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  1. Clap
    dabber reacted to roboto in Liam Delap   
    At this point I'd rather give Stretton a chance ahead of Delap. Both roughly around the same part of their progression, but we'd be better off financially if we focus on developing our own.
  2. Like
    dabber reacted to Steve How Hard? in What are you eating tonight   
    Home made giant yorkshire pud.
  3. Clap
    dabber got a reaction from SKRam in Test Cricket is Back   
    Was there any discussion as to why we did not enforce the follow on? I presume it was due to the bowlers being knackered and that the pitch would degrade even further, so might as well try and add quick runs and then bowl them out on the worsening pitch.
  4. Haha
    dabber reacted to Shadowplay in New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)   
    Scottish football is to start using the latest goal-line technology.
    Hawkeye, the new.
  5. Like
    dabber got a reaction from therealhantsram in Technology - For Better or Worse   
    Currently mRNA vaccines, hopefully they help make the world a better place
  6. Like
    dabber got a reaction from TigerTedd in Technology - For Better or Worse   
    Currently mRNA vaccines, hopefully they help make the world a better place
  7. Like
    dabber reacted to mozza in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    I'd buy a ticket for the 71/72 season.. 
  8. Like
    dabber reacted to loweman2 in Derby County Shirt Collection   
    Another lovely retro shirt, maybe a training shirt, maybe sold in the shop, made out of quality thick cotton the same as the old match shirts, maybe it was a potential away shirt but they went for the big collars, would look great as an away shirt some forty five years later !

  9. Like
    dabber got a reaction from sage in Technology - For Better or Worse   
    Currently mRNA vaccines, hopefully they help make the world a better place
  10. Like
    dabber reacted to Inverurie Ram in Derby County Shirt Collection   
  11. Haha
    dabber reacted to FindernRam in New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)   
    Be glad when the Pubs open again! 
    My drinking at home is getting out of hand. Last night I asked the missus for her phone number.!
  12. Like
    dabber reacted to loweman2 in Derby County Shirt Collection   
  13. Like
    dabber reacted to BaaLocks in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    It was the Donor Kebab....
  14. Haha
    dabber reacted to Shadowplay in New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)   
    An old, blind cowboy wanders into an all-girl biker bar by mistake...
    He finds his way to a bar stool and orders a shot of Jack Daniels.
    After sitting there for a while, he yells to the bartender, 'Hey, you wanna hear a blonde joke?'
    The bar immediately falls absolutely silent.
    In a very deep, husky voice, the woman next to him says, 'Before you tell that joke, Cowboy, I think it is only fair, given that you are blind, that you should know five things:
    1. The bartender is a blonde girl with a baseball bat.
    2. The bouncer is a blonde girl with a 'Billy-Club'.
    3. I'm a 6-foot tall, 175-pound blonde woman with a black belt in karate.
    4. The woman sitting next to me is blonde and a professional weight lifter.
    5. The lady to your right is blonde and a professional wrestler.
    'Now, think about it seriously, Cowboy ... do you still wanna tell that blonde joke?'
    The blind cowboy thinks for a second, shakes his head and mutters, 'No ... not if I'm gonna have to explain it five times...
  15. Haha
  16. Like
    dabber reacted to loweman2 in Derby County Shirt Collection   
    Advent 2020 day 15,:putting the Christ into Christmas! This fantastic 1979 Le Coq Sportif away vintage !

  17. Like
    dabber reacted to loweman2 in Derby County Shirt Collection   
    Advent 2020 day ten ! The barcode shirt ! A thing of wonder ! 

  18. Like
    dabber reacted to loweman2 in Derby County Shirt Collection   
    A bit of festive fun for the next few weeks, Christmas 2020 Day 1

  19. Haha
    dabber reacted to Shadowplay in New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)   
    The wife took me out for a drive in the countryside and she said to me sexily with a wink "why don't we do something we've never done in the car before"
    "Go on then" I said, "put it in 4th gear"
  20. Clap
    dabber reacted to Turk Thrust in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    People who say and write “of” instead of “have”. Such as “would of” and “should of” etc. Quite a few posters on here do. 
  21. Like
    dabber reacted to uttoxram75 in Derby County Flags   
    It was done on CNC machine by a mate of his for a present. I’ll try and find out a bit more about it.
    Id certainly pay for one if someone can make them?
  22. Like
    dabber reacted to Animal is a Ram in Zanzala   
  23. Like
    dabber reacted to Ramslad1992 in New parents   
    Hi everyone... I'm not to sure how to write this so I'll just go along with it and sorry for any waffling! 
    My absolutely amazing daughter was born last week on the 10th June in lincoln. Within minutes of her being born they realised something wasnt quite right and within 19 hours of being born she had been transferred to queens medical centre (which I've called home for the last week) and had life saving surgery. 
    She has a condition called Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula... her food pipe and windpipe were joined and without the amazing work of our great NHS she wouldn't be here. 
    Shes got a long way to go but I'm forever proud of how much shes been through in just a week and I'll forever be grateful to everyone that's helped her and our NHS in general.
    As you can see by the photo shes already in training as the rams newest supporter! 

  24. Clap
    dabber reacted to Alph in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    It's too much though innit? 
    It's cool I guess having this projection of who we want to be and how we want people to see us. That's how we can become better and more successful. 
    Everything is on the tip of our fingers. We are just geared to getting it now. 
    Everything is there to make you the person you want to be. And in front of your eyes are projections of perfect Dave and his perfect life. You can literally have everything you want. And to prove it we'll take a little walk across social media at things like facebook where everyone else has achieved becoming a super awesome person, driving a super awesome car, going on super awesome holidays with super awesome friends having super awesome times. How much of it is real and how much is people presenting the projection of the person they want to become.
    I might be in danger of rambling on now. 
    But everything seems designed to inspire you to become a 6ft 4 entrepreneur with a chiselled jawline driving a flash car living in an American Dream home with lots of friends having a good time. 
    This is why ads are laser targeted to our phones. You even think of having a bicep and there's a gym being built on your street that can make you look like Anthony Joshua tomorrow. 
    No wonder people feel poo about themselves. 
    Nobody becomes the person they want to be. I don't believe it. You achieve one part of your projected self and then your projected self gets better. His house gets bigger. Whatever. 
    I think we touched on it in a thread about football fans being angry. It's just people expect instant now. And a lot of people are frustrated and boiling over. Somehow the way we work is that every is fed the fake ******** that they are important and they matter. 
    I think to be happy you have to find comfort in being you. You that has a bit of poo going on. 
    Work towards that projection. So @SaintRam, if you want to get through your poo then start with the most easily achievable thing. Do it. Do it properly. Don't try and go to the gym 25 hours a day and do your bathroom when you get home while building a life size Rolls Royce from matchsticks. 
    Be happy being a nobody that's working through their poo. You will never achieve that projected you. It's a ******** story sold to you like a gambling advert that tells you every day you will win £1m. It's an advert influenced facebook account belonging to BullshitRam. 
    All you really need is to dig out yourself a piece of happiness. Work towards the projection. Bit by bit. And you can have a house to be proud of. You can have a hobby. You can go to the gym. You can enjoy all that. But the goalposts will always move. 
    So just try to enjoy what you have and take steady steps towards what you want.
    I apologise if this made no sense. But I like this thread because it's the ******** in people's heads spat out onto a piece of paper. This is the ******** that I think has helped me. So maybe it can help someone else.
  25. Like
    dabber reacted to Anag Ram in Watchable telly   
    Really enjoying series two of the Kominsky Method. 
    Great portrayal of friendship in later life with Michael Douglas and Alan Arkin on fine form. 
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