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Posts posted by NottsRam77

  1. 11 hours ago, Curtains said:

    Noticed some people having a go .

    We are Derby fans and we should stick together and back the Club 

    Its easy to be derogatory about the owners in this situation but the real enemy is the EFL 

    They are an absolute joke of an institution and don’t get me started on Steve Gibson and Wycombe Wanderers

    Well we can’t blame keogh anymore … so why not 

    Joking joking, Iv stated previously my thoughts on Mel 

    feel sad for him and us as to how his best endeavours have turned out 


  2. 14 minutes ago, S8TY said:

    This has to be the post of the day....I mean do you really think the EFL are anything but a total disgrace...we are not blameless I've said as much but the fact its only a 100k fine says a lot and then to put out two sets of fixtures is nothing short of laughable!!

    I love football but the game is going to the dogs and the EFL do not help one bit...we have all ben through so much over the last 18 months or so and every football club has suffered so do dig into figures regarding amortisation is a joke when clubs are struggling ...there is absolutely no point anyone with any big money behind them getting involved with EFL clubs 

    The EFL is supposed to be fair and look after clubs with FFP rules etc but yet dig and dig and appeal and bring clubs down rather than helping in any way and it is a disgrace....many clubs bend the rules but seem to be left alone but this is looking like a witch hunt to me with morons like Gibson sticking his oar in

    Why look over the accounts from 4 years ago?? why ?? wasn't they checked at the time then ? 

    The damage that this uncertainty is doing could be felt for years and yet ALL clubs worldwide have had a disastrous period of uncertainty and yet the EFL want to keep going until they get what they want...we are not blameless no but the EFL are a bunch of ******* and thats a fact

    Here ducking here… great post mate 

  3. 38 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

    They will have told Wycombe that they will ask for this in their appeal. So they will. But it’s the decision of the panel not the EFl and they won’t get it.

    The big question Is which panel 

    the one that like us and think the EFl are dicks 

    the one that think we’re cheating a holes and should be relegated without trace 

    or a brand new panel made up of Gibson, Stan collymore and Richard keogh?


  4. 8 minutes ago, Rev said:

    It would be even better, and I'd certainly get on board with this, if we raised the £100k and sunk it into the community projects across the EFL.

    Imagine spreading that money across the Championship's clubs community work, all 24 teams including our own, and daring the EFL to say that wasn't the deal!

    I’m up for that 

  5. 4 hours ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    For us to not be playing Championship football next season, one of two routes have to be taken.

    1. The EFL appeal against their successful appeal. A new DC then determine the punishment to be inappropriate and hand out a harsher one. Given it's the timescales to get to this point, it seems unlikely that will happen in just 6 weeks.
    2. The club submits 3 sets of accounts, the EFL review them, then charge us again (if it turns out we've exceeded the 3 year limit), we go to the DC, then we appeal, then we appeal the appeal... not going to happen. Especially as we have until the 18th of August (10 days into the season) to submit those accounts

    On to the restated P&S accounts:
    KM (10/05) - £12.5m over the limit
    KM (04/06) - "within the limits"
    Me - £1.7m under the limit
    Mr Popodopolous - £2.5m over the limit

    Take your pick on the most likely answer.

    Agree totally with what u say 

    my question is wtf ?!!!

    Option one … how many DCs can they ask … or can they just keep going til they get the answer and punishment they so badly want 

    I want Derby and Mel to come out a take the ducker to court over damages 

  6. 22 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Because I'll still support them and look forward to seeing them play, even if we send out a few experienced players plus the remainder being U23s. I'm sure they'll give their best for Derby. #COYR

    I won’t look forward to that 


    I’ll still support them that’s an unwritten rule but I won’t be relishing it one bit 

  7. With regret the topic of this entire thread should be have we progressed under mel 

    I love him for what he’s tried to do for us , the money he’s thrown at every manager, the money he’s thrown at the facilities and academy to give the club he loves every chance to be competitive in the future but sadly we’re staring at a total car crash 

    and it saddens me to say that, it really does 

  8. 1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Really looking forward to the fixtures coming out. Then the Cup draw. Plus it means the season start is even closer! July 1st preseason training starts? #COYR

    And that’s good because …… ? Lol

    we can just about muster a 6 a side game between our squad members 7 if Ibe is up for it and Rooney fancies a run out 

  9. 25 minutes ago, RammingStone66 said:

    Yeah when your business is set up to exploit the asset that is the stadium you then you probably dont have to care as much about the team that plays in it.

    Especially as that team loses money and putting gigs in there makes you money. As a business man you would assume Derby County it's self may not be the top priority for his business unless we started to make money as a club. 

    Could be wrong just trying too look at it from a perspective of someone who has no emotional link to the club or the sport and comes from a country where the business of sport is done very differently.


    Its like i did see people slagging off Jaime Vardy for buying a USL club in America and saying "why bother buying a club in a league with no promotion or relegation, waste of time"........ probably because the costs are generally fixed Inna contained league and he believes he can make consistent money with a team in that league ?. Promotion is not the goal there, making consistent money in a specific market is.

    Not every club is run for love, especially in America. But it does highlight our very different philosophy on Sports business in general.

