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Our Queen


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2 minutes ago, Alpha said:

Think it's a shame that some didn't watch this historic event in the UK. 

I think, even if I wasn't pro Royal family, that I'd still watch some. I can't imagine not being interested in significant world events. 

I think it's a shame that people think it's a shame that people didn't watch, Never watched a second of it, I stood up for the minutes silence at PP...job done ?

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Obviously I've caught a few bits here and there where it couldn't be avoided, but I haven't intentionally paid attention to any of it tbh. I'm not really a 'joiner-inner' anyway, any hint of 'expected' active participation and I get uncomfortable, just let other people get on with doing their thing and hope nobody tries to force me into action.

I'm not sure I even think of it as a significant world event tbh. It doesn't really change anything about the way most people go about their lives. It's just replacing one head of state who doesn't actually influence much of anything meaningful these days for another. The new one might not be present the same 'cuddly' image but well, oh well.

Clearly though it's important to a lot of people, many do care about it, but as far as I can see its actual significance is really quite confined to those who already feel it's more significant that it is. A self-perpetuation of perceived importance that ultimately amounts to a different face on a few coins & banknotes, changing some song lyrics and watermarks on product packaging and everyone proceeding to live their lives exactly as they had been doing before.

That's how I feel about it all anyway. Not saying I'm right.

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47 minutes ago, Kokosnuss said:

A self-perpetuation of perceived importance that ultimately amounts to a different face on a few coins & banknotes, changing some song lyrics and watermarks on product packaging and everyone proceeding to live their lives exactly as they had been doing before.

Try telling that to the poor souls who have to go through every episode of Kavanagh KC, dubbing and editing where neccesary.


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51 minutes ago, Alpha said:

Think it's a shame that some didn't watch this historic event in the UK. 

I think, even if I wasn't pro Royal family, that I'd still watch some. I can't imagine not being interested in significant world events. 

Some don't consider it a 'significant' event. It's a funeral, not a flood (Pakistan), war (Ukraine) or earthquake (Mexico).

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3 hours ago, Unlucky Alf said:

I think it's a shame that people think it's a shame that people didn't watch, Never watched a second of it, I stood up for the minutes silence at PP...job done ?

I'm not digging anyone out. I mean I think it's a shame that people don't enjoy historical grand events and watching British pomp in full flow. 

I think you've taken it as a dig that I think people who didn't watch are disrespectful or something. 

I mean i think this event can fill you with patriotic pride and thrill the historians and for some people it doesn't. Their interests lie elsewhere. Nothing wrong with it. Just a shame it doesn't bring everyone together. 

I'd say the same about The Olympics or world cups where some people don't give a toss. They're missing out. It's not shame on them. 


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2 hours ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

Some don't consider it a 'significant' event. It's a funeral, not a flood (Pakistan), war (Ukraine) or earthquake (Mexico).

Relax man, jeez. 

How have people managed to make out I've had a dig at them. 

It is a significant event. It's a shame some people don't consider it so. I've not got a problem with them for it ffs. 

I also think it's a shame I'm not a millionaire, that people don't enjoy things like that. Or that not everyone gives a toss Palestine (war), famine (Afghanistan) etc etc. 

Keep you knickers on. No wonder there's no politics thread. Got your boxing gloves on and I only meant I like to see people brought together. 


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46 minutes ago, Alpha said:

Relax man, jeez. 

How have people managed to make out I've had a dig at them. 

It is a significant event. It's a shame some people don't consider it so. I've not got a problem with them for it ffs. 

I also think it's a shame I'm not a millionaire, that people don't enjoy things like that. Or that not everyone gives a toss Palestine (war), famine (Afghanistan) etc etc. 

Keep you knickers on. No wonder there's no politics thread. Got your boxing gloves on and I only meant I like to see people brought together. 


Are you ok?

It sounds like you are the one who needs to relax. I'm in a transcendent state of serenity.

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4 hours ago, Kokosnuss said:

Obviously I've caught a few bits here and there where it couldn't be avoided, but I haven't intentionally paid attention to any of it tbh. I'm not really a 'joiner-inner' anyway, any hint of 'expected' active participation and I get uncomfortable, just let other people get on with doing their thing and hope nobody tries to force me into action.

I'm not sure I even think of it as a significant world event tbh. It doesn't really change anything about the way most people go about their lives. It's just replacing one head of state who doesn't actually influence much of anything meaningful these days for another. The new one might not be present the same 'cuddly' image but well, oh well.

Clearly though it's important to a lot of people, many do care about it, but as far as I can see its actual significance is really quite confined to those who already feel it's more significant that it is. A self-perpetuation of perceived importance that ultimately amounts to a different face on a few coins & banknotes, changing some song lyrics and watermarks on product packaging and everyone proceeding to live their lives exactly as they had been doing before.

That's how I feel about it all anyway. Not saying I'm right.

It's important to history.

I think the death of a King or Queen is something to be marked by British people. It's the story of our history. The story of our past. And also many of the commonwealth nations may feel the same. 

I don't think I'd say the whole world has to be flipped on its head for an event to be of significant interest. 

It's an event that has rippled across the world. It's gained huge attention. It brings the end of an era. It turns a new page in the history books and there's a new chapter. 

I don't expect everyone to cry over it. I don't expect everyone who doesn't care to shout from the roof tops that they don't care (they obviously care), I don't expect it to cure cancer. 

And what will surprise some people is that you can care about this AND other things too. Or you can care about nothing. 

I don't think there's been an outcry of "why don't you care!!?". I've seen more of people asking "why should I care". Well, don't. That's fine. 

I just thought it was a shame we can't all be brought together in one of the few events that brings about an excuse to celebrate our land, our people, our heritage, our history. 

Just as it's a shame, to me, that my Mrs gets bored in Slovenian museums and vanishes off leaving me to look for her! I just love history and think it plays an important role in giving us all identity. A belonging. Which is something we all seek. 

Plenty of people have died that are of significant interest to millions and millions. Life will go on. But I don't feel the need to jump in and say I don't care. Or call it irrelevant. If that person has impacted millions of lives in any way I say that's significant. Worthy of a page in history. 

I think it's a shame that France no longer has a monarchy. French Kings, Emperor's even, it all links modern France to it's deep history. Its influence on the world. It's fascinating characters. It's the foundations of modern day France and I think it would be nice to see that still living today. 

You're right, the Queen was a face on a stamp etc. But that's the breadcrumbs for future generations. Her death is a significant day in history. 

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6 hours ago, Alpha said:

Think it's a shame that some didn't watch this historic event in the UK. 

I think, even if I wasn't pro Royal family, that I'd still watch some. I can't imagine not being interested in significant world events. 

I watched it most of the day. I'm a socialist but have never been anti royal until the Loch Ness Noncer business really. Protecting Andrew may well bring down the monarchy eventually.

The Queen is part of  our lives, always been there for anyone under 70. My mum is 86 and can remember King George VI passing and the new young Queen Elizabeth coming to the throne. My mum links the Queen to the rebuilding of the country after the war and rationing, then the blossoming of a free Health Service, great gains for working people, holiday pay, decent public services, affordable housing on one wage, pensions, it was a golden age of a capitalist system with socialist checks and balances. 

The years from around the Queens coronation in 1953 to  fairly recently was very probably the best ever time for ordinary working people in history.

I fear the circle is turning once again and the Queens passing may well be the end of an era of working folks chance of a decent life.

Read up about Kwasi Kwartengs regulation free enterprise zones and think about where we are going.


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