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Sheff UTD (A) - Match Thread


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54 minutes ago, angieram said:

You're right, Alf, and the ones I know to chat to are women. There are a couple of blokes, but I don't know them well.

The whole setup is wrong, imo, because a sizeable proportion of that away support is male and influenced by drink or drugs.

Other blokes don't tackle them either. Safety first.

I would like to think that if a person was reported the club would act, but what can they do, really? It's obnoxious behaviour, rather than illegal. So the rest of us have to put up with it.

An example from yesterday. I arrived at the turnstiles just behind a load of lads singing the Sharp sex offender chant. The entrances are at the far left of the stand. Our seats are far right. The concourse is rammed with singers, beer going everywhere, no way through for a short lady in her late 60s.

So I try to go into the stand on the left, to get down to the front and make my way across the front of the seats. Sheffield stewards say no way and send me back into the mob. 

No customer service, and no recognition that some of us do actually need protecting from our fans.

I know most away fans would tell me to stay at home, but I'm not quite ready to give up on my football yet. But I am beginning to dread the whole experience more and more each season.

I'm going to give you a little advice Angie...not that you want it but it may push you in the right direction

I have my RR Senior Steward hat on here, If you were a member of my Union I'd be straight after their manager, Yes I know...who's their manager, Then I'll tell you...it's DCFC they sell the tickets for them to watch, DCFC are responsible for fan safety, Do not under any circumstances bow down to morons or louts, You should be able to go about your business without fear or frustration.

So what can you do?, Are you something to do with Ramtrust? if so or if not...a strongly worded letter to DCFCs Supporter liaison officer concerning Women and their safety when travelling and watching DCFC at away games, DCFC have a duty of care when selling tickets, They can and should be able to identify those that cause nuisance or upset, Drink and drugs are getting more and more prevalent in todays world and football is no different.

I think you know where I'm coming from, And I'm sure you're not the only one who when going to watch Derby away thinking...what's today going to bring.

I wish you well...and hope in the future all is good 😉

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7 hours ago, Ian Buxton's Bat said:

There were a large number singing that Billy Sharp was a sex offender in the queue outside the ground. They weren’t hidden in a crowd and could be identified - I didn’t recognise any of them. I saw a perfectly reasonable Blades fan plead with the police to take some action and they wouldn’t, much to his disgust.

A few banning orders or prison sentences could sort it but “the authorities” don’t seem bothered.

Maybe 25 years ago, I confronted and reported a fellow fan for hurling racist abuse and the club were on it in a flash, having been provided with a seat number. 

Ideally, you don’t want to put yourselves in harm’s way by confronting people but maybe a complaint to the club with a seat number could work.

Ok I rarely go away so this may be some new chant I don't know (have a home season ticket) but jail for singing Billy Sharp's a Sex Offender ?    

I haven't got a problem with the way our fans behave - last thing I'd want is police or stewards killing the atmosphere by policing that contingent more than they already do.  

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Alf this has hit home for me and should warrant a thread IMHO. Possibly even raised in the fan feedbacks.

Mrs Silverback and I travelled to many games away, with notably "rough "supporters Burnley/Stoke etc and we often felt more afeard of our own "fans". I use the term loosely coz they are nothing to do with football as such. Just  a bunch of brainless morons looking for trouble.

I could be way off the mark here but  don't want to be lumped in with these cretins, and I would ask the club managements to provide a set seated area, where we as true supporters of the club/football could at least feel easy watching the game.

This being the age of inclusion and bums on seats, we would love to travel away again but after a particular experience of our own fans at St Marys, we decided that neither of us felt safe enough to want to repeat the experience.

We are both in excess of 65 and do not like being bumped and bashed by fans of our own as we are a little unsteady, and would happily pay a little  extra for the privilege.

I accept that most away supporters would find this abhorrent to their experience, but I would not in any way want to affect their day but they are seemingly happy to spoil our enjoyment. 

Retirement has given me the time and finances to go to all matches, but I feel excluded because of age/safety. 

