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Posts posted by StarterForTen

  1. 1 hour ago, BriggRam said:

    Is that the donkey that was kicked to death when the bus driver taking a school of visually impaired kids to Blackpool thought it a good idea too put a bell inside a beach ball and told them to have a kick around on thd beach, while he popped off for a pint

    Bus driver got his ass kicked for that. 

  2. During a dispute such as this I wonder who finally arbitrates? Being football, I guess it won't be a court of law in the first instance.

    You'd think this is for the FA to decide upon, or perhaps the EFL if the player registration is through them - especially if his registration is to pass from one EFL club to another (as seems most likely).

    I'd heard from a source at Stoke City that they felt it would cost no more than a year's salary to sign him, about £650k.

  3. 7 hours ago, StaffsRam said:

    Looked very poor tonight.

    Fragile at the back, blunt up front. Persisted with playing everything out from the back, which we didn’t really have the players for. That being said we also had no one to hold up the ball if we went more direct, so choose your poison I suppose.

    We look like a side 2/3 weeks behind everyone else, which we are, and we look like a side 4 or 5 players short, which we are. 

    Smith looked good, and Robertson looked very good. 

    The goals we conceded were Keystone Cops level defending, but on balance they weren’t undeserved. Our goal was a stunner.

    Very well said.

    Just hope that Rosenior (and the new Board) are strong enough to ride the inevitable wave of disgruntlement when we are 10 points from 10 games at the end of September.

    This squad will be a slow burner and we’ll need to focus on where we can be with 10 games to go, not where we are at 10 games in.

  4. Just spotted this on the Ignition Sports Media website...


    Ignition do loads of club's programmes - I get copies posted out for other clubs too just to see what is out there. Just put a call in to them and they confirmed it will be a 52-page edition with laminated cover and spine.

    Think the monthly magazine might have been dropped.

  5. 2 hours ago, Sparkle said:

    Yes you can when they have signed a contract to work for you and they can’t walk out of it without everyone’s agreement 


    2 hours ago, Tyler Durden said:

    You can if it's with another employer when said employee is already contracted solely to work for their existing employer.

    Perfectly reasonable.

    Actually, you still can't. Though what you can do is sue for breach of contract.

    And, in the particular case of a professional footballer, as their most likely employers are all part of a 'membership cartel', they may struggle to find anywhere to ply their trade.

  6. 1 hour ago, Wolfie20 said:

    On that basis wouldn't every contract be meaningless? The key issue with Buchanan and Byrne seems to be whether the extension was permissible given the Clubs' change of ownership - if it was then surely they can't possibly have a valid case otherwise every contract can potentially be broken using restraint of trade as the reason.


    52 minutes ago, Crewton said:

    He's not being stopped from plying his trade. He was expected back at Derby to finish his contract.

    Of course, if he has a valid contract then there is no restraint; the point being made is about holding his registration if he is deemed not to be in contract, which is very likley to be within the boundaries of restraint of trade.

    There has been quite a bit of chatter to suggest that the club can hold on to his registration without a contract and that can not happen - at least I don't think it can.

    As I have said before, I doubt this dispute is over TUPE - that has most likely cropped up through lazy journalism. It is more likely to be contract law and that extension clauses within the contract may not have been legally triggered due to a change of control to one of the contracting parties or through an insolvency event.

    Of course, pure speculation.

  7. 1 hour ago, BaaLocks said:

    Interesting rumours I just heard - apparently Kemar will only come here if we agree to provide accomodation for his grandmother. It sounds legit - my source called it the Kemar Nan clause.

    Granny flat Roofe conversion?

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