of drums
    Cigarette props in action
    Dialogue dub, now here's the rub
    She's acting her reaction

    She's in parties
    It's in the can
    She's in parties
    It's in the can

    Learning lines in the rain
    Special effects by Loonatik and Drinks
    Freeze frame, screen kiss, hot-head lights and power
    It's patently obvious

    She's in parties
    It's in the can
    She's in parties
    It's in the can

    She's in parties

    She's in parties

    Up The Rams...........



  5. On 11/07/2021 at 19:43, Eric the half a ram said:

    Think I just saw a Spondon Rams flag at Wembley!! 

    think? saw?......where's your blooming photo!......................go stand outside in the pouring rain without a brolly ya wally!

  6. On 12/07/2021 at 15:50, GlastoEls said:

    Was there last night, and happy to report I saw a good few Derby!

    report?...........where's your blooming photo's!.............go stand in the corner of the classroom and wear the hat with a D on it!

  7. "Keep St George in my heart, keep me English, keep St George in my heart my friend, keep St George in my heart,keep me English, keep me English till the day I die...................................................  

    @Angry Ramyou are my friend, so now work your Cockney magic and get me a final ticket for Wembley on Sunday!

    England 2-1 Denmark Euro 2020 Semi Final Wed 7th July 2021.





  8. Aberdeenshire Rams. Aberdeen Rams. Stonehaven Rams. Fraserborogh Rams. Elgin Rams. Montrose Rams etc.

    Hope you are all well.

    @2tups @Rampian @Elgin_Ram @campavanram @Ramadonna @Ramadonna9 @CWC1983

    If anyone fancies joining me in Derby for a pint prior to the Swansea game at Pride Park on Sat 2nd Oct 2021.

    I will also be seeing The Wedding Present at The Devils Arse Cave, Peak Cavern, Castleton, S33 8WS on Fri 1st Oct 2021.

    Fancy meeting up for pre / post match drinks @therams69  @uttoxram75? if you are up for it, I will PM you both nearer the time and swap numbers etc. And I'm sure neither of you boys would stand me up like that @PrivateDerbyfella, did previously, after travelling all the way from Aberdeen in another episode of Trains, Planes & Automobiles to be left hanging around in The Flowerpot with a no show!

    And you all know what you can do with your crackerjack pencils!




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