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  1. COYR
    Rammeister reacted to B4ev6is in Derby so brave and lads played there hearts out   
    I am so guttied that derby been sent down all because of mel and efl and steve gibson they final got there freaking way but they played with so much heart and passion I am sad yes but pround of players they tried damn best just could not quite make.
    But derby county will be back and when we do football league will shake with fear.
    Derby till I die
    Always and forever 
    Come on you rams.
  2. Clap
    Rammeister reacted to angieram in Down but not out   
    Sky all over this. Where were they when we needed them to call out our unfair treatment? Nowhere.
  3. Like
    Rammeister reacted to Rammy03 in Down but not out   
  4. Like
    Rammeister reacted to Anna in Down but not out   
    We fought til the end. COYR ?
  5. Like
    Rammeister reacted to LazloW in Let's not be "that club"   
    There has been a healthy amount of realism in the fanbase this year which has meant, in the main, there hasn’t been the toxic atmosphere you would normally expect for a team facing relegation.
    Whatever happens with the points situation, next season is obviously going to be a massive rebuilding exercise. You would hope that most fans would still take account of the context and make no assumptions about going straight back up. I certainly won’t be, but I’m not so sure the less patient amongst us will think the same.
    I bet that once CK has taken over (assuming he does) there’ll be a ‘no more excuses’ philosophy amongst some of our resident idiots and the gloves will come off. Let’s face it, there must be some who are absolutely gagging to let fly now, but know they won’t be supported by the majority.
    It would be lovely if the surprisingly more joyous atmosphere of this season were to continue, but I’m not convinced it will (unless we win every game obvs!) 
  6. Like
    Rammeister reacted to jimtastic56 in Liam Thompson   
    Correct.What a run and pass for the first goal last night by Liam. He really is a “Pocket Rocket” . A lot of us have said he would be very good further up the field. Best moment of the season for me.
  7. Clap
    Rammeister reacted to i-Ram in Liam Thompson   
    Who would have thought it. A 19 yo lad, of modest stature but with a big heart, having the occasional bit of inconsistency in a tough man’s league. Some of the criticism of this lad over recent weeks has been shocking. Sometimes I think perhaps we don’t deserve nice things.
  8. Clap
    Rammeister reacted to IslandExile in Rooney, staff and squad: legends   
    We're on the cusp of relegation but the manager, coaching staff and every single player come out of this season with enormous credit.
    I am proud to be a Derby County supporter.
    It has been a privilege to witness the effort of all those at the club this season.
    The staff and the supporters do not deserve what we've been through - and football has to restructure itself so this does not keep happening.
    But what we've seen on the pitch - against all the odds has been staggering.
    Rooney, Ram ? 
    Rosenior, Ram ? 
    The whole squad, Rams ? 
    Those behind the scenes, Rams ? 
    Thank you to all of you. COYR ?
  9. Haha
    Rammeister reacted to Carnero in The Administration Thread   
    Long gone will be those glamorous  Tuesday night's at home to the likes of Luton, Millwall, Reading & Hull.
  10. Haha
    Rammeister reacted to angieram in The Administration Thread   
    And it was steered off the runway on April 4th, I think it was.
  11. Haha
    Rammeister reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in Look still time to stay in the champership   
    I am all ready for Forest Green away, followed by a tantalising home local Derby against Nigel Cloughs Mansfield Town.
  12. Clap
    Rammeister reacted to Ewe Ram in The Administration Thread   
    I’ve thought this myself. If you want the club you’d better have plenty of cash, so scrimping that doesn’t make much sense. Just clear it, get rid of the embargoes and nonsense and be free 
  13. Clap
    Rammeister reacted to Albert in The Administration Thread   
    All this discussion is fascinating. 
    The reality is that we've been looking down the barrel of liquidation, and it certainly isn't off the table at this point. Him being here and interested is enough to be somewhat positive, regardless of if we think he's minted enough. 
    The reality is that we had an owner with what seemed an infinite pot of money, and a connection the club. Look how that turned out. Apparent wealth alone is not sufficient to determine if someone will do a good job running a club.
    Honestly, at this point I'm just hoping this all goes through, and optimistic that we can be stabilised as a League One club at this point. While we're quibbling about whether he's got the cash backing to win the Champions League within the decade, we really should be asking ourselves whether there'll be a club in 3 months. 
  14. Like
    Rammeister reacted to Boycie in The Administration Thread   
    If he proved evidence of 1 billion in an account would that cheer people up?
    It doesn’t mean it’s earmarked for Derby County though.
    Splashing huge amounts of cash is what got us where we are.
    We need the same team spirt as this current team has mixed with the Clough/Mac2 squad.  Young and hungry to succeed, if that’s enough to build a tidal wave to the Prem like what Arthur Cox made happen, I’d be happy.
