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The Ukraine War


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51 minutes ago, ramit said:

Some are of the opinion that Ukrainian secret service and western secret services have recruited Prigozhin and convinced him that on the road to Moscow the mayors of towns and cities would openly support him, along with armed units and then a coup would succeed.

Others suspect that this is a ploy by Putin and Prigozhin to establish a reason to take a more hard line position and to expose and replace the commanders, mayors etc who fell for the ploy.

Time will tell...perhaps, but i wouldn't search for clues for what this is in the news reporting, except maybe to spot what it isn't.

You're a little closer geographically to Russia than us here in the UK...so I'll agree with you 😁 

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BBC reporting from Reuters that "the Kremlin say avoiding bloodshed and punishing people and have decided not to punish the Wagner soldiers and also they say Prigozhin will move to Belarus and the case against him is dropped and added they do not know where he is now"

Well a strange day has been had 😁


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2 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

For real insight I've been listening to the expert panel on GB News.

It's 3 people....

1- a young lady I don't recognize 

2- Aggie from "how clean is your house"

3- ex radio 1 dj mike read.

The insights are flowing........ Jesus Mary and Joseph....🙄

Mike Read has bona fide GB news credentials thanks to his blacked-up calypso 'fun' at a UKIP conference.

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35 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

For real insight I've been listening to the expert panel on GB News.

It's 3 people....

1- a young lady I don't recognize 

2- Aggie from "how clean is your house"

3- ex radio 1 dj mike read.

The insights are flowing........ Jesus Mary and Joseph....🙄

Don't upset @Archied.

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2 minutes ago, Gritstone Ram said:

I would suggest that Yevgeny Prigozhin is very careful what he eats and maybe open his door with lead gloves.


He is marching his troops Moscow bound and then, despite travelling hundreds of miles capitulates to a Russian (Proxy) ally in Belarus.

I would suggest he was told "you retreat and go to Belarus, or we drop a tactical nuclear device on you and your men in five minutes'.  He, and his men, at least have a small chance of survival this way.

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2 minutes ago, CBX1985 said:


He is marching his troops Moscow bound and then, despite travelling hundreds of miles capitulates to a Russian (Proxy) ally in Belarus.

I would suggest he was told "you retreat and go to Belarus, or we drop a tactical nuclear device on you and your men in five minutes'.  He, and his men, at least have a small chance of survival this way.

It was a quick turnaround.

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7 hours ago, CBX1985 said:


He is marching his troops Moscow bound and then, despite travelling hundreds of miles capitulates to a Russian (Proxy) ally in Belarus.

I would suggest he was told "you retreat and go to Belarus, or we drop a tactical nuclear device on you and your men in five minutes'.  He, and his men, at least have a small chance of survival this way.

More likely monies done the talking again.

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43 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

More likely monies done the talking again.

That's one reason that's been talked about, But he's worth 100s of millions of £$€s, They found a shed load of loot in his premises, It's reported that the USA knew something was happening 3 days ago as Prigozhins forces and weapons were moving towards Russia.

Prigozhin will not stay quiet, Putin will know this, Lukashenko has earned Putins thanks, Lukashenko will now look like a peace maker and get some brownie points.

Where does Putin go from here?, I'm sure there was support from other Russian agencies for Wagner to get 200kms from Moscow, Was there a threat to use tactical nukes on him?, Did he have the forces to take Moscow?, The Russian people will be confused if they have been following on Telegram as their own news agency only puts out propaganda, There could now be a purge for Putin to assert his authoritarian policies.


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1 hour ago, Tamworthram said:

More likely monies done the talking again.

Doubt it.  He would make far more money should he make it to the Kremlin.  Putin is believed to world's richest man.  The general was scared - he himself is now a dead man walking (his men might be spared).

No value in money when you are dead.  He cannot travel as he is wanted by the International Criminal Court, so can only go to Belarus, where Putin can very easily have him killed.

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28 minutes ago, CBX1985 said:

Doubt it.  He would make far more money should he make it to the Kremlin.  Putin is believed to world's richest man.  The general was scared - he himself is now a dead man walking (his men might be spared).

No value in money when you are dead.  He cannot travel as he is wanted by the International Criminal Court, so can only go to Belarus, where Putin can very easily have him killed.

I presume he's aware of that. So why go there?

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We are just being played. Interest rate hike announcement on Friday, and revolution in Russia next day. Bloody Tories, and their BBC chums, pumping out fake news to deflect from poor management of our economy.

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28 minutes ago, ketteringram said:

I presume he's aware of that. So why go there?

Putin will not have wanted to nuke an area 100miles from Moscow.  But that was the only way to stop him (what else could he offer a man prepared to mutineer against him?  

After agreeing terms, he needed some "way out".  That was it - nowhere that might offer relative safety would allow him in.

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Prigozhin didn't think he would threaten Moscow and Putin would surrender, apologise and have over hand over the keys

Russia always hide things in plain sight and make minimal effort (on purpose) to cover their lies. 

This looks like a scripted event and it wouldn't surprise me if that's exactly what it was. Unless it's a play by Prigozhin to pressure the MoD?

No way did he threaten Putin on a whim and change his mind 10 minutes later after Putin told him off. 

He's going to hide in Belarus? Yeah, I'm sure he'll be safe there. 

I very much doubt The West has recruited him. How does that make sense for either side?

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