I am sure there will be a chord struck amongst many travelling fans with this rant, and I hope that someone can at least give this a dose of looking at.

Rant over 🤞

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1 hour ago, angieram said:

You're right, Alf, and the ones I know to chat to are women. There are a couple of blokes, but I don't know them well.

The whole setup is wrong, imo, because a sizeable proportion of that away support is male and influenced by drink or drugs.

Other blokes don't tackle them either. Safety first.

I would like to think that if a person was reported the club would act, but what can they do, really? It's obnoxious behaviour, rather than illegal. So the rest of us have to put up with it.

An example from yesterday. I arrived at the turnstiles just behind a load of lads singing the Sharp sex offender chant. The entrances are at the far left of the stand. Our seats are far right. The concourse is rammed with singers, beer going everywhere, no way through for a short lady in her late 60s.

So I try to go into the stand on the left, to get down to the front and make my way across the front of the seats. Sheffield stewards say no way and send me back into the mob. 

No customer service, and no recognition that some of us do actually need protecting from our fans.

I know most away fans would tell me to stay at home, but I'm not quite ready to give up on my football yet. But I am beginning to dread the whole experience more and more each season.

Tbh Angie, I empathise with what you say. You have to take note of your own advancing years and condition, and seeing a few young lads at away games over the last couple of seasons sporting cuts and black eyes because they crossed the "mob" was sobering. I long ago gave up any notion that "we're all Derby aren't we" acted as a moderator for these morons (not all of them young either). I've avoided problems, but I'm increasingly choosing my away trips carefully.

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21 minutes ago, trappatoni said:

Ok I rarely go away so this may be some new chant I don't know (have a home season ticket) but jail for singing Billy Sharp's a Sex Offender ?    

I haven't got a problem with the way our fans behave - last thing I'd want is police or stewards killing the atmosphere by policing that contingent more than they already do.  

I haven’t got a problem with the way the vast majority of our fans behave but there is, without doubt, a small minority of morons (as there is with every club I suspect) who are a disgrace with the songs they sing, the way they goad opposition supports (way beyond harmless banter) and even abuse their own teams players (although, you can’t really take any action for the latter “offence” I guess). Identifying and banning/ejecting from the ground these individuals (or at the very least tell them, under the warning of further action, to cease their unacceptable behaviour) will NOT kill the atmosphere.

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42 minutes ago, trappatoni said:

Ok I rarely go away so this may be some new chant I don't know (have a home season ticket) but jail for singing Billy Sharp's a Sex Offender ?    

I haven't got a problem with the way our fans behave - last thing I'd want is police or stewards killing the atmosphere by policing that contingent more than they already do.  

Perhaps you haven't been showered by drink in the concourse, or have your view obstructed because a group of mates who couldn't get tickets together are standing in front of you in a single seat space. It's not about killing the atmosphere, it's about having a bit of respect for your fellow fans.

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1 hour ago, trappatoni said:

Ok I rarely go away so this may be some new chant I don't know (have a home season ticket) but jail for singing Billy Sharp's a Sex Offender ?    

I haven't got a problem with the way our fans behave - last thing I'd want is police or stewards killing the atmosphere by policing that contingent more than they already do.  

OK….maybe jail is a bit harsh.

I do have a problem with fans making completely unfounded statements about someone being a sex offender.

I’d like to think that’s a widely held view but maybe I’m wrong.

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3 hours ago, angieram said:

You're right, Alf, and the ones I know to chat to are women. There are a couple of blokes, but I don't know them well.

The whole setup is wrong, imo, because a sizeable proportion of that away support is male and influenced by drink or drugs.

Other blokes don't tackle them either. Safety first.

I would like to think that if a person was reported the club would act, but what can they do, really? It's obnoxious behaviour, rather than illegal. So the rest of us have to put up with it.

An example from yesterday. I arrived at the turnstiles just behind a load of lads singing the Sharp sex offender chant. The entrances are at the far left of the stand. Our seats are far right. The concourse is rammed with singers, beer going everywhere, no way through for a short lady in her late 60s.

