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Kayden Jackson - signed on a 2 year deal

Jimbo Ram

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2 minutes ago, Andicis said:

29 appearances. Sure he was used off the bench a lot, but that's still "regularly" isn't it?

Not really, I could’ve come off the bench for Ipswich for 2 minutes 29 times and they’d have probably still got promoted… doesn’t stop me being s**** at football

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6 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

Not really, I could’ve come off the bench for Ipswich for 2 minutes 29 times and they’d have probably still got promoted… doesn’t stop me being s**** at football

Could he have played over 17000 minutes of professional football and been s**** which is slightly more thwn the 58 minutes you are alluding to.

I understand we all have opinions on players especially when they play for our great club or our national team.

I've been as guilty as everyone else.

We signed Van Der Laan and I had seen him numerous times for Vale and thought he was bang average.

My goodness did he prove me wrong.

And he isn't the only one I judged and got to eat another healthy slice of Grandma's best humble pie 

Give the lad and the management chance my friend 😁👍

Edited by AmberRamber
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42 minutes ago, MaltRam said:

Awful? Extremely harsh given the result. Waggy contributed. Ward contributed. Bradley contributed. Elder and JJ were injury write-offs.

Both contributed yes, but that doesn’t mean they were good signings. Other players could have contributed far more. The “Injury write offs” were players who had a history of being injury prone and should never have been signed. Extending John-Jules loan in January was a horrific decision which would have cost us autos had we not managed to sign Gayle.

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1 minute ago, AmberRamber said:

Could you have played over 17000 minutes of professional football and been s****?

Give him and the management chance my friend 😁👍

Of course not - but the point is minutes played is a much better metric of measuring how regularly a player has played compared to appearances.

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11 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

Not really, I could’ve come off the bench for Ipswich for 2 minutes 29 times and they’d have probably still got promoted… doesn’t stop me being s**** at football

Worst point ever. He didn't play 58 minutes last season.

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19 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

Both contributed yes, but that doesn’t mean they were good signings. Other players could have contributed far more. The “Injury write offs” were players who had a history of being injury prone and should never have been signed. Extending John-Jules loan in January was a horrific decision which would have cost us autos had we not managed to sign Gayle.

Crikey, I thought I was closer to half glass empty, you seem to be glass totally empty 🤣 We have just been promoted and can now sign players again. Exciting times don’t you think? All the ITK nonsense to enjoy and lots of other genuine player links. Let’s see what the squad looks like come August before we get too down in the dumps 😊

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I get the feeling PW is bringing this lad in to do a specific job and utilise his talents in those areas. 

Sounds like most Ipswich fans rate him fairly highly, despite them not seeing him as the most technically gifted player.

We’ve got to remember we’ve lost a fair chunk of our squad and have 9 places on the bench to fill irrespective of injuries.

This guy fits the bill for me, is he a sensational signing that gets the heart racing……….no

Will he be a solid contributor for a couple of seasons………yes I think he will!

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29 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Worst point ever. He didn't play 58 minutes last season.

That’s not the point. The point is that appearances isn’t a good metric of how regularly a player played. Jackson did not play regularly for Ipswich last season, that’s a fact. Whether he’s any good at football remains to be seen.

Edited by Millenniumram
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11 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

Crikey, I thought I was closer to half glass empty, you seem to be glass totally empty 🤣 We have just been promoted and can now sign players again. Exciting times don’t you think? All the ITK nonsense to enjoy and lots of other genuine player links. Let’s see what the squad looks like come August before we get too down in the dumps 😊

I was very excited until I saw the players were signing! Osborn, Yates and Jackson don’t exactly fill me with confidence… feels like we’re prioritising “good characters and work rate” over players who will actually provide the firepower that we need. Just a bit disappointed with our start to the window is all… hopefully it will improve as we go on, and these players will prove me wrong. It all feels a bit like we’re still in League One offering players like Jackson a three year contract.

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38 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

Both contributed yes, but that doesn’t mean they were good signings. Other players could have contributed far more. The “Injury write offs” were players who had a history of being injury prone and should never have been signed. Extending John-Jules loan in January was a horrific decision which would have cost us autos had we not managed to sign Gayle.

Yeah. Good bit of recruitment, the Gayle thing. 😉

I reckon we're fishing in a better pool this time. Optimistic.

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40 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

As I’ve already explained, we achieved our aims but that wasn’t because of good recruitment last summer. They are two completely different points. To be honest Warne did well to get us promoted, given how unsuccessful most of our signings were.

Your overall point was accurate enough but not exactly expressed with much balance.

Warne's signings were for the most part very poor value for money but without Nelson and Adams in particular (who you completely missed out of your summation) we wouldn't have gone up.

Whilst poor VFM the signings did still provide some quality at times, which secured some important points. If they were poor players AND poor value VFM they'd be awful signings but I wouldn't put most of them in that category.

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7 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

I was very excited until I saw the players were signing! Osborn, Yates and Jackson don’t exactly fill me with confidence… feels like we’re prioritising “good characters and work rate” over players who will actually provide the firepower that we need. Just a bit disappointed with our start to the window is all… hopefully it will improve as we go on, and these players will prove me wrong. It all feels a bit like we’re still in League One offering players like Jackson a three year contract.

I know what you mean but sometimes you can’t tell until the new team play together. Hopefully a couple of exciting additions to come, with some creativity 😊

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Ready made chant incoming...


To the tune of Outcasts - Miss Jackson

I'm sorry says Kayden Jackson

But I am for reeeeeAal

Never meant to make the Forest cry

I apologise a million times


Feel free to remix it 😆 

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2 hours ago, S6 boy said:

I'm happy with this kind of signing at this point in the rebuild.  Three years seems like one season too many, but if we can afford the wages (which we obviously can), then so be it.  If the target for this season is top six then I'd be worried by signings like this, but it isn't so I'm not.  If all he does is come on after 70 minutes each week to give NML a rest, then that's enough to justify the signing for me. 

Osborn and the other players we've been linked to, seem more than adequate to get us 13th to 18th in the table which is a realistic aim for this season.

I think this is a very solid point. NML needed more of a rest this year.

Joined with the fact he tracks back and works hard it could be pivotal in gaining points late in games. A game changer not in the "go get us a goal" but making it tough for the opposition to get one.

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3 hours ago, MaltRam said:

Awful? Extremely harsh given the result. Waggy contributed. Ward contributed. Bradley contributed. Elder and JJ were injury write-offs.

When you make 12 summer signings, you should expect to see more than 2 of them feature in the team at least 50% of the time.

That was only Nelson (100%) and Wilson (60%), with Bradley next on the list (43%). In fact, there were only 2 first team players in the squad who were signed prior to Warne and played less than Bradley (Thompson and Rooney).

Recruitment this summer absolutely has to be better than last year.

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1 hour ago, Millenniumram said:

I was very excited until I saw the players were signing! Osborn, Yates and Jackson don’t exactly fill me with confidence… feels like we’re prioritising “good characters and work rate” over players who will actually provide the firepower that we need. Just a bit disappointed with our start to the window is all… hopefully it will improve as we go on, and these players will prove me wrong. It all feels a bit like we’re still in League One offering players like Jackson a three year contract.

Drama queens are still active on here then 

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