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Hypocrisy !

Seaside Ram

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It made me chuckle last night when after Sterling , Kane and Grealish had dived England into the Final they are described as clever or cute.

But if a Bloody Foreigner does it they are dirty cheats who need banning for 10 games.  When will a commentator or fan just say ' we got away with one there ! ' 

Ridiculous Hypocrisy in my eyes !!

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Wouldn't say it was plain diving. All players do it to a certain extent. Sterling got clipped, slightest bit of contact but that's all it takes when you're running at speed. Was it enough for a penalty? Probably not, and I would have said the same regardless of the team. Did we get away with one? No. We dominated the game and I fully believe we would've scored anyway. Denmark were knackered. 

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24 minutes ago, Seaside Ram said:

It made me chuckle last night when after Sterling , Kane and Grealish had dived England into the Final they are described as clever or cute.

But if a Bloody Foreigner does it they are dirty cheats who need banning for 10 games.  When will a commentator or fan just say ' we got away with one there ! ' 

Ridiculous Hypocrisy in my eyes !!

Give It a rest. Enjoy It. 

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2 minutes ago, maxjam said:


Exactly my point , everyone cheats and the front line of England are right up there with them . Let's just hope Lady Karma doesn't bite back on Sunday. Then we might not hear about clever and cute play ! ?

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Football is full of cheating and pathetic behaviour. 

All of it. They even do it on parks on a Sunday morning sometimes now. 

But the desperation to discredit England has been new. Usually they get to say "told ya they're overpaid, overrated mercenaries". 

Lots of fear out there that England will win it. 

If only Denmark hadn't been second best for about 95/100 minutes. 

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13 minutes ago, Seaside Ram said:

Exactly my point , everyone cheats and the front line of England are right up there with them . Let's just hope Lady Karma doesn't bite back on Sunday. Then we might not hear about clever and cute play ! ?

There are different levels of 'cheating' though. 

If you get get touched in the box you're gonna go down - its up to the ref to decide whether it was a foul or not.  Harry Kane falls over all over the pitch at the slightest touch, I don't consider it cheating, its playing to the letter of the law.

Punching the ball in the net, falling over when you've not been touched, playing dead when you're not injured is cheating and should result in yellow card. 

It looked to me like Sterling was barged from the side - albeit lightly and went down, we got the penalty, VAR checked it wasn't a clear and obvious error end of.  All the twitter noise is probably mostly just the Scottish and the self hating English ? 

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9 minutes ago, maxjam said:

There are different levels of 'cheating' though. 

If you get get touched in the box you're gonna go down - its up to the ref to decide whether it was a foul or not.  Harry Kane falls over all over the pitch at the slightest touch, I don't consider it cheating, its playing to the letter of the law.

Punching the ball in the net, falling over when you've not been touched, playing dead when you're not injured is cheating and should result in yellow card. 

It looked to me like Sterling was barged from the side - albeit lightly and went down, we got the penalty, VAR checked it wasn't a clear and obvious error end of.  All the twitter noise is probably mostly just the Scottish and the self hating English ? 

And half ?? ! ?

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Defender left his leg out and Sterling fell over it. In the old days a penalty was when the defender fouled the attacker inside the box, now a penalty is when the defender has given the attacker opportunity to be fouled. It's the way the game is played today, leave your leg dangling and someone is going to 'fall' over it. I don't like it but anyone who is surprised by it hasn't watched a football match in ten years, or actually more than five minutes.

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2 hours ago, Seaside Ram said:

It made me chuckle last night when after Sterling , Kane and Grealish had dived England into the Final they are described as clever or cute.

But if a Bloody Foreigner does it they are dirty cheats who need banning for 10 games.  When will a commentator or fan just say ' we got away with one there ! ' 

Ridiculous Hypocrisy in my eyes !!

It’s coming home mate ?

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We all loved the wardrobe because he was doing it on our side. It wasn't particularly sporting of him but we didn't mind because we were winning.

England deserved the win. There's no one really arguing that they didn't. Sterling was excellent all game, and whilst in my mind's eye that moment will always be at least 90% "duck it, I'll throw myself down and give it a chance" he's no worse than most.

Yes the media and fan hypocrisy is infuriating and should be called out. It is even more amplified given the context.

Plus, it has given anyone of an "ABE" mindset the validation that anything England achieve now is 100% illegitimate.


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15 hours ago, Alpha said:

Lots of fear out there that England will win it. 

Judging by the OTT, inescapable, unbearably smug, excessively saccharine media response to them finally not ducking up a semi final or earlier round at a major tournament I'd say the fear is very justified.

You'd think we were a country on the level of Estonia and it's some sort of miraculous achievement against all odds and expectations for us to even be in the competition. The hype is absolutely ducking unbelievable.

Then there's the whole patriotic overload, the insinuation that "the whole nation" was sat there a nervous wreck throughout the match and a blubbering mess after it, all waving their flags and singing along to "Sweet Caroline" (I mean ducking hell, really?) while they hug their mates; that they'll be marking it down on the calendar as the greatest day of their lives, or soon to be the second greatest day of their lives, all because England have finally done something they should have been able to do years ago and done repeatedly, but kept ducking it up.

I'm surprised there aren't calls for 7th July itself to be made a public holiday, never mind the 11th!

Supporting England feels the same to me as the idea of dancing at a wedding reception, or clapping along and raising lighters at a gig but only when the band says so; an audience swaying their arms on X-Factor because there's a light above stage telling the it's their time to do so... and everyone bloody does it. Probably in time to Sweet Caroline. Kill me.