So I try to go into the stand on the left, to get down to the front and make my way across the front of the seats. Sheffield stewards say no way and send me back into the mob. 

No customer service, and no recognition that some of us do actually need protecting from our fans.

I know most away fans would tell me to stay at home, but I'm not quite ready to give up on my football yet. But I am beginning to dread the whole experience more and more each season.

If David Clowes or anyone else at DCFC is reading about our away day experiences. Please take note that we don’t want to spoil the away day for other fans . But could we have a special section for fans who like to chuck beer over each other , take drugs , sing abhorrent chants and seem to have no actual interest in football. 

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1 hour ago, silverback said:

Alf this has hit home for me and should warrant a thread IMHO. Possibly even raised in the fan feedbacks.

I no longer go @silverback I lost the enjoyment 2 seasons ago after some 55 years of loyal support, I'm sure a thread could/would be supported but that will have to be down to other posters who have an issue with travelling away and "some supporters"

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2 hours ago, Ram-Alf said:

I'm going to give you a little advice Angie...not that you want it but it may push you in the right direction

I have my RR Senior Steward hat on here, If you were a member of my Union I'd be straight after their manager, Yes I know...who's their manager, Then I'll tell you...it's DCFC they sell the tickets for them to watch, DCFC are responsible for fan safety, Do not under any circumstances bow down to morons or louts, You should be able to go about your business without fear or frustration.

So what can you do?, Are you something to do with Ramtrust? if so or if not...a strongly worded letter to DCFCs Supporter liaison officer concerning Women and their safety when travelling and watching DCFC at away games, DCFC have a duty of care when selling tickets, They can and should be able to identify those that cause nuisance or upset, Drink and drugs are getting more and more prevalent in todays world and football is no different.

I think you know where I'm coming from, And I'm sure you're not the only one who when going to watch Derby away thinking...what's today going to bring.

I wish you well...and hope in the future all is good 😉

Do Derby County as an entity as a football club or any other football club for that matter have a duty of care to protect a supporter from boorish behaviour from another one of their supporters? I'm not convinced that they do neither am I though a legal aficionado. The key word here is boorish behaviour which to the best of my understanding isn't a criminal offence. 

You say also that DCFC should be able to identify those causing nuisance and upset - that is an unbelievably wide scope - the way someone sitting next to them eats their half time sandwiches could cause upset to someone, would you expect them to be thrown out? Bad case of personal hygiene? I'm not trying to belittle or trivialise the main point of this but both could cause offense but neither are criminal practices. 

They both fall under having respect for your fellow supporter but what leverage do you have if you politely point this out to them and they basically ignore you?

How many people have you seen ejected from football grounds for offences other than encroaching on the pitch this season, last season? Will put that question open to the wider forum?

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1 hour ago, McArthur Park said:

Perhaps you haven't been showered by drink in the concourse, or have your view obstructed because a group of mates who couldn't get tickets together are standing in front of you in a single seat space. It's not about killing the atmosphere, it's about having a bit of respect for your fellow fans.

I found this a few years ago, and the last time i went to sheff united some fans were singing horrible songs about their goalies wife and we were right behind his goal, awful.Stopped going away after that season, to much abuse from some of our own fans if you said anything. It is only a minority though, but older fans shouldnt have to put up with it or accept it as normal football behaviour.

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1 hour ago, Ian Buxton's Bat said:

OK….maybe jail is a bit harsh.

I do have a problem with fans making completely unfounded statements about someone being a sex offender.

I’d like to think that’s a widely held view but maybe I’m wrong.

Interestingly, if that's the correct word, the CPS updated it's rules last year regards tragedy chanting, making it a Public Order offense. 

There have been successful prosecutions stemming from this behaviour as a result at football matches. 

But to the best of my knowledge the scope of this update did not cover the chanting of other potentially offensive material to which you allude to in your post. 

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59 minutes ago, Kathcairns said:

I found this a few years ago, and the last time i went to sheff united some fans were singing horrible songs about their goalies wife and we were right behind his goal, awful.Stopped going away after that season, to much abuse from some of our own fans if you said anything. It is only a minority though, but older fans shouldnt have to put up with it or accept it as normal football behaviour.

Paddy Kenny image.png.7924d27e62fcdf2eec4c115a9a1d6e3b.png while he was playing at home...his wife was playing away 🙄



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23 hours ago, Oldtime Ram said:


Sheffield United were relegated at the end of last season so for four years they will receive £40,000,000 a year minimum from the Premiership. So they have been able to afford to keep some of their stars and can also afford to sign on new ones from other clubs.


Derby on the other hand now have as an owner David Clowes who wisely is determined his club should not get into debt again. The only reason we have had a bit to spend this year is that we have received some £3,000,000 after selling some good players years ago and having a clause in their contract saying we we would be entitled to a percentage of their resale price. Those resales happened during the last close season.

But that money is peanuts compared with the cash now available to Sheffield United! So in fact our manager has done an amazing job to put together a team that can compete in the Championship with so little money at his disposal. Even today we were only beaten by one amazing strike by one of their stars.

So we should be congratulating our Manager not criticising him as some have been doing on here tonight!




                       Lin Manuel Miranda Love GIF by Tony Awards Well said mate

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5 hours ago, angieram said:

You're right, Alf, and the ones I know to chat to are women. There are a couple of blokes, but I don't know them well.

The whole setup is wrong, imo, because a sizeable proportion of that away support is male and influenced by drink or drugs.

Other blokes don't tackle them either. Safety first.

I would like to think that if a person was reported the club would act, but what can they do, really? It's obnoxious behaviour, rather than illegal. So the rest of us have to put up with it.

An example from yesterday. I arrived at the turnstiles just behind a load of lads singing the Sharp sex offender chant. The entrances are at the far left of the stand. Our seats are far right. The concourse is rammed with singers, beer going everywhere, no way through for a short lady in her late 60s.

So I try to go into the stand on the left, to get down to the front and make my way across the front of the seats. Sheffield stewards say no way and send me back into the mob. 

No customer service, and no recognition that some of us do actually need protecting from our fans.

I know most away fans would tell me to stay at home, but I'm not quite ready to give up on my football yet. But I am beginning to dread the whole experience more and more each season.

Totally with you on this Ang, I ,like you go to most away games and the last few seasons it has not been a pleasant experience at most grounds regarding a minority of our so called fans , it will take more than this to stop travelling to support my club but their behaviour is embarrassing and giving the majority of travelling Rams fans a bad name

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10 hours ago, MadAmster said:

They are better than us. It's that simple. They are what we will be the 26/27 season if we keep progressing. I thought we might be able to just about nick a draw, we didn't. I'm expecting zero a week on Tuesday at the SoL. On another day they would have had 4 or 5, IMO.

As it was, NML hit the post, might have been given a penalty on another day, their free kick may not have been. As we have, ourselves on many an occasion found out, possession and territorial advantage doesn't always result in goals. As for the one we conceded, even if it was a free kick, that shot should not have gone in. IMO, we should have had 4 in the wall, not 3. Ossie, all 5' 9" of him was the outside man in the wall. He stood still and there was a hint of him turning inside. Why did he not jump? He'd have deflected the ball and it wouldn't have gone in. I hope our dead ball coach, Hammy, "hammers" that into the squad. That free kick doesn't go in then we probably nick a point. 

Yes there is a lot of talk about a brilliant free kick, although it did seem that Hamer was given a lot to aim at. A better wall / goalkeeping position would probably have resulted in a decent free kick being saved/blocked. Either way I expect Sheff Utd would have still edged the 3 points.

Not a disastrous day for DCFC, and while the odd away game will be won, survival is dependent on home results. 

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4 hours ago, jimtastic56 said:

If David Clowes or anyone else at DCFC is reading about our away day experiences. Please take note that we don’t want to spoil the away day for other fans . But could we have a special section for fans who like to chuck beer over each other , take drugs , sing abhorrent chants and seem to have no actual interest in football. 

A cage would be rather appropriate 

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