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Ewe Ram

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  1. Clap
    Ewe Ram reacted to Magicman in Spare Harry   
    Both Harry & Meghan have been telling lies that were exposed when fact checked. They are a toxic couple of celebrity wokers. Money grabbers , victimhood & hypocrisy knows no limits when the smell of $$$ is in the air. 
  2. Clap
    Ewe Ram reacted to PistoldPete in Spare Harry   
    The Government spent billions on PPE to stop people in the NHS getting the virus. 
    Why did Netflix spend £100m on this whingefest? No wonder I can't find anything decent to watch when they splash such money on such trash. .  
  3. Like
    Ewe Ram reacted to Inverurie Ram in Watchable telly   
    If you didn't watch Early Doors in 2003. Treat yourselves to Series 1 Episodes 1 & 2 on bbciplayer.
    (or Episode 1 below ignore the Boro logo on it)
    Episodes 3 & 4 on BBC4 tonight at 10:50pm and other episodes (5 & 6) same time on Saturday nights going forward.
    Series 2 to follow (6 Episodes) then hopefully a new Series 3 to follow.
    To the Regiment..............
  4. Clap
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in No more transfer news leaks   
    I’d forgot about Nicko. How wonderful is that?! 
    people hanging on to his every tweet was a horrible time 
  5. Like
    Ewe Ram reacted to NimonicRam in No more transfer news leaks   
    How differently we're operated now... By all accounts we've been in for 2-3 players. Almost nothing in the rumour mill! We have no idea who's coming in and any links are tenuous at best. Previously every sports journalist had the inside track on Derby, particularly the 'not so' reluctant Nicko! Just another example of how we're being run professionally in my opinion. Wonder if it will change in the summer when the FFP / business plan shackles loosen?
  6. COYR
    Ewe Ram reacted to uttoxram75 in We are Derby   
    We've been through some tough times, when you put all the horrendous Covid stuff alongside the financial firestorm of the Morris era together we are lucky to have a club left to support.
    But we have a fantastic club to support, we still have our wonderful, stressful, beautiful club to support.
    We are averaging 26,000 in the third division. We are selling out most away games, we are Derby.
    I love this football club, I love everything about DCFC. I love the history, I love people like @loweman2 doing all the stuff about shirts, @Inverurie Ram with his Rams flag thread, 
    Whatever happens this season, whether we make the play offs or even sneak into the autos, it doesn't really matter. 
    Being part of the DCFC family is what matters.  We are Derby. Enjoy every game you go to and get behind the team.
  7. Angry
    Ewe Ram reacted to Elwood P Dowd in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    BBC sparks outrage for 'giving terrorists a platform' as Shamima Begum lands 10-part podcast to 'retrace her journey' as she tells how she left the UK
    The UK  bans her from the country because she is deemed a threat but the BBC gives her a 10 part podcast, this doesnt make any sense at all.
  8. Clap
    Ewe Ram reacted to Stive Pesley in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    Not sure it's a phenomenon exclusive to this country - seems to be much the same in most western democracies
    I've yet to speak to anyone who believes that it's a healthy way for us to be, but it's forced on us by the media, who have essentially realised that their business model is to monetise polarisation of views. It's like a vortex that it's hard for us to escape 
  9. Like
    Ewe Ram reacted to TomBustler1884 in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    The way that we have become a country of hysterics, reacting to anything with fits of rage, panic or over the top melodrama. Everything is an extreme now, nobody will, or is allowed to, change their minds without being criticised. It's making life impossible. It's what has ruined politics - there is no compromise allowed.
  10. Haha
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Crewton in Bristol City just want a penalty   
    Are they implying that there may be some vendetta by the EFL?
    no, they would never do that 
  11. Haha
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Bristol City just want a penalty   
    Are they implying that there may be some vendetta by the EFL?
    no, they would never do that 
  12. Clap
    Ewe Ram reacted to WystonRam in Promotion rivals signings   
    Signing loads of players in a January window doesn’t always bring improvement. 
  13. Like
    Ewe Ram reacted to BaaLocks in God, I hate football!   