    I Hope u are wrong 

  10. 1 hour ago, Ambitious said:

    The time to panic was a while ago. This has been written in the stars for the past 12 months. Players aren't going to want to come to a club with no secure ownership, potentially a points deduction hanging over their head, with little to no players - IF they have other options on the table. 

    We will sign players, we will have a team for the first game of the season, but I always said that I would imagine that all our work will go into the final 2 weeks before the season starts. I'd imagine a lot of them will be loan players to just keep the club ticking on without any long-term commitment. We face a mountainous task to even remain a Championship club. 


    the worrying thing too is that any player worth their salt will have been snapped up way before we’ve sorted ourselves out 

  11. On 13/06/2021 at 11:49, uttoxram75 said:

    And thats all they ever have done. As long as they pay the bonds at the agreed time spread over how many years. They can keep doing it and never have to repay the whole lot in one go.

    There's a lot of rubbish out there about the national debt but as long as most of it is owed to ourselves, ie the Bank of England, its no problem.

    As long as it doesn't cause a big blip in inflation its never going to be a problem.


    Just don't try it with the missus though, she'll be nagging for it back pretty quickly.


    And there in lies the issue 

    because of COVID we / them / us are borrowing more from the future than we ever have …. Result … heightened inflation 

    so the pound or whichever fiat currency it is loses value against fixed assets of value 

  12. 48 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

    The bank of England provided the money. Its owned by the British government.

    But we still owe it 

    they don’t just give it us lol

    They still have to submit to the imf 

    currencies are being debased

     The central banks print money, and buy government bonds

    The government, all governments are borrowing from the future

    The government then pays the interest on the debt
    But if the central bank raises rates, the government is going to struggle to repay it.

    Which leads to higher taxes

    The loss of faith in the major currencies is because the central banks, who essentially issue money by decree (meaning of fiat), promotes the whole “if you can just print money, why are we paying tax” issue

    You could also say that we don’t owe it to ankther country. True. But that means the pound loses value to the rest of the world. Who wants to store wealth in a country that prints?. See Zimbabwe

    But when all Central banks do it at the same time, how is anyone supposed to store value?

    More money, chasing less goods, is inflationary.


  13. 9 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

    Theres no covid debt. We don't owe it to anyone.

    ????wtf lol

    we and other countries can’t just give ourselves money lol

    Why do they talk about the country borrowing money and the national debt ?

    if someone borrows something isn’t that implying that it’s not theirs and someone else owns it 

    so it needs repaying to whoever or whatever ?

  14. 9 hours ago, GboroRam said:

    I think the point is, fiat is also created out of thin air. Its entirely at the whim of government to create it. 

    And devalue it if they see fit … by printing more should they chose decide to … to inflate their way out of all this COVID debt 

  15. On 11/06/2021 at 09:23, Stive Pesley said:

    Yeah - but in terms of it replacing fiat currencies for day to day life - can you see it? 


    Honestly who knows … what I will say is

    We already pay for most of of goods either digitally online, digitally through our phones , watches or contactlessly with our cards 

    how much physical cash do u hand over a counter every week? Bet it’s peanuts compared to what u spend digitally 

    so there’s no arguing we are moving towards a digital future with currency even in the last 2 years which is a pin rick in terms of timescale 

    I assume u are aware there is already digital versions of the USD ? There are many forms of it depending on which network, these are arable coins and are linked directly to the value of the dollar 

    there is also digital pax gold 

    10 years from now … do u think it’s not a possibility 

    I personally think it’s highly highly likely 

    maybe not in its current guise but in some way or another 

    I wager with anyone in 10 years time digital currency will be as part of our lives as notes are now 

  16. 2 hours ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    Icelandic banks were doing something similar in 2007 until it all went pop.

    Used to be penny shares back in the 80s. Google polly peck if you've never heard of it for a laugh.

    Might win, might lose. All smells high risk to me but if you can buy in at a low unit price you can at least limit your losses.

    I haven't yet been able to work out what stands behind crypto currencies in the way central banks do for notes and coins.

    Remember the Penney shares thing lol 

    them were the days 

  17. 4 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

    This is another good point - does anyone holding crypto actually use it to pay for anything? I don't know anyone who does, and I don't think I've ever seen anywhere online offering me the option of paying in BTC. The only people i know holding it, are doing just that. "Currency" trading in a currency that no one uses

    Which is another reason why I question if it has a serious future. It won't ever become accepted as a currency until "normal" people have a reason to spend it on goods. 

    It’s more about the blockchain technology.. the crypto currencies are mainly an asset of worth, allow u to operate on those networks and allow it to be represented as a tradable commodity 

    It’s a big misconception 

    take an example 

    the ethereum network allows people to operate smart contracts and apps to run off the network 

    one some people may be familiar with is the game Sorare that’s a digital football trading card game that runs on the ethereum network 

    On the football theme as it’s closer to home for many of us here there’s a token called chillies.. not sure what network or blockchain it’s on but it’s a token that a host of top clubs have bought into

    i can’t be bothered to explain how it works but if u google it it’s effectively like a little mini share issue if u will

    fans can hold the tokens In their club, it can be used for season ticket discounts, match day experience rewards and prize draws

    it can and they hope it can go a lot lot further 

    one club allowed their token holder fans to pick the side for a pre season friendly !!!! Lol

    can imagine that here … would be carnage 

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