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The Scarlet Pimpernel

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Posts posted by The Scarlet Pimpernel

  1. 3 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

    I am still on page 2020, and have to go do some work, but a deal (actual sale) does not need to be concluded by 23 June (fixture list). As long as Q can present a suitable business plan to the EFL, and a generous benefactor (say a Clowes or Gadsby type figure) is prepared to guarantee funding the club in the short to medium term by way of gift/loan, and creditors are no worse off, the EFL are not going to say no. It is in their rules that we can continue to be in the League at the start of the season notwithstanding being in Admin for some 9 months.  Chill everyone; there are a lot of interested parties out there.  All I would say is that at some point in the season to come though, perhaps before we kick-off in the first game, it is highly likely that we will have a 15 point penalty to contend with.

    All of which is why I think it will get done before the fixture list pinch point. 

  2. I would have thought we need to able to show the EFL that we have finance for the season ahead  in order for us to be included in the fixture list for next season. I cant see where this is coming from until the club is sold. In my opinion this has to come to a conclusion, one way or another, before next Wednesday 22nd absolute latest.

  3. 2 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    How could you not be concerned about where his money is from when cryptocurrency (at some time in the past) is involved? Then you hear that he's tried to avoid anti-money laundering checks? Don't tell me I'm putting a negative slant on that. It speaks for itself. 

    The bit about circumnavigating anti-money laundering was in an effort to get fund in more quickly was my understanding not because he had something to hide.

  4. 2 minutes ago, atherstoneram said:

    He may well exchanged contracts but the ownership of the ground is out of his hands,can't see what other hold up there could be if he is that far down the line owning the club.

    No sane business man would exchange contracts without somewhere to play. 

  5. 22 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    To be fair, that's only really his business and I suspect the creditors lower down the pecking order will still have to wait for their money whilst it all gets sorted.

    Yes, even after the sale of the business patent to unsecured could take a long time. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, 24Charlie said:

    We’ve been through enough trauma. I have no idea what to expect from CK and neither does anyone else. He’s a complete unknown to football. The game itself is not in his blood. He wasn’t brought up following football, not our kind anyway.

    So we have a completely untried, unknown and untested person on the brink of owning our club. This is the first time this has happened to us. So forgive me if I and few other don’t share your clear view that all will be well.

    To paraphrase Dylan Thomas.
    Do not go happy clapping into that goodnight, Wolfie.

    I thought he said he was brought up with football (Soccer). 


  7. 2 minutes ago, WestLondonRam said:

    My grandad was a Top footballer in 1960’s 

    he hardly made a bean from it even winning the old 1st division. 
    he made money from owning a sports shop and pubs. 

    What was/is his name if you don't mind me asking? If not fair enough. 

  8. 3 hours ago, FlyBritishMidland said:

    Let me get this right.  Notts Florist have had their best season this millennium and first trip to the new Wembley (well, I say new it is 15 years old!!) yet some fans are scouring glass door to find the occasional bad review about CK.  Is it just me or is that odd behaviour?

    Indeed, but in fairness quite a few are quite odd themselves.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Ravabeerbelly said:

    Honestly don’t understand anyone who uses the block function on a football forum. If you’re not prepared to hear other alternative voices, when ether you agree or disagree or like or don’t like the way you express your opinion, then for me it tells me all I need to know about a person. 

    I may not like an opinion or I may not like how it’s expressed and I may even say so…..but I’d still prefer to hear it and have the chance to disagree with it!! It’s what you’re here for surely?

    I think for me Rava the block only becomes useful when an individual gets negatively repetitive to a nauseous extent. 

  10. 3 hours ago, jono said:

    Love name spelling things and how we try to answer the question before it’s asked

    I had a client called O’nions … “onions with an apostrophe” and a guy called feneley “3 e’s and 1 of everything else” 

    Used to know a guy who said his name was Jim De'ath. I'm sure it was just Jim Death really. 

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