    FA Cup 3rd Round Saturday: just 10 ties kicked off at 3pm
  14. Clap
    Ewe Ram reacted to Ram-Alf in God, I hate football!   
    Officials, TV(I've cancelled my Sky Sports), Added time(not injury time)VAR, Corruption, Manipulating officials by players/managers, Feigning injury, Cheating...a word that has been airbrushed from todays game, Substitutes that will enhance the richer clubs with a squad full of internationals, The price of a replica kit and more...and yet the Premier League sell their rights world wide to become a money monster.
    Do I hate football...no, The game I once loved has become over time a toy for the Billionaires, Oil rich Countries and those who would see an opportunity for themselves to make money.
    It's not fun anymore I'm sad to say for me ☹️ 
  15. Clap
    Ewe Ram reacted to Ram-Alf in Spare Harry   
    He's the patsy for his other half, She's pulling his strings and banking the loot 
  16. COYR
    Ewe Ram reacted to Comrade 86 in Barnsley (H) (FACR3) Sun 8th Jan, 12:30 KO   
    Woke up grinning this morning thinking about the game yesterday. For 60 minutes it was as complete a performance as one could wish for. Quick nod to Wildsmith again. We do seem to start games rather slowly (Warne's face on the touchline for the first 15 told a story!) and I've lost count of the times recently where his unshakeable concentration has given us a platform on which to build these impressive performances. POTY will be a fiercely competitive affair this year, that's for sure. Arguments to be made for Didzy, NML, Cash and Joe as things stand with a late surge from Jason Knight looking likely too. An oddly wonderful time to be a Ram's fan.
  17. Like
    Ewe Ram reacted to Crewton in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    People who stink of marijuana. I hate the smell of the stuff they smoke these days. I had to move seats on a bus the other day because the youth behind me stunk so much. 
  18. COYR
    Ewe Ram reacted to Jram in #2 - Next 6 Games   
    Morgan Whittaker has just been recalled by Swansea so I no longer think we’ll lose 3-1 (Whittaker hat trick) to them and will instead win 1-0 
  19. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Alph in God, I hate football!   
    Commentators saying ‘he’s won a free kick’ or ‘he’s won the penalty’.  
  20. Haha
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Ramos in Marketing Opportunities/Commercial Revenue   
    I have always thought they miss the mark on merch. 
    there’s a massive surge in accessorising your pet. Pet blankets, dog leads, food bowls, dog coats, pet beds are all things that people are interested in now. There should be a section in the shop for it. (Sorry if there is now, not been in for a few months). 
  21. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Premier ram in Marketing Opportunities/Commercial Revenue   
    I have always thought they miss the mark on merch. 
    there’s a massive surge in accessorising your pet. Pet blankets, dog leads, food bowls, dog coats, pet beds are all things that people are interested in now. There should be a section in the shop for it. (Sorry if there is now, not been in for a few months). 
  22. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from SKRam in God, I hate football!   
    Crikey, have you got a lot of time on your hands or what? 
    The thread isn’t about what’s great in the game though is it? What did you want, people to say ‘I’m not going to moan, I’ll ignore your thread’? 
  23. Cheers
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Marketing Opportunities/Commercial Revenue   
    I have always thought they miss the mark on merch. 
    there’s a massive surge in accessorising your pet. Pet blankets, dog leads, food bowls, dog coats, pet beds are all things that people are interested in now. There should be a section in the shop for it. (Sorry if there is now, not been in for a few months). 
  24. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    I have been suffering with back and hip pain and over Christmas I bought a TENS machine. Only £16 from Lloyds pharmacy, so I thought I’d try it. Oh the relief! I’d recommend anyone to try it, it’s not a lot to lose if it doesn’t give desired effect. 
  25. COYR
    Ewe Ram reacted to ramsbottom in Marketing Opportunities/Commercial Revenue   
    Have to agree with this.  As soon as I laid eyes on a DCFC soft bone in the shop before Xmas, it was instantly purchased for my pooch.  But I think that was the only thing they did pet wise.  I'd gladly spaff away good money on a dog bed or blanket for him...
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