A total cringefest of enforced togetherness and mandated enjoyment. "If you're not full of joyous emotion right now there's something wrong with you!I" - not said directly, but heavily implied when listening to Sam Matterface's overbearing commentary.  The last thing it did was make me feel involved, if anything it's pushed me further away.

Can't even have a little smirk of schadenfreude at England losing to an inferior team anymore, it's been written that they've already achieved greatness by getting to a final and, because it's against Italy in a sick twist of fate England are the underdog, and I've sworn to support the bloody underdog, haven't I? duck.

I can only imagine how bad it'll get, and for how long, if they actually win it. Maybe all channels broadcasting any content involving an English football fan will go off air as the sight of everyone disappearing up each other's arses is seen as obscene material? Oh poo, just remembered it'll be after the watershed so anything goes, and maybe everyone will just spontaneously combust so there's nobody to turn off the feed.

God it's going to be unwatchable.

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16 hours ago, Seaside Ram said:

It made me chuckle last night when after Sterling , Kane and Grealish had dived England into the Final they are described as clever or cute.

But if a Bloody Foreigner does it they are dirty cheats who need banning for 10 games.  When will a commentator or fan just say ' we got away with one there ! ' 

Ridiculous Hypocrisy in my eyes !!

Hypocrisy is non-England fans trying to tell us we should be ashamed of it, or trying to devalue our victory when they think that Maradona's hand ball, Ronaldo's wink, Lampard's ghost goal, Simeone's theatrics are all hilarious.

Show me a football fan (club or international) that has never celebrated a win for their team off the back of a favourable decision and I'll show you a liar.

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No idea how to break this cycle. We are somewhat charmless, graceless and ungenerous in victory, so neutrals don't want us to be successful and rejoice in our many misfortunes. 

Which in turn generates a siege mentality and a completely disproportionate need for us to be "better than them" to put them back in their assumed rightful place, and so it goes round and round. 

Was I the only one struck by the difference in our home and away crowds? The shots in Rome were showing largely families, people smiling and waving flags. The home crowds shots have been far more heavily male, with many more shaking fists, faces contorted with shouting and just generally looking a lot less pleasant. 

I think it's a cultural thing probably linked to loss of national stature. Portugal went through a similar cycle much earlier than us and have a special word - saudade - to mean a kind of bittersweet nostalgia for the loss of their historical importance. Perhaps it's a journey we're still going through.... 

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26 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

Was I the only one struck by the difference in our home and away crowds? The shots in Rome were showing largely families, people smiling and waving flags. The home crowds shots have been far more heavily male, with many more shaking fists, faces contorted with shouting and just generally looking a lot less pleasant.

While I will support England as a team I revile England fans - they never fail to show everything that is bad about our country, remain tainted in right wing bias and overly 'Brexity' patriotism. Very little endearing about them, booing the national anthems being a good case in point. Remember standing outside a pub in London in the 80s (we were playing Brazil) and watching a group of England fans lobbing pint pots onto anyone black who walked through the underpass below. Sorry, but much of that way of thinking is still present in 'the' England fan and it is why nothing could convince me to actually go watch them live ever again.

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37 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

No idea how to break this cycle. We are somewhat charmless, graceless and ungenerous in victory, so neutrals don't want us to be successful and rejoice in our many misfortunes. 

Which in turn generates a siege mentality and a completely disproportionate need for us to be "better than them" to put them back in their assumed rightful place, and so it goes round and round. 

Was I the only one struck by the difference in our home and away crowds? The shots in Rome were showing largely families, people smiling and waving flags. The home crowds shots have been far more heavily male, with many more shaking fists, faces contorted with shouting and just generally looking a lot less pleasant. 

I think it's a cultural thing probably linked to loss of national stature. Portugal went through a similar cycle much earlier than us and have a special word - saudade - to mean a kind of bittersweet nostalgia for the loss of their historical importance. Perhaps it's a journey we're still going through.... 

We're just an ugly nation as a whole..............except me of course!

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100% not a dive for the penalty. The contact brought him down.. whether that was enough to deserve a penalty is debateable however.

Kane also wasn't diving to win freekicks. Instead, he invited challenges which forced him to the ground.


Some people seem to struggle to tell the difference between inviting a challenge to win a freekick, being brought down from minimal contact, going down too easily, 'sticking a leg out', and diving.

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17 hours ago, Seaside Ram said:

It made me chuckle last night when after Sterling , Kane and Grealish had dived England into the Final they are described as clever or cute.

But if a Bloody Foreigner does it they are dirty cheats who need banning for 10 games.  When will a commentator or fan just say ' we got away with one there ! ' 

Ridiculous Hypocrisy in my eyes !!

That's such a boring typical response that always comes up every time an English player or England do well. It's almost cliché. 

It's similar to the overused " He's so overrated, it's only because he's English". where so many people say it that it weirdly makes the player underrated if anything.

and where has this "But if a Bloody Foreigner does it they are dirty cheats" come from? If anything English players get more stick than any other nationality, usually followed by this exact cliché statement you've put. Grealish constantly gets called a diver but I can't remember the last time I saw him win a freekick and though he dived to win it, even when he plays for Villa and I'm not on his side, he literally just get fouled a lot. 

Why are these statements always suggesting that "everyone's saying England were clever, but if so and so did it....". When in fact there's more of these statements complaining than there are the original statements they're complaining about?!

Why is no one talking about the fact that it also wasn't a foul for Denmark's freekick they scored from?


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