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    ilkleyram reacted to PistoldPete in Long Keogh piece in the Guardian   
    But that isn't the point. They were all guilty of misconduct so the club were entitled to sack them all.. and also entitled to make a commercial decision to keep them all, notwithstanding their conduct.. which they did but in Keogh's case that meant reduced terms which he refused. 
    The proper legal test is whether the conduct was bad enough to warrant dismissal.. and for professional footballers to go out and get drunk and break the law I would say in all cases yes it was . 
    The "optics" as the Guardian rather unfortunately puts it are irrelevant. The optics for Keogh was that he was club captain on a team bonding session.. saying he didn't know Lawrence had been drinking is just pure tosh. You spent the evening on a team bonding session and you are leaving a pub and in any case as I say he was club captain, it his job to watch over players.
  2. Clap
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Reggie Greenwood in R.I.P Greavsie   
    Unless my memory is playing tricks with me he played in one of my all time favourite matches when we beat Spurs 5-0 at the BBG in Dave MacKay's return to Division 1.  He had a chance to score but Les Green pulled off a good save which Greavsie applauded
    Another proper great of the game gone 
  3. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from angieram in Rams vs Reading Matchday Thread   
    You are correct. And a fair enough decision unlike most of the others - not only was he poor but he was also inconsistent. Stearman challenged him on at least two occasions about why he’d been booked when similar offences from Reading players went unpunished.
    Good to have a bit of Led Zeppelin at half time.
  4. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from I know nuffin in Shinniesta   
  5. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Rev in Shinniesta   
  6. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from OohMartWright in To stay positive? Positive answers please.   
    There are times when certain types of players step up to the mark and provide the inspiration that teammates and fans need.  They sometimes aren’t necessarily the most technically gifted footballers but their drive, mental and physical strength and willingness to give all for the team (even if they’re not actually playing) give truth to the feeling that anything can be overcome.
    I give you the Scottish Pirlo, one Mr Graeme Shinnie, who did not deserve to be on the losing side today and gave everything in the cause not to be.  While he’s in and around the squad we should always remain positive.
  7. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from 1967Ram in To billy sharp from accepted our apologies   
    There are footballers at other clubs that I like, am ambivalent about (the vast majority) or actively dislike.  There’s no sensible reason I completely accept but Billy Sharp has, for me, always fallen into the last of those three.  I happily boo him at every opportunity. Always have.
    Having said that I cannot find anything that amounts to him being a sex offender (or even an unpleasant human being) which is what he was being accused of most of the way through the game, so it seems more than a bit unnecessary.
    Having said that I think he was best advised not to have done what he did at the end of the game nor said what he apparently said on their TV channel, just as I wish Wayne hadn’t used the language that he did to describe Mel. Sometimes, however strongly you may feel, things are best left unsaid or couched in more temperate terms.  Life has a funny habit of coming back to bite you, sometimes many years later and especially in these days when nothing disappears.
  8. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Adslegend in To stay positive? Positive answers please.   
    There are times when certain types of players step up to the mark and provide the inspiration that teammates and fans need.  They sometimes aren’t necessarily the most technically gifted footballers but their drive, mental and physical strength and willingness to give all for the team (even if they’re not actually playing) give truth to the feeling that anything can be overcome.
    I give you the Scottish Pirlo, one Mr Graeme Shinnie, who did not deserve to be on the losing side today and gave everything in the cause not to be.  While he’s in and around the squad we should always remain positive.
  9. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Premier ram in To stay positive? Positive answers please.   
    There are times when certain types of players step up to the mark and provide the inspiration that teammates and fans need.  They sometimes aren’t necessarily the most technically gifted footballers but their drive, mental and physical strength and willingness to give all for the team (even if they’re not actually playing) give truth to the feeling that anything can be overcome.
    I give you the Scottish Pirlo, one Mr Graeme Shinnie, who did not deserve to be on the losing side today and gave everything in the cause not to be.  While he’s in and around the squad we should always remain positive.
  10. Clap
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in To stay positive? Positive answers please.   
