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Stagnation setting in?


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Nothing to talk about or comment on.

Apathy and indifference amongst many fans

No season ticket news

No transfer speculation

No retained list

No recent information on anything really.

I'm not sure if I've known a period like this in my long history of supporting the Rams. I think it is worrying as long term supported will start to feel they can simply get along fine without the hassle and expense of supporting a team, I feel a bit cut adrift TBH and starting to feel totally apathetic and somewhat taken for granted or ignored.



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I agree, I'm not sure if it's my age (as Bill Clinton said, I've got more yesterdays than tomorrows) but I just feel I've not really got the interest in going through another transition, bottom out and relaunch. Especially as this feels like the Peter Taylor / Roy Mac into Arthur era over again and we've got a few years before this is turned around. Derby will always be my club, I will always watch the team with passion and love but I do feel that we have got ourselves into a pickle here that it very much of our own making and I'm just not too invested to be thinking about following us game by game through another relegation fight.

That said, three wins to start the season and I'll be back and watching every pre-match conference. Fickle? Moi?

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11 minutes ago, Eatonram said:

Nothing to talk about or comment on.

Apathy and indifference amongst many fans

No season ticket news

No transfer speculation

No retained list

No recent information on anything really.

I'm not sure if I've known a period like this in my long history of supporting the Rams. I think it is worrying as long term supported will start to feel they can simply get along fine without the hassle and expense of supporting a team, I feel a bit cut adrift TBH and starting to feel totally apathetic and somewhat taken for granted or ignored.



I was thinking the same thing yesterday, I think there was up to 10 hours of inactivity on the main DCFC topic board yesterday.

I get the season ticket thing to a degree which won't be helped by whatever Boris has got to say later, but everything else is very strange.

Pre season normally starts around 1st July which is just over 2 weeks away. We've had some pretty dodgy pre-seasons recently that have no doubt had a negative affect on the team but this one looks like being the most worrying of the lot.

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I know what you mean, it's hard to get much discussion momentum bar a couple of pun-infested threads. After previous frankly embarrassing takeover sagas, I do understand that the club is probably waiting to announce something when it is certain of what it is announcing but in the meantime it is eerily quiet. Not really even much in the way of credible ITK hints either.

Fans are out of pocket, the club is a financial mess, we have no idea what the EFL are planning for us in terms of points deductions or fines, we have no idea if we will have new owners and if so who they are. There are just a few regurgitated transfer rumours linking us to anyone and everyone along with a long list of better placed Championship clubs. No retained list, no incoming or outgoing transfer news.

Absolute tumbleweed. I'd say that it is only natural for even pretty staunch fans to be a bit 'meh' about things at the moment.

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I'm really not concerned over the 'C word' tbh. Even if there is a set back in 'freedom day' the vaccine roll out is going at an extremely swift pace and the euros are showing crowds of 20-30,000 can be managed already, let alone what can be done come august time. I'm pretty confident we'll all be back in the stadium with away fans by the first game of the season if the speed of the roll out continues at this pace. 

On the other bits, the club has gotten itself into a real pickle that I'm struggling for us to see an easy way out of. All takeover talk seems to have gone quiet and we need a massive rebuild of the squad with very little money to chuck at it. Combined with this is a statistically awful manager who gave us a worse end to the season than we had start under Cocu yet somehow has clung onto his job. I'm not sure if the best approach is to try to sell off some of the youngsters in the hope we can put together some cash or hold onto them, hope they come good and boost the squad with free transfers and loans. I think whatever we do it'll likely be a very long season. 

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1 hour ago, Eatonram said:

Nothing to talk about or comment on.

Apathy and indifference amongst many fans

No season ticket news

No transfer speculation

No retained list

No recent information on anything really.

I'm not sure if I've known a period like this in my long history of supporting the Rams. I think it is worrying as long term supported will start to feel they can simply get along fine without the hassle and expense of supporting a team, I feel a bit cut adrift TBH and starting to feel totally apathetic and somewhat taken for granted or ignored.



That's exactly how I feel now

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Agreed - I've found myself going whole days without looking on here because there is nothing to talk about.

Coupled with all the on-going saga's, but the biggest being ownership, I've also accepted we are not about to spend any money, so the transfer thread is pretty pointless as well.

Ultimately - this is the first real season I think I'm going into where my only hope and wish is not to be relegated, and maybe, just maybe, I can even go to a game.

I mean, Bojo's probably announcement today just throws everything into turmoil again. If restrictions were to be released on the 21st June, you'd assume that meant that fans could attend games as normal for the opening date in August. Now this is going to be pushed back four weeks, you have to ask what real difference four weeks will genuinely make, and therefore although the new proposed opening date in July is still before the start of the season, I'm sure the last thing the club want is the paralysis of working on the assumption of no restrictions in ticket sales, and then finding out they are capped at 25% (8000) or something like that.

It'll be an absolute nightmare at the club at the moment. 

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I’m trying to have a mindset of no news is good news but it’s hard not to worry about things. I’ve never known the club to be in such a state of suspended animation - even after the horror of the 1983/84 season we had by now appointed Arthur Cox and were moving forward slowly. I don’t bother reading the transfer speculation - what’s the point? We have no money, are embargoed and currently have no owner willing to invest. I understand the club are working behind the scenes but it’s so frustrating. 

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I can’t believe how many seem to be going into meltdown, worrying about crowds next season, commenting on the fact there hasn’t been an update on the official site for x number of hours, feeling disengaged etc

Yes, I’d like to know what’s happening with regard to all things Derby but, if there’s a few weeks radio silence then it’s not going to damage my engagement with the club.

The only risk of disengagement for me is with this site. I’ll click on one of the important threads only to see a barrage of new, and increasingly less funny puns. 

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It's been an incredibly strange 12 months from the club in general. It will be interesting to see what happens with the retained list. I would imagine that the older heads will be gone, regardless if we were looking to cut deals with them, I just don't see us being the best offer on the table. Stability in any football club is an absolute fundamental requirement and we can't offer it. 

I get that they're waiting on the government to put plans in place to announce season ticket plans. I guess the EFL will soon announce the point deduction penalty - 6 or 12 points - possibly a 12 point deduction initially and then 6 on appeal. It's going to be a tough season for a young team who are paying the price for years of senior pros under-performing. 

In this situation we really need someone from the top busting a gut to put us in the best possible position going into the new season, but those days under Mel have long gone. He's spending his time looking for a way out while the club deteriorates. I get that he's a business man, first. I've just been really surprised with how sour its turned. You could argue that when Fawaz wanted out of Forest, he left them in a better position than Mel has with Derby which is truly remarkable. 

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Usually in mid-June we are talking about the incoming, new manager and/or potential new owner + players unprofessional behaviour.

I quite like this calm before another storm, because we know it's just behind the corner.


And of course, one could always start a a threat about Chris Martin or Nigel Clough. 

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I think if Mel stays at helm and doesn't dust his wallet out we'll be relegated next season,  with players like Waghorn likely to leave, Clarke probably not coming back as well plus Kazim abit older without a few signings of quality 21st again will be the best we can hope for really. 

I'm just trying to focus on the Euros and forget about Derby for now. 

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