  15. Like
    Rammeister reacted to Norman in The Administration Thread   
    The biggest clue for me that this bloke has enough money is Garry Cook. 
    The same Gary Cook who launched the Jordan brand with Nike, was at the start of the Man City takeover and I think headed the global media team for the UFC - or something along those lines. 
    That's 3 massive brands, and he was at the start of all 3 having massive expansions. 
    The kind of bloke who wouldn't spend his time sitting in Preston for no reason.
  16. Haha
    Rammeister got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Kirchner- A risk or a potential reward   
    Some would say crypto is ‘emperors new clothes’. 
    What crypto fans do, is buy crypto- initially and ironically with traditional money (pounds, dollars etc). Then, once purchased, they can purchase other types of crypto with the crypto they purchased with traditional money.
    To drive the value of the crypto upwards, people who are usually ‘Bitcoin’ fans who are also on Twitter/Facebook etc. put an image of themselves in their profile with red lasers shining out of their eyes. Seeing these images, immediately hypnotises all those who see them, and they purchase crypto (usually Bitcoin) and the value increases, as supply is limited as it has to be ‘mined’ via computers, using complicated calculations.
    Here’s a pic of Tom Brady. Don’t stare at it for more than a second.


  17. Clap
    Rammeister reacted to curb in The Administration Thread   
    Nowt like Derby fans to wait 2 years for someone to save the club and decide they don’t want him cause they feel hurt that he ‘snubbed us’ but came back in.
  18. COYR
    Rammeister reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in Wayne Rooney   
    They seem to be wanting Allardyce in ?.  Strong rumours per my Everton mate that their board are meeting this afternoon so Frank can probably get to that bar and have a sing song with his mates earlier this year. He spent 25 million with another 40 on Deli Alli to come.  If they do go down they'll probably get straight back up.  If they don't they can enjoy the delights of Accrington within 2 seasons as they won't have a pot to piss in. Everton, Derby, Sunderland, Sheff Wed, Ipswich, Portsmouth in League One.  If you fell asleep 15 years ago  and woke up seeing in 2024  you'd think someone was taking the piss.
  19. Clap
    Rammeister got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Wayne Rooney   
    Everton have also got a really, really tough run in until the end of the season. Tougher than Burnley have IMO.
  20. Like
    Rammeister got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Wayne Rooney   
    Everton have also got a really, really tough run in until the end of the season. Tougher than Burnley have IMO.
  21. Like
    Rammeister reacted to Mostyn6 in The Administration Thread   
    it shouldn't matter if CK has wealth or not. We should be aiming to be a club that could be owned and stewarded by fans/community, which would require the club to be self-sustaining. For all MM's faults, his vision for the academy, and how it would fund the club going forward, if executed properly, could and would've worked.
    I said under GSE, and to Mel Morris' face at breakfast-gate, I don't want owners pumping millions into the club, I want sensible management and excellent coaching to be the driving force to success. Throwing money at it only papers over ever-growing cracks.
    If CK comes in, doesn't spend a dime, but doesn't put the club in further debt and maintains or improves our standing in footballing terms, that's fine by me.
  22. Clap
    Rammeister reacted to LeedsCityRam in The Administration Thread   
    1000% this.
    The biggest myth in football...money buys success. It does eventually if your pockets are deep enough & you can blow everyone else out the water (Chelsea 2004, Man City from 2012). There are much more examples of clubs throwing cash around & going nowhere.
    We need a proper structure with ideally a Director of Football to make consistently smart and shrewd decisions & the club run as a business. The youth model is the most sustainable way forward now that the cheap foreign route is closed...ideally discards from Prem academies like Plange & Ebiowei. We've seen this season how valuable a quality Academy is, its also much cheaper than buying established players both fees & wages.
    Im not at all concerned how rich Kirchner is. The size of this club means we will naturally have greater revenue than most in the EFL. I am concerned about the key appointments he makes on the football side & how the decision making process runs.
  23. Like
    Rammeister reacted to Curtains in Time to adapt the Collymore song.   
    Didn’t Stan Collymore say recently a club like Derby can’t be allowed to die.
  24. Like
    Rammeister reacted to loweman2 in Daily Mail Article 50 year anniversary a positive post   
    I was privileged to be asked by @Matt_Barlow_DM of the Daily Mail to assist him in putting together a full double page article celebrating the 50 year anniversary of Derby County becoming the Champions of England, please share its a great write up, so great to see something positive about our great club.
  25. Haha
    Rammeister reacted to Crewton in The Administration Thread   
    Pity he didn't have enough characters left to add "Grasshopper" at the end.
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