    There are times when certain types of players step up to the mark and provide the inspiration that teammates and fans need.  They sometimes aren’t necessarily the most technically gifted footballers but their drive, mental and physical strength and willingness to give all for the team (even if they’re not actually playing) give truth to the feeling that anything can be overcome.
    I give you the Scottish Pirlo, one Mr Graeme Shinnie, who did not deserve to be on the losing side today and gave everything in the cause not to be.  While he’s in and around the squad we should always remain positive.
  11. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from David Graham Brown in To stay positive? Positive answers please.   
    There are times when certain types of players step up to the mark and provide the inspiration that teammates and fans need.  They sometimes aren’t necessarily the most technically gifted footballers but their drive, mental and physical strength and willingness to give all for the team (even if they’re not actually playing) give truth to the feeling that anything can be overcome.
    I give you the Scottish Pirlo, one Mr Graeme Shinnie, who did not deserve to be on the losing side today and gave everything in the cause not to be.  While he’s in and around the squad we should always remain positive.
  12. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Miggins in To stay positive? Positive answers please.   
    There are times when certain types of players step up to the mark and provide the inspiration that teammates and fans need.  They sometimes aren’t necessarily the most technically gifted footballers but their drive, mental and physical strength and willingness to give all for the team (even if they’re not actually playing) give truth to the feeling that anything can be overcome.
    I give you the Scottish Pirlo, one Mr Graeme Shinnie, who did not deserve to be on the losing side today and gave everything in the cause not to be.  While he’s in and around the squad we should always remain positive.
  13. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Kathcairns in To stay positive? Positive answers please.   
    There are times when certain types of players step up to the mark and provide the inspiration that teammates and fans need.  They sometimes aren’t necessarily the most technically gifted footballers but their drive, mental and physical strength and willingness to give all for the team (even if they’re not actually playing) give truth to the feeling that anything can be overcome.
    I give you the Scottish Pirlo, one Mr Graeme Shinnie, who did not deserve to be on the losing side today and gave everything in the cause not to be.  While he’s in and around the squad we should always remain positive.
  14. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from 1967Ram in To stay positive? Positive answers please.   
    There are times when certain types of players step up to the mark and provide the inspiration that teammates and fans need.  They sometimes aren’t necessarily the most technically gifted footballers but their drive, mental and physical strength and willingness to give all for the team (even if they’re not actually playing) give truth to the feeling that anything can be overcome.
    I give you the Scottish Pirlo, one Mr Graeme Shinnie, who did not deserve to be on the losing side today and gave everything in the cause not to be.  While he’s in and around the squad we should always remain positive.
  15. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Ramarena in To stay positive? Positive answers please.   
    There are times when certain types of players step up to the mark and provide the inspiration that teammates and fans need.  They sometimes aren’t necessarily the most technically gifted footballers but their drive, mental and physical strength and willingness to give all for the team (even if they’re not actually playing) give truth to the feeling that anything can be overcome.
    I give you the Scottish Pirlo, one Mr Graeme Shinnie, who did not deserve to be on the losing side today and gave everything in the cause not to be.  While he’s in and around the squad we should always remain positive.
  16. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Foxy Ram in To stay positive? Positive answers please.   
    There are times when certain types of players step up to the mark and provide the inspiration that teammates and fans need.  They sometimes aren’t necessarily the most technically gifted footballers but their drive, mental and physical strength and willingness to give all for the team (even if they’re not actually playing) give truth to the feeling that anything can be overcome.
    I give you the Scottish Pirlo, one Mr Graeme Shinnie, who did not deserve to be on the losing side today and gave everything in the cause not to be.  While he’s in and around the squad we should always remain positive.
  17. Clap
    ilkleyram got a reaction from DavesaRam in To stay positive? Positive answers please.   
    We do.  I’m not sure that we’ve had much luck for a while now just generally. There are seasons when you think that all the luck, the 50/50 decisions, just go your way. It doesn’t feel that we’ve had that for some time.
  18. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from r_wilcockson in To stay positive? Positive answers please.   
    There are times when certain types of players step up to the mark and provide the inspiration that teammates and fans need.  They sometimes aren’t necessarily the most technically gifted footballers but their drive, mental and physical strength and willingness to give all for the team (even if they’re not actually playing) give truth to the feeling that anything can be overcome.
