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Gary Lineker


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2 hours ago, Archied said:

So , I live in a nice country , not as nice as some but still doesn’t mean I want to ect ect ect ?‍♂️

Do I infer from this that the point is that if I say I live in a nice house - good luck me - then the same logic applies for what country I was born in? Didn't have your sperm and egg say hello to each other in Helmand province - good luck you? I get the point, and it's a good challenge.

But my point above is that I can live in a nice house but still be left wing, still enjoy the benefit of my labour (small L) and still expect my government to do more, to be better. And I can still argue and expect greater equality without having to be the first to lead on making that happen by giving up my hard earned savings while others in better positions stand by and watch. I don't think anyone is asking for reparations to the point of absolute communism.

Same with asylum seekers and migrants. I might recognize that the ultimate solution is to invest in their countries so they have the same opportunities, infrastructure and standard of living as I enjoy. Given many are in this situation thanks to the centuries of harm caused to them by colonial powers like the UK, France and the US it can be suggested that is the ultimate path forward. Like it or not, we are a large part of their problem.

But we do know, at least I think I do, that isn't really workable so in the meantime we can do at least something by offering safe refuge and at least a modicum of support to those that need our help most. I feel oblidged to caveat that last sentence to say that doesn't mean we open the floodgates and allow everyone in (as many in support of this bill seem to suggest is the only alternative). Totally agree we need structure and transparency to how we assist but if we want to be seen as anyway near credible on the international stage we must have a properly implemented tolerant and fair asylum and immigration system.

The sad, sad truth is that this isn't too difficult, if it is dealt with as a cross party initiatve and not politicised as a right wing dog whistle in a desperate hope it will magically close a 25% gap in the polls.

Edited by BaaLocks
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57 minutes ago, BaaLocks said:

Do I infer from this that the point is that if I say I live in a nice house - good luck me - then the same logic applies for what country I was born in? Didn't have your sperm and egg say hello to each other in Helmand province - good luck you? I get the point, and it's a good challenge.

But my point above is that I can live in a nice house but still be left wing, still enjoy the benefit of my labour (small L) and still expect my government to do more, to be better. And I can still argue and expect greater equality without having to be the first to lead on making that happen by giving up my hard earned savings while others in better positions stand by and watch. I don't think anyone is asking for reparations to the point of absolute communism.

Same with asylum seekers and migrants. I might recognize that the ultimate solution is to invest in their countries so they have the same opportunities, infrastructure and standard of living as I enjoy. Given many are in this situation thanks to the centuries of harm caused to them by colonial powers like the UK, France and the US it can be suggested that is the ultimate path forward. Like it or not, we are a large part of their problem.

But we do know, at least I think I do, that isn't really workable so in the meantime we can do at least something by offering safe refuge and at least a modicum of support to those that need our help most. I feel oblidged to caveat that last sentence to say that doesn't mean we open the floodgates and allow everyone in (as many in support of this bill seem to suggest is the only alternative). Totally agree we need structure and transparency to how we assist but if we want to be seen as anyway near credible on the international stage we must have a properly implemented tolerant and fair asylum and immigration system.

The sad, sad truth is that this isn't too difficult, if it is dealt with as a cross party initiatve and not politicised as a right wing dog whistle in a desperate hope it will magically close a 25% gap in the polls.

It was not a dig at you but let’s be honest you/we are either socialist or we are not , if we are then our principles hurt , that does not mean that we can’t do our best to help others , give back , pay our share and encourage others to do the the same but my line is drawn at castigating, slurring accusing others of all kinds of garbage whilst polishing a halo as Lineker and his ilk do , if you care you care for all and take a wider view to hopefully find some balance unlike Lineker who would not bat an eyelid at the homeless dying of cold on the streets whilst pushing immigrants AHEAD of them in the que for help , it’s cherry picking virtue signaling hypocrisy, with what he has and the position he’s in how much would it hurt him to pay 4 odd mill in tax rather than swerve it ? Him and his ilk do more harm than good ,

as others have said it’s all Lineker in the news not the policy , not Matt Hancock and the government s terrible behaviour during covid ( Hancock texts ) ,,

the bloke is a self obsessed txxt 

oh and yes so much is in the luck of the draw , where we are born ( even within this country) , parents we are born to , the brains / personalities we are born with ect ect ect 

Edited by Archied
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7 minutes ago, Archied said:

It was not a dig at you but let’s be honest you/we are either socialist or we are not , if we are then our principles hurt , that does not mean that we can’t do our best to help others , give back , pay our share and encourage others to do the the same but my line is drawn at castigating, slurring accusing others of all kinds of garbage whilst polishing a halo as Lineker and his ilk do , if you care you care for all and take a wider view to hopefully find some balance unlike Lineker who would not bat an eyelid at the homeless dying of cold on the streets whilst pushing immigrants AHEAD of them in the que for help , it’s cherry picking virtue signaling hypocrisy, with what he has and the position he’s in how much would it hurt him to pay 4 odd mill in tax rather than swerve it ? Him and his ilk do more harm than good ,

as others have said it’s all Lineker in the news not the policy , not Matt Hancock and the government s terrible behaviour during covid ( Hancock texts ) ,,

the bloke is a self obsessed txxt 

oh and yes so much is in the luck of the draw , where we are born ( even within this country) , parents we are born to , the brains / personalities we are born with ect ect ect 

No, don't worry - you'll have to be a bit more blunt than that if you want to have a dig ?

I find the 'hate' against Lineker really surprising, I had no idea there was such bile against him until this episode. I have always thought he seperates himself pretty well, if you only want to hear his views on football then don't follow his personal account on Twitter. I also find it really surprising (been an education, every day's a school day) that he makes one comment on the tone of government messaging and a week later he's a tax dodger who does nothing of any help and favours immigrants over homeless on our streets. 

I'm with you on tax btw, but I have no different view on him than I have on Rishi Sunak heating his swimming pool with money his wife garnered via her non-dom status or Jimmy Carr paying accountants he can afford to save money we don't have. It's not political for me, it's not where you came from - if we continue to allow the gap between the richest and the poorest to widen then we are in for trouble. Interestingly, without wanting to cross pollute this thread with the one on Ukraine that I have chosen to avoid now for a few months, history tells us that the single biggest leveller of society is large and sustained war. First World War was a great example, Hundred Years War in the Middle Ages another. Rich end up funding the conflict, poor end up getting paid to fight rather than grow their masters business, the gap closes. Every (nuclear) cloud and all that....

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5 hours ago, sage said:

Going back to the bill that this was all about.

What will the outcome be? 

A) we have no return agreement with the EU

B) it will be practically impossible to send most ayslum seekers back to their country of origin


C) we state we will refuse to process their claims

will lead to

D) huge numbers of asylum seekers stuffed here there and everywhere around the country in hotels, barracks, camps unable to get jobs or contribute to society, just hanging around bored and frustrated etc

which will lead to

Protests and trouble all around the country over the next year as we head to towards the election, so the election is fought on this one topic, which the Tories feel they can win on.

The classic 'cause a problem and blame everyone else for it'







It’s designed to be unworkable and fail. That’s the entire point.

Gives the government the claim they tried to sort it out, but nefarious forces conspired against them.

And the culture wars trundle on as enough people buy into it!

Hey it’s better than actually being productive and fixing things.

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1 hour ago, Archied said:

 unlike Lineker who would not bat an eyelid at the homeless dying of cold on the streets whilst pushing immigrants AHEAD of them in the que for help , 

As is par for the course on this thread, can you back this up please? How do you know he'd not bat an eyelid?

What's the solution to homelessness, in your opinion? 

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1 hour ago, BaaLocks said:

No, don't worry - you'll have to be a bit more blunt than that if you want to have a dig ?

I find the 'hate' against Lineker really surprising, I had no idea there was such bile against him until this episode. I have always thought he seperates himself pretty well, if you only want to hear his views on football then don't follow his personal account on Twitter. I also find it really surprising (been an education, every day's a school day) that he makes one comment on the tone of government messaging and a week later he's a tax dodger who does nothing of any help and favours immigrants over homeless on our streets. 

I'm with you on tax btw, but I have no different view on him than I have on Rishi Sunak heating his swimming pool with money his wife garnered via her non-dom status or Jimmy Carr paying accountants he can afford to save money we don't have. It's not political for me, it's not where you came from - if we continue to allow the gap between the richest and the poorest to widen then we are in for trouble. Interestingly, without wanting to cross pollute this thread with the one on Ukraine that I have chosen to avoid now for a few months, history tells us that the single biggest leveller of society is large and sustained war. First World War was a great example, Hundred Years War in the Middle Ages another. Rich end up funding the conflict, poor end up getting paid to fight rather than grow their masters business, the gap closes. Every (nuclear) cloud and all that....

There’s much we agree on , the Ukrainian war topic is one where I certainly miss your input as I found it balanced and informative,I read the topic but tend not to post in there as my knowledge is limited though I have some generalised views on it but it’s one of those ones where hard to question without being seen as one side or another 

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24 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

As is par for the course on this thread, can you back this up please? How do you know he'd not bat an eyelid?

