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EFL Verdict


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How many more clubs are the EFL going to forcibly attempt to send into liquidation once they finally move on from us?

Their failings as an organisation have seen the end or became within a whisker of seeing the end of a handful already, there's no sign of of any conscience or sense of responsibility from them though.

They'd rather sacrifice an entire club with over 120 years of history to appease one or two playing crybaby on the assumption that we've somehow gained an advantage over them (an advantage that in reality we haven't. even. bloody. gained) and save face by constantly appealing until they get someone to tell them they're 'right'... but that's not enough, no, they then want to appeal and appeal and appeal until someone finally agrees to implement their ridiculously OTT punishment.

They've already cost us far more than anything our methods could possibly have cost anyone else.

Protecting your member clubs my arse. They don't even know the meaning of the word. Absolute ducking scum more akin to the mafia than a sporting body.

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1 hour ago, JfR said:

Personally, I don't read that "interchangeable fixture list" section as being related to the resubmission of the accounts, but just that the EFL hope to have the punishment for the amortisation offence changed on appeal to a points deduction last season. Surely the commission can't issue a punishment for an offence that they don't even know to have been committed and if so to what extent, and I'm sure if this were the case the EFL would spell it out more clearly in the statement. If we do breach the overspend limits, I'd imagine that would constitute a different offence and would have to go through another disciplinary process.

To add to this, I'm relatively calm on this part as I believe it's remarkably unlikely that the appeal panel would change a £100k fine into a relegation. The original panel would have had to have got it staggeringly wrong for that to be the case.

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Just getting fed up with Derby County as a whole at the moment, but mainly the EFL. 

I am trying not to sound like a man child at this point but they are genuinely ruining my interest in Football. Reading this statement whilst sat at work, is just mind blowing? The time of it as well is staggering to say the least. Genuinely can’t be bothered with bad news anymore regarding a club I love.

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So we’re allowed a 39m pound loss in the 3 seasons for which we need to re-submit the accounts

We’re allowed to include the 80m sale figure of the stadium from the third year in the three year accounts

And yet the league statement clearly suggests that they expect we’ll be in breach.  

Am I being ridiculously optimistic that I expect the club to come out with a ‘we’re not in breach’ statement in the morning. 


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Mel will bring in a top lawyer for the appeal.

He will fight this.

Mel is rumoured to be asking circa 50 million for the club.

Assuming the club is relegated then I would value Derby at 20 million.

The delay in finding new owners could well be connected to this.

Derby have the right to appeal.

I thought that the original decision thar found in favour of the club still stands. Only part of the decision that changed related to the amortisation of the players.

Mel probably doesn't want to see 30 million knocked of the value of the club and so will appeal against the decision if it leads to relegation to league one.

Mel decision to bring in Rooney back fired because a more experienced manager could have meant the club gained more points and then any points deduction  would not have been the issue it has potential to be.

Imagine under an experienced manager Derby had gained 50% more points than under Rooney.

In my opinion Mel brought Rooney in as a name to help sell the club, that has not worked.

Had Derby achieved 50% more points last season, there would be no relegation issue and perhaps more chance of finding new owners.

If Derby are relegated, I dont see Rooney as the best option to promote the club next season.

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1 hour ago, California Ram. said:

So we’re allowed a 39m pound loss in the 3 seasons for which we need to re-submit the accounts

We’re allowed to include the 80m sale figure of the stadium from the third year in the three year accounts

And yet the league statement clearly suggests that they expect we’ll be in breach.  

Am I being ridiculously optimistic that I expect the club to come out with a ‘we’re not in breach’ statement in the morning. 


We are only allowed to include £40m from the sale of the stadium as it was in the books having a value of £40m already, 

I do not think we will be in breach the club has had 2 years to plan for this outcome and I anticipate that they have a plan already in place, to ensure no further action,  if I was any of the other clubs I would be furious at the legal bills the EFL are running up pursuing the Rams and if I was Mel I would appeal and call Nick de Marco

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One point that everyone appears to be overlooking is....

This is unfair on Wycombe. How can they prepare for the new season not knowing which League they will be in? Do they go out and find new players so that they're competitive? And, if so, at what standard? Do they need to sell to make ends meet?

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2 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

One point that everyone appears to be overlooking is....

This is unfair on Wycombe. How can they prepare for the new season not knowing which League they will be in? Do they go out and find new players so that they're competitive? And, if so, at what standard? Do they need to sell to make ends meet?

Who cares about Wycombe they should not have been in the championship last season, they only got in on points per game.

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10 minutes ago, Charlotte Ram said:

Who cares about Wycombe they should not have been in the championship last season, they only got in on points per game.

Wycombe and their fans are not the enemy here. The EFL have demonstrated their incompetence multiple times in the past. The way this has been managed, culminating in a press release a few hours ahead of the fixture list, shows how unfit for purpose they are. They are not alone with the FA and Premier league providing good company. As always fans come a poor second

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As long as the club are confident that the stadium sale means we still pass P&S for the period in question - accept the fine and resubmit all outstanding accounts using straight line amortisation. Surely in doing so, this would benefit is in the present - if the previous amortisation was weighted heavily towards the back end of contracts, a straight line method would make the last couple of year's losses not look as bad? 

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So it's resubmission of 3 years of accounts. 

If each single year of accounts features in 3 sets of ffp calculations, because ffp uses a rolling 3 year period, how many sets of ffp calculations may need revising and resubmitting? 

Anyone know why there was the "if necessary" qualifier on the consequential instruction to revise ffp calcs? My understanding was that if you change the accounting number then that is the starting point for ffp and so all the numbers will change. 

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38 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

So it's resubmission of 3 years of accounts. 

If each single year of accounts features in 3 sets of ffp calculations, because ffp uses a rolling 3 year period, how many sets of ffp calculations may need revising and resubmitting? 

Anyone know why there was the "if necessary" qualifier on the consequential instruction to revise ffp calcs? My understanding was that if you change the accounting number then that is the starting point for ffp and so all the numbers will change. 

I think there would be three 3-year periods that need revising - the three years up to and including each newly revised set of accounts - and an additional two 3-year periods to be submitted with the club now knowing how the 2019 and 2020 accounts need to be submitted.

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4 hours ago, EraniosSocks said:

Just getting fed up with Derby County as a whole at the moment, but mainly the EFL. 

I am trying not to sound like a man child at this point but they are genuinely ruining my interest in Football. Reading this statement whilst sat at work, is just mind blowing? The time of it as well is staggering to say the least. Genuinely can’t be bothered with bad news anymore regarding a club I love.

Yep feel the same. Just enough

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So, Sam Rush was fired 2017 and stadium was sold 2018 to balance the mess he left? Am I intepreting this correctly?

Mel has been been targetted a lot but before I join the hunt, I wanna know is he just a scapegoat?

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Had enough now & cant be bothered. Between the EFL and Mel this is a clown show. We keep bending rules and they are intent om sending us down. Just want to sign a few players and enjoy football again which none of us can at the moment 

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