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New Captain

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17 minutes ago, Archied said:

Fozzy as captain


7 minutes ago, Magicman said:

Club Skipper Fozzie. 


I would love to see this, however he is too quiet and will he get the game time?

I would argue you need your captain to be on the field as much as you can to get the message across and enforce it.

So it is a no from me

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In the interview with Nelson it mentioned he was captain at Cardiff, Plymouth and Oxford. Seems a pretty easy choice. I don’t see their being one player being captain, having a mix of 4-5 ‘captains’ in a team is pretty common now a days. Leaders wise we’ve got, Nelson, Fozzy, Hourihane, Smith and Bird

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3 hours ago, BathRam72 said:


I would love to see this, however he is too quiet and will he get the game time?

I would argue you need your captain to be on the field as much as you can to get the message across and enforce it.

So it is a no from me

Ok I’m gonna go with max birdseye then

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