What's the solution to homelessness, in your opinion? 

Opinion based on the fact he takes nothing else into account and just posts offensive garbage for likes , he has history for halo polishing whilst filling his wallet , of course your welcome to see him in any light you choose ,I expect niether of us are 100% right on him 

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31 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

As is par for the course on this thread, can you back this up please? How do you know he'd not bat an eyelid?

What's the solution to homelessness, in your opinion? 

The solution to homelessness in my opinion is everyone is entitled to a home , of course that would mean we all have to become REAL socialists but it ain’t gonna happen anytime soon ,in fact it’s going the other way and as I say the Lineker of this world in my view do more harm than good ,,, I’ve been lucky enough to know some REAL good people and they have been the type who you find out about the good they do ,they tend to not shout about it 

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3 hours ago, Archied said:

It was not a dig at you but let’s be honest you/we are either socialist or we are not , if we are then our principles hurt , that does not mean that we can’t do our best to help others , give back , pay our share and encourage others to do the the same but my line is drawn at castigating, slurring accusing others of all kinds of garbage whilst polishing a halo as Lineker and his ilk do , if you care you care for all and take a wider view to hopefully find some balance unlike Lineker who would not bat an eyelid at the homeless dying of cold on the streets whilst pushing immigrants AHEAD of them in the que for help 


Is this the same Gary Lineker who persuaded Walkers to donate thousands of pounds worth of food to homeless charities.

Look at him, with his batty eyelids

happy gary lineker GIF by Walkers Crisps

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9 minutes ago, sage said:

Is this the same Gary Lineker who persuaded Walkers to donate thousands of pounds worth of food to homeless charities.

Look at him, with his batty eyelids

happy gary lineker GIF by Walkers Crisps

Sounds like a horrible person. 


I've heard stories of a particularly unpleasant side of him, and I wouldn't be surprised if they were true. But I think he can be simultaneously interested in helping address a particularly nasty government policy while being morally questionable. I also think that by publicising one thing, it doesn't necessarily mean that he doesn't care about other things. 

I mean, what about the poor overburdened Spanish donkeys, he's clearly a monster having never said anything about it. As for poor Maddie, he clearly couldn't care less about that poor girl. Same with Myra Hindley. What an absolute swine. 

Oh yes - pay your tax, Gary. I can't imagine anyone being keen on seeing him evade anything. In fact the only people who I recall complaining about paying tax were the anti Corbyn types during the threads around the last general election. The woke lefty scum generally wanted more people paying more tax. 

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5 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Sounds like a horrible person. 


I've heard stories of a particularly unpleasant side of him, and I wouldn't be surprised if they were true. But I think he can be simultaneously interested in helping address a particularly nasty government policy while being morally questionable. I also think that by publicising one thing, it doesn't necessarily mean that he doesn't care about other things. 

I mean, what about the poor overburdened Spanish donkeys, he's clearly a monster having never said anything about it. As for poor Maddie, he clearly couldn't care less about that poor girl. Same with Myra Hindley. What an absolute swine. 

Oh yes - pay your tax, Gary. I can't imagine anyone being keen on seeing him evade anything. In fact the only people who I recall complaining about paying tax were the anti Corbyn types during the threads around the last general election. The woke lefty scum generally wanted more people paying more tax. 

We obviously have heard similar stories ,,  anyway as I said earlier the prob I have is we are either socialists or we are not and let’s face it very very few of us really are because it costs , so mr Lineker by all means do good stuff , encourage others to do the same but don’t cut loose on others , criticise, label ect ect ect because you are a very very long way from being what you claim , still nice one on getting walkers to donate and taking the plaudits ?????

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12 hours ago, PistoldPete said:

So the DG is lying about Lineker agreeing to abide by the guidelines? I shall wait to see what happens if he calls anyone a Nazi again. 

 Before he can can call anyone a Nazi again, wouldn't he need to have called someone a Nazi in the first place?

He may have likened the language being used by our government to that being used in 30's Germany. Where did he call anyone a Nazi? 

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1 minute ago, GboroRam said:

Sorry, can't remove the emojis. 

Why do you say being a Socialist costs? How does it cost? 

Well it would cost Lineker 4.5 mill . It would cost us all more in tax , it would cost in terms of not throwing a fit when it comes to perhaps housing being built in areas we don’t want anything that affects our lives or property prices , I could go on and on with a long list but I’m sure you get the jist , I just don’t get why you need to pretend that truly caring for all in society does not come with a cost but hey ho maybe being obtuse is fun

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