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Posts posted by StarterForTen

  1. 4 minutes ago, NottmRAM said:

    He always wanted to be number one anyway. He would probably have been off next season regardless.

    A little ironic that Rosenior could be a Championship club manager and Rooney a League One boss.

    That's not intended to be a slight on LR; I hope fe does well if he gets the gig.

  2. So Admins sell all contracted players that can produce a fee. Then liquidate for whatever they can get as, with the cash in the bank, they get first dibs on it to pay their bill.

    'DCFC 2022 Ltd' buys the 'assets' (brand, badge, etc) and negotiates with the EFL to enter at L2 level next season.

    Is that the Mike Ashley plan?

  3. 5 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    Kirchner has already lost his exclusivity hasn't he? Isn't that what the admin statement last night  says they are talking to other parties? BBC and Sky Sports seem to think Kirchner has lost his exclusivity already.   

    In the sense that the Admins are now engaging with other parties, then yes he has. But if CK shows 'acceptable' evidence of his ability to complete by 5pm today then - subject to EFL approval - the Club is his.

  4. The joint fee was £6.8m, with performance related additionals of £3.75m. I was told that by an SUFC official of the time.

    Even though Bogle was regarded as the more valuable asset, the initial fee was spilt 50-50 across the two players, most likely to avoid paying too much to Swindon as they had a profit clause on him.

    The 15% sell-on clause is on the profit above the initial fee, so if Lowe (or Bogle for that matter) is sold for more than £3.4m, Derby will see 15% of the rest. For example, Lowe goes for £5m (not saying he would!) DCFC cop for £240k.

  5. Perhaps one for @Ghost of Clough...?


    What would be our guesstimated income for next season if still in Administration and with no loans or external financial support, ie only club generated income?

    Given that would most likely mean no Rooney; Knight and Bird sold average crowd would likely be hit. Would we say 15k average?

    Income of circa £8m to £10m perhaps? 60% of income on first team player wages?

    That would still allow for a 23-player first team squad to be on average wages of £4k-£5k per week.


    Just an exercise in confirming that even in a 'Doomsday scenario' the club would still be viable as a League One entity.

    And proof for B4 that - no matter what - the Rams will live on!

  6. 1 minute ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    City paid £51million(must have been in Haarlands contract)his signing on fee alone will keep him warm for many winters to come, As for his wage...£500k a week...that's a guess ?‍♀️

    All crazy.

    I recounted that quote from Trevor Sinclair on TalkSport to my 82-year old father last night - the one where he was claiming Derby players should be on to their agents for moves because they have bills to pay. I think Jim White countered that he didn't think professional players would be on the breadline for missing a month or two of wages, to which Sinclair retorted: "What about the young ones? They're only on £2k a week'.

    Dear old Dad was apoplectic, he almost choked on his Horlicks.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    It'll be hours or days, not weeks and certainly not months. We might lose some players and targets waiting for Kirchner, but we will definitely lose a lot more waiting for Ashley or Appleby to complete a deal at this late stage. Even if either of those two interested parties could complete the deal today, we'll lose more players and possibly coaching staff than if we wait a few days for Kirchner's money to arrive.

    If either Ashley or Appleby wanted to, they could complete this purchase within days. There will be sale & purchase documents ready to go - just change a few names.

  8. The only 'fact' we can rely on here is that the sale completion has gone beyond the widely acknowledged target date of May 31st.

    The reason for that remains speculation - even in the mainstream media output of today, no sources are being referenced.

    This comes down to two things - appetite and/or ability.

    Either CK has lost his appetite to complete, or his ability to complete has been compromised. If it turns out to be the former then we will see this wither within 24 hours - though he has gone a heck of long way down the road to suddenly get buyer's remorse now. If it is the latter, it all depends on whether the compromising circumstances are temporary (ie funds held up in the system) or permanent (ie funds have been disqualified by the system).

    We (ie the Rams collective) are a powder keg of anxiety right now and a wobble or two is lighting the fuse. If it wasn't 10.20am, I'd be reaching for a calming single malt.

  9. Things may get a little tricky with the EFL if there is a lack of clarity on the takeover by Friday. The EFL's AGM is on June 10th - the member clubs' summer meeting follows it - and it is at that point that one season officially stops and the next one starts (from an administration perspective). It is at the AGM that the promotions and relegations are acknowledged- so effectively DCFC become a League One club this week!

    I would guess that theEFL will be wanting to know what is happening before that meeting.

  10. 16 minutes ago, David said:

    The EFL will make us send him, pay for his wages for the next season and deducted us 12 points for upsetting the Germans. 

    Disappointing thing is if true, this sounds like he wants out. They wouldn’t pursue this if he is happy to stay at the club.

    Can't help but believe this is agent shenanigans at play.

  11. 4 minutes ago, FlyBritishMidland said:

    Anyone who wants MA should be listening to Gary Neville after the Newcastle v Arsenal game - “Mike Ashley stunk this place out”.

    So Neville is claiming more than a decade of rancid ownership? Yet one transfer window with a total outlay of the value of a Jack Grealish has them a top ten PL team? Can’t have been that bad to begin with then. 

  12. 4 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

    However, I disagree with Nixon's statement "it's no sweat" because our other concern, albeit secondary to the main one, is that we do not lose Rooney or the players. The longer it drags on....the more we lose.

    Maybe the REAL deadline is the date in May (24th?) when players have to be offered new terms by if they are not to become free agents without any development rights attached?

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