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The Scarlet Pimpernel

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Posts posted by The Scarlet Pimpernel

  1. How did we manage to go from positive passing football with 28 shots on goal against MK Don's to not being able to pass to each other against Bristol Rovers? Do we have a tired squad or not? Are the players incapable or are they playing to very different orders game by game? 

  2. It's been said before but no matter the decision referees should be protected and not just physically. In my view any verbal abuse or confrontation should be met with an immediate red card, it should be an absolute no no! 

  3.                                          Wildsmith

    Chester               Forsyth                Cashin              Roberts


                       Knight                                      Houihane

    Nat                                   McGoldrick                          Dobbin     


  4. 1 minute ago, BondJovi said:

    Recently, certainly in the premier league, players have been initiating contact, rather than being fouled. You only have to see it once to know that it is a totally unnatural movement, but for a while the refs would buy it. Not quite so much now thankfully. Whilst it is cheating, at least you can see some art to it. The Plymouth player did none of that, he was going to go down before the boot even came close to his. A completely unnatural fall and reaction. Not even clever cheating.

    In womens game recently, a Man U player was sent off for violent conduct. It was later reviewed and the ban reversed and the opposing player banned for trying to deceive officials. The only way we will rid this problem is with more of that.

    The ref reviews the game, sees no contact. Player gets a ban for deceit. It doesn't help at the time, but in the long run it would go some way to help. Look at Bruno Fernandes, his antics are embarrassing. His attempts to cheat are long overdue a punishment. 

    100% this. The sooner this wretched cheating gets punished the better. 

  5. 25 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    I'm not sure how them bringing about 50% of their average home crowd "goes to show we always have to be at our very very best" but it certainly isn't a result we should take for granted.

    As someone else mentioned, it's getting close to must win territory for them which is more of cause for caution than the number of supporters they are bringing.

    It goes to show because it is a big deal for Shrewsbury Town and is likely to spur their team on beyond a regular match. Hence its like a cup final for them. Isn't that obvious? 

  6. 10 hours ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    Name 1 notable thing Hourihane did on Tuesday? White was everywhere and i felt he was the 2nd best player on the pitch, behind only Dobbin. He made double the number of tackles anyone else on the pitch made (7 more than Hourihane). He also blocked shots and played more risky passes in to our forwards.

    My view on the night is also backed up by Whoscored. Hourihane was by far our worst starter, woth a rating of 6.37, whilst White was pur 4th best 7.59.

    It's also time for Sibley to get a run in his best position. His dribbling drags the opposition out of position, creating space for others. Something we lack with both Hourihane and White in midfield.

    He was doing a brilliant job tidying up the second balls and giving possession back to us. It's often an underrated job that is very important. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Inverurie Ram said:

    In the good old fashioned world I reckon car park A would be right next to car park B (right, not left, I hope you left after the game and are still not looking for car park A….right?)

    In the modern world car park A is maybe next to car park T, because that’s where it’s AT

    Ps……car parks are a rip off, don’t bother with them…..walk instead, keeps you fit, and you can go to the pub get rat faced on the money you’d have wasted on the rip off car park without the worry of trying to remember where you’d parked the car!

    Up The Rams ? 

    Well that's cleared that up.... Thanks my friend 

  8. 4 hours ago, Warren Blufitt said:

    Hi guys another Wanderer here and equally perplexed why most posts are about the crowd not the game? Brilliant support you’ve had this season after all that’s gone on so well done on that. Should be a cracking game with both sides going for a win and both in good form. Obviously we’re suffering from a few injuries and departures, especially Afolyan going and Bod out for the season but we should still have more than enough to compete. It goes without saying that this game should be in a higher division than this so let’s hope we can both get there soon. A draw wouldn’t be bad for either but I think we need the win more than you do. Whatever happens I think we’ll both make the top six so we may have to meet again this season yet? Let’s just hope it’s a good game and not spoiled by poor refereeing.

    Warren, it's strange that you think we are obsessed with attendance yet on your own forum there are dozens of posts about selling out your allocation. What's the difference? 

  9. 7 hours ago, Jourdan said:

    If you are not convinced by Warne, that is fair enough. He still has work to do and plenty to prove.

    Describing the support for him as verging on a cult and suggesting people are being shamed for not falling in line seems a bit much, mind you.

    By comparison, those who doubted (or as you put it, critiqued) Rooney, Rosenior and Cocu and were arguably right in doing so were on the receiving end of much worse than we’ve seen in this thread.

    I think even those very much in favour of Warne can see that he is not infallible and his management style is not without its faults or limitations and that his work here is very much one that is in progress. In many ways given where the majority of fans think we should be and how we should be playing, you could argue his work has not even really started.

    That said, what’s wrong with enjoying the club being on the up, getting behind a manager who has an encouraging track record in this division, and a group of players who are obviously responding to his methods?

    If we can’t be positive when we haven’t lost a game for almost a quarter of a year, when is the time?

    I can't see many, if any, who are not positive. 

  10. A bit of confusion on here I think. I was very vocal (unusually for me) not about the appointment of Warne but about some of the early performances. 

    Quite frankly a few of the early performances were appalling kick and rush affairs and if we were still doing it I would be vocal about it now. 

    Credit to Paul Warne, the management team and players that we have now got much more control and fluidity in our play. Long may it continue but if we resort to kick and hope again I for one am calling it out. What's wrong with that? 

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