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17 minutes ago, DCFC1388 said:

this is the first I have heard the 4.5k cap was imposed by Mel? Pretty sure it was part of the EFL embargo ruling

As i put in my post It wasn't imposed by Mel,it was imposed by the EFL because Mel would only provide enough funds to just keep the club ticking over,it is separate from the embargo.

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1 hour ago, Beetle said:

Its not said if teh accoutns will be published or not before the decision is made. You would have thought we could have visibility of them now the EFL have confirmed we met the deadline?

The accounts will only be finalised after the deal with the EFl is agreed. That’s what it’s about 

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4 minutes ago, DCFC Kicks said:

Think of all the other clubs who cheated but got away with it because they got promoted, and how angry and insignificant that would make the EFL feel. It feels like the EFL are unleashing all that anger on us because we're the one club they've managed to hold on to.

we couldn't even cheat properly

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18 minutes ago, DCFC Kicks said:

Think of all the other clubs who cheated but got away with it because they got promoted, and how angry and insignificant that would make the EFL feel. It feels like the EFL are unleashing all that anger on us because we're the one club they've managed to hold on to.

No correction, we're the only club that screwed up by not getting promoted after massively overspending so we're now at the mercy of their whims. 

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1 minute ago, RoyMac5 said:

Because not all of the 'mess' is our fault and they might find their club has a run-in with the EFL over something similiar.

covid P&S rules mean that his sort of stuff has been kicked 12 months down the road.  I don't share your view that our competitors have so much sympathy for our predicament that they will get involved.  We are just a club that they hope will take up one of the relegation spots

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2 minutes ago, Spanish said:

covid P&S rules mean that his sort of stuff has been kicked 12 months down the road.  I don't share your view that our competitors have so much sympathy for our predicament that they will get involved.  We are just a club that they hope will take up one of the relegation spots

I didn't say they DID I suggested they should because they might be next!

Edited by RoyMac5
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Quote from Simon Jordon from Talk Sport

"It is in the League's rules, there is a parameter to be able to accept fines or points' penalties if you are more prepared to not go through appeal processes. So this is a matter of fact, they are going to get a points sanction."

Asked why the EFL does not just apply that sanction, Jordan replied: "Because if they apply it, then they (Derby) will appeal it. If they can get them to agree it, then there is no appeal.

"If they automatically apply the sanction, Derby go 'we'll appeal it', back into the long grass it goes for another year. If they can get an agreement between the League and the club, saying this is what we are going to do. That is what they are negotiating."


Edited by Unlucky Alf
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1 minute ago, Unlucky Alf said:

Quote from Somn Jordon from Talk Sport

"It is in the League's rules, there is a parameter to be able to accept fines or points' penalties if you are more prepared to not go through appeal processes. So this is a matter of fact, they are going to get a points sanction."

Asked why the EFL does not just apply that sanction, Jordan replied: "Because if they apply it, then they (Derby) will appeal it. If they can get them to agree it, then there is no appeal.

"If they automatically apply the sanction, Derby go 'we'll appeal it', back into the long grass it goes for another year. If they can get an agreement between the League and the club, saying this is what we are going to do. That is what they are negotiating."


Well yes we gathered that.

But we don't know what they think we've done wrong and so can't see whether punishment is due or fit.

Edited by RoyMac5
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1 minute ago, Unlucky Alf said:

Quote from Somn Jordon from Talk Sport

"It is in the League's rules, there is a parameter to be able to accept fines or points' penalties if you are more prepared to not go through appeal processes. So this is a matter of fact, they are going to get a points sanction."

Asked why the EFL does not just apply that sanction, Jordan replied: "Because if they apply it, then they (Derby) will appeal it. If they can get them to agree it, then there is no appeal.

"If they automatically apply the sanction, Derby go 'we'll appeal it', back into the long grass it goes for another year. If they can get an agreement between the League and the club, saying this is what we are going to do. That is what they are negotiating."


fines or points, they will suggest a penalty which may not be points and we have 14 days to accept.  The wording stating there is no timetable indicates they haven't issued a letter yet.  Jordan is very fallible

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3 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

Well yes we gathered that.

But we don't know what they think we've done wrong and so can't see whether punishment is due or fit.

Well if SJ is correct, Then MM and his advisers have accepted the punishment for P&S overspend, Or did you gather that also?

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1 minute ago, Unlucky Alf said:

Well if SJ is correct, Then MM and his advisers have accepted the punishment for P&S overspend, Or did you gather that also?

well from the words spoken I would say that we haven't accepted the penalty, they want to get an agreement, issue the letter and get us to formally agree to its, then there is no appeal delay

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Just now, Spanish said:

well from the words spoken I would say that we haven't accepted the penalty, they want to get an agreement, issue the letter and get us to formally agree to its, then there is no appeal delay

well until Boro challenge it as being insufficient

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47 minutes ago, Elwood P Dowd said:

My reading of the EFL statement is “Nothing has been decided yet” however, if we have breached FFP then a point deduction is coming our way. They say that every confidant has their own confidant  so it’s easy to see how information would leak out.

I read it as dont believe all the crap on social media 

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45 minutes ago, Ramarena said:


Hi is that the editor of the Daily Mail??????

It’s MR Gibson if Middlesbrough FC here……………let’s get straight to it.

I’m telling the EFL to give Derby a 9 point deduction with 3 suspended because, I’m such a generous chap!

Can you put that in a prominent part of your newspaper please?

He’s calling the complaints line at Just for men hair colour, asking for his money back

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46 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

Quote from Simon Jordon from Talk Sport

"It is in the League's rules, there is a parameter to be able to accept fines or points' penalties if you are more prepared to not go through appeal processes. So this is a matter of fact, they are going to get a points sanction."

Asked why the EFL does not just apply that sanction, Jordan replied: "Because if they apply it, then they (Derby) will appeal it. If they can get them to agree it, then there is no appeal.

"If they automatically apply the sanction, Derby go 'we'll appeal it', back into the long grass it goes for another year. If they can get an agreement between the League and the club, saying this is what we are going to do. That is what they are negotiating."


Would this be the same Simon Jordan that took Palace into administration in 2010?

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