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Posts posted by NottsRam77

  1. We can get out crap together 

    I literally can’t wait 

    just reading through social media the entire football league hate us … plenty of crying forest fans trying to propel their agenda at us 

    Looking forward to a real proper us vs the world mentality 

    I really hope the club and fans can embrace this, cos it’s going to be tough at times 

    would love to go to away games taking the 3 points and sticking a big F you to the goading home support and efl


  2. Was pretty meh about him tbh 

    some good things .. some bad things 

    another one for me that relies on his speed to make up for switching off … sometimes u get away with it sometimes u don’t 

    just not my type of defender 

    sure he’ll improve with time and be a good player 

  3. 1 hour ago, Poynton ram said:

    So with Mssrs Ibe, Marriott and Waghorn off the wage bill and Clarke and the other loanees gone how much are we saving in weekly wages? Must be at least £30k per week and possibly more if you believe some of the numbers quoted.

    I’d wager it’s way more than 30k week saved on those 3 

  4. 6 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

    Played a blinder ?. Uncle Bumble has been the creator of his own downfall. @MikeSthinks that a lot of people will have egg on their faces if the revised accounts show us within p&s limits (which I think they probably will). I think a few of you need to give yourself a shake, and wake up and smell the coffee.   Mel is a poo Fawaz.

    Mel Morris has taken a good, and greatly admired, footballing team from the top of the division to the bottom in 6-7 years, where we were hanging on to 21st place for the last 5 minutes of the 20/21 season.  We start this new season with just a few experienced Pro’s, none of whom are particularly good IMO, an embargo, and a Manager who has worse approval ratings than Messrs Brown and Jewell (although I am not unhappy with WR). Mel has chopped and changed managers, and therefore playing styles, and overseen some of the worst purchases this club has seen. He has wound up the EFL, and as a club we are considered a bunch of cheats by the majority (not that I care about that). He has even taken the Club’s stadium out of the Club’s direct control to underpin his profligate spending.

    Played a blinder ?  Be assured I won’t be there clapping him as he does his open top bus tour of Derby, after he sticks one to the EFL. 

    Sorry my comment perhaps got lost in translation I was saying it a little air of sarcasm lol


  5. 4 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    Just read it and so I see two possible outcomes of our new set of accounts:

    1) We fail P&S and a points deduction is incoming or

    2) We argue that an alternative non-linear method is compliant and the dispute rumbles on.

    Don’t spoil my day please 

    what about this 34m reserve that KM has alluded to that has appeared ? 

  6. 14 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    Sounds like potentially we have some hitherto unused special profits outside of the 40m we made by revaluing the stadium up to 80m most recently. 

    This would make Gibson explode if it's allowable. 

    Ironically … and U really couldn’t stcript it .. it’s the efl who have presented us with this opportunity

    disclaimer: if what is being said is true 

  7. 2 hours ago, Pearl Ram said:

    Dear Mr Pop,

    Thank you for taking the trouble to screenshot a post of mine last night to include on the OTIB forum, I feel blessed.

    Despite all your guff and gnashing of teeth, the only  discrepancy The EFL ever had on us was the explanation of our amortisation could have been clearer which is regrettable.

    Everything else was approved by them.

     What  I am having trouble comprehending though, is why it’s so difficult for you and your cohorts to understand that though The EFL, aided by the goon at Middlesbrough FC, wanted us hammered and were determined to do so, doesn’t the fact they couldn’t hammer us, even slightly give you the impression they had nothing to hammer us for? ?‍♂️

    Give it up old son, you’ve made yourself look a bit silly over this, I mean, you obsess with us yet not a peep out of you regarding Bournemouth, Villa, Leeds or Leicester who have all benefitted far more than us by wandering from the straight and narrow.

    And now your work with us is now done, keep your minces on Stoke and Reading, they might give you something else to get your teeth into. Don’t forget to say hello when you visit the cathedral of football on the 23rd of March.

    Good grief, imagine if you come here needing points to stay up and we tonk you and send you down...? Karma can be a good thing you know.

    Best Regards, 


    Brilliant absolutely brilliant 

    Take a bow son 

  8. 18 hours ago, duncanjwitham said:

    The written reasons are very clear that they didn’t deduct points because there is no evidence that the 2 breaches we have been found guilty of so far actually resulted in a sporting advantage on the pitch.  I’d say that’s a massive point in our favour if Wycombe did decide to try something on.

    Obviously if the restated accounts resulted in a massive overspend then it’s a different case.  But even then, the penalties etc are clearly laid out for that kind of breach.

    If we do breach though isn’t there a massive factor of mitigating circumstances 

    ie if the efl had challenged our accounting methods at the time and not waited 3 years having allowed them through we wouldn’t have changed not only accounti by practices but our transfer policy 


  9. 1 hour ago, Spanish said:

    Timing is key points deducted at LAP2 or DC2 would have relegated us.  If we breach it goes to DC3 and points are likely 21/22

    Stop spoiling our moment with your factually correct knowledge lol 

  10. 18 minutes ago, TaahnRam said:


    There's a definite implication that we've been less than transparent in many statements, below are a selection. It appears the DC got a bit impatient with the "EFL is against us/Mel" argument in their responses to several statements too.





    So we’re still under an soft embargo u til we prove we’re compliant 

  11. Come on u muther ducking rams 


    now let’s get this show on the road 

    please no one spoil it and tell me we’re under a soft embargo cos we need to re submit the accounts .. doh 

  12. On 18/06/2021 at 10:04, Wignall12 said:

    Because people don't listen nor retain what they read . Its like reading the script to Dumb and Dumber looking at some posts .......all very entertaining though ??

    We can …..but we’re heavily restricted and have a back catalogue of ongoing reasons why players would hold off actually putting pen to paper for us 

    so yes we can sign players … but realistically we probably can’t .. we’ll not the good ones anyway lol

  13. 1 minute ago, CWC1983 said:

    Completely different times in terms of where Derby and EFL clubs are financially. 

    £750k in this transfer window should get a lot more than Ikpeazu, especially with all the free agents in the market. 


    Agree … but 6m on Johnson is absolutely absurd money ditto butterfield 

    750k even in these strange times is no where near as rediculous as the money we paid for those two 

  14. 7 hours ago, Brammie Steve said:

    Autocorrect is the crabgrass in the lawn of life as far as the grammar GestadtPolizei are concerned!

    Punsters and Poets are renowned for introducing a modicum of levity into otherwise depressing elements of supporting the Rams. 

    As the saying goes "When faced with inevitable disaster absolute defiance is the only available option!"

    (In other words, don't ask us what we think of the EFL if you don't want an honest, but possibly rude, reply!)

    What ? 

  15. 7 hours ago, Premier ram said:

    Good luck Jack , get your fitness sorted and your mind straight and im sure the goals will start flowing for you at Posh , hopefully not against us though

    Or just played off a focal point or not in a side that will refuse at all costs to try a ball over the top 

    Marriott will score goals on the right system … 

    I’m not saying we should keep him or that I particularly rated him but under cocu we didn’t exactly try to play to his strengths did we 

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