    I give you the Scottish Pirlo, one Mr Graeme Shinnie, who did not deserve to be on the losing side today and gave everything in the cause not to be.  While he’s in and around the squad we should always remain positive.
  19. COYR
    ilkleyram got a reaction from RoyMac5 in To stay positive? Positive answers please.   
    We do.  I’m not sure that we’ve had much luck for a while now just generally. There are seasons when you think that all the luck, the 50/50 decisions, just go your way. It doesn’t feel that we’ve had that for some time.
  20. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from RoyMac5 in To stay positive? Positive answers please.   
    There are times when certain types of players step up to the mark and provide the inspiration that teammates and fans need.  They sometimes aren’t necessarily the most technically gifted footballers but their drive, mental and physical strength and willingness to give all for the team (even if they’re not actually playing) give truth to the feeling that anything can be overcome.
    I give you the Scottish Pirlo, one Mr Graeme Shinnie, who did not deserve to be on the losing side today and gave everything in the cause not to be.  While he’s in and around the squad we should always remain positive.
  21. Clap
    ilkleyram got a reaction from archram in Virtual Tickets   
    It can be done. Just not virtual. 
    If anyone wants to contribute then all they have to do is buy a ticket online (or probably via a telephone call to the now open ticket office) and spend the money. They don’t have to actually go and it can be done from anywhere in the world. 
    If they’re worried about booking a seat that a fan might want to use to go to the ground then leave it until the last few minutes. I doubt we will actually sell out all of the games so there will be spare seats 
  22. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from r_wilcockson in Virtual Tickets   
    It can be done. Just not virtual. 
    If anyone wants to contribute then all they have to do is buy a ticket online (or probably via a telephone call to the now open ticket office) and spend the money. They don’t have to actually go and it can be done from anywhere in the world. 
    If they’re worried about booking a seat that a fan might want to use to go to the ground then leave it until the last few minutes. I doubt we will actually sell out all of the games so there will be spare seats 
  23. Clap
    ilkleyram reacted to CBRammette in Coleen Rooney   
    Seeing as this has turned into a Rooney love-in, as a female (love Friday Night Dinner) on here would like to express my huge thanks to Coleen Rooney, the couple's sons and wider family who must be supporting Wayne supporting what seems like the entire city of Derby and fans beyond. As a mum of just 2 boys I know how manic it was when my husband went away with work when they were younger and I cant imagine this is what they expected as a family when they came back from the States. Perhaps a slow wind- down from Wayne's playing career to a bit if coaching. This situation must be consuming them. Before anyone says it I know the wolf isnt exactly at the door, but that makes no difference they are a family like any other who cant be seeing their husband and dad very much this season. So thank you clan Rooney - I think our position would be so much worse if he wasnt here. 
  24. Like
    ilkleyram reacted to Alph in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    He has invested a fortune. 
    No doubt about it Mel Morris put his money where his mouth is and backed Derby to make the Premier League
    Going into admin doesn't change that. Neither does the fact he spent huge amounts of his own money on Derby change the fact that we are now in administration and suffering because of his management 
    As often is the case in the real world people aren't always angels or demons. 
    People have to be mature enough to judge people as they see them and not get caught up in any hysteria. Don't start doing stupid things. 
  25. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Miggins in What made today a special day?   
    Went for a long walk with the dogs on Ilkley Moor in sunshine this evening - beautiful views and one of the last warm and dry days of the year, probably. 
    Spent the couple of hours constructing a list of all that is good about our club in my head, from our academy and the under 18s beating Liverpool - you know, that team that produced that 16 year old star - to our manager and his team, the team spirit he's developed, our ground and training ground, our fan base and fans reaction to our latest problems, that it's only £50 million (chicken feed in high finance) and that we're not Boro or Bristol City or Barcelona (and we think we've got problems) and so on and on and on.
    Think positive thoughts people - don't let the negative ones in.  Stick em in a box and shut the lid.
    And @Miggins, if the little bristly backside is still showing paint a few of the needles with nail varnish.  You'll always be able to recognise it when others come along and that way you'll have some idea of how many you have